

Ye: Internship on engine development and testing

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

This Internship is dedicated to delving into the study of ray tracing and curve-surface rendering techniques to enhance the delicacy and realism of rendering effects. Simultaneously,provided the opportunity to learn the development of particle systems, constant optimization of the effects and efficiency of particle rendering, aiming to bolster the authenticity of dynamic scenes through more […]

Lee: Spatial release from masking with and without simulated hearing loss – Comparison of different spatial audio reproduction methods

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Hearing loss, particularly prevalent among the elderly population, significantly impairs speech comprehension, especially in noisy environments. To address these challenges, hearing loss simulation offers an effective means of investigating the perceptual consequences of sensorineural hearing loss, particularly its impact on Spatial Release from Masking (SRM). This study aims to explore how varying degrees of simulated […]

Roos: Design and Development of Electronics for Space Robotic Hardware Testing

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

This internship centered on the board design and software development of electronic systems for testing robotics developed at Redwire Space Europe. Hardware developed for space applications has strict requirements due to its high cost and the inability to perform repairs in space. Incomplete or faulty on-ground testing has been shown to significantly increase project risks, […]

Drozdov: Lokalisierungsverhalten individualisierter HRTFs und wie man es vorhersagen kann

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Die individuelle head-related transfer function (HRTF) ist essenziell für die räumliche Audiowiedergabe. Die individuelle Messung der HRTF ist aufwendig, deshalb liegt eine breite Auswahl an Schätzverfahren vor. Diese können ohne Hörversuch jedoch nicht eindeutig hinsichtlich ihrer Qualität bewertet werden. Zur Einordnung von acht HRTF-Schätzverfahren hinsichtlich der Lokalisierungsgenauigkeit wurde deshalb in Vorarbeit ein Hörexperiment durchgeführt. Im […]

Li: Parameter validation of the image edge model using numerical simulations

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Noise is very common in real life, an efficient acoustic propagation model also helps in noise control. Sound propagation changes with environmental factors, which can be complex in real life. COMSOL simulations, using finite or boundary element methods, are widely validated for replicating real-world conditions. The Image Edge Model (IEM), based on the Uniform Theory […]

Struck: Simulated Free Field Measurements

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Time selective techniques that enable measurements of the free field response of a loudspeaker to be performed without the need for an anechoic chamber are presented. The low frequency resolution dependent room size limitations of both time selective measurements and anechoic chambers are discussed. Techniques combining signal processing and appropriate test methods are presented enabling […]

Schäfer: Real-time auralization of aircraft noise considering curved sound propagation

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Aircraft are one of the major noise sources affecting residents close to airports. Classical metrics for noise assessment are usually derived from energy-based quantities, such as known from noise maps. Thus, they only consider human perception in a very basic manner. To investigate the impact of aircraft noise in a more accurate way, it is […]

Kohnen: Combining Reproduction Techniques for Room Auralizations

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Spatial auditory information allows humans to separate sources from each other. Furthermore, source localisation can steer the focus towards events that are not in sight. 3D sound is hence an important feature of human hearing. To investigate the particular effects of sound perception, a controlled reproduction of spatial sound is needed in order to recreate […]

Klein: Vergleich der Doppelbeugung in Simulation und Messung

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

In dieser Arbeit wurde das Image Edge Modell anhand von Messungen im Halbraum in Bezug auf Beugungen höherer Ordnung validiert, damit es in Zukunft für die Simulation der Doppelbeugung in urbanen Szenarien angewendet werden kann. Es ist ein geometrisches Simulationsverfahren in der Akustik, das bisher mit einer einfachen Beugung überprüft wurde. Im Gegensatz zur Messung […]

Ke: Feedback Delay Networks and Room Reverberation Enhancement

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

This presentation covers the internship in the field of audio signal processing at Huawei’s Munich Research Center. Huawei Technologies is a leading global provider of communication technology infrastructure and smart devices. The audiovisual department in Munich is responsible for advanced media technology research, with a particular focus on the standardization of media codecs and 3D […]

Litt: Eine Messapparatur für Schallstreuungs-Charakteristiken

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

DE: Die akustische Schallausbreitung kann mit Hilfe von geometrischen Simulationsmethoden effektiv und in hoher Qualität berechnet werden. Dennoch werden zuverlässige Streukoeffizienten benötigt. In dieser Bachelorarbeit wird ein Freifeld Messaufbau weiterentwickelt und validiert, um das Streumuster unter verschiedenen Schalleinfallswinkeln zu messen. Insbesondere soll ein Lautsprecherbogen weiterentwickelt werden, der die Messzeit durch verschachtelte Sweeps erheblich verkürzt. EN: […]

Heras: Internship on Perceptual Evaluation of Consumer Spatial Audio Solutions over Headphones

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

This presentation covers the internship in the Advanced Technology Team at Bang & Olufsen. The main task invoved a research project focusing on the perceptual evaluation of different spatial audio solutions that may be used for commercial headphones. This included a complete project starting with a review of existing literature, existing technologies, and evaluation methodologies. […]

He: Influence of (non) intelligible background noise on short-term memory and listening effort in conversational situations with running speech

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Background noise poses a significant challenge in daily conversations, impacting short-term memory and listening effort. Existing studies often lack a realistic comparison between different types of background noise, particularly between intelligible and unintelligible noise. In German-speaking contexts, intelligible noise typically refers to recognizable German speech, while unintelligible noise includes traffic sounds, foreign languages, or non-semantic […]

Ke: Distraction due to moving sources in short-term memory tasks

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

The irrelevant sound effect (ISE) is a popular topic in cognitive psychology, referring to the phenomenon where hearing sounds unrelated to a memory task disrupts recall during task performance. Research on the ISE can deepen understanding of the human brain's information processing mechanisms, thereby making contributions to advancements in the medical field while also providing […]

Roos: Influence of Ground Effects in Road Traffic Auralization

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

It is broadly recognized that noise pollution is widespread, especially in urban areas, and can cause long-term psychological effects and health issues. Road traffic noise is a major contributor to noise pollution in residential areas and affects the well-being of a significant number of people. Auralization, the process of making acoustic environments virtually audible through […]

Sinarso: The Impact of Socio-Economic Background on Children’s Speech Perception and Listening Effort

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

It is frequently reported that children from different socioeconomic backgrounds perform differently in school. However, the factors mediating the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and cognitive outcomes remain an ongoing topic of research. This study investigates the extent to which SES inequalities influence speech perception and listening effort, two aspects that could be at the […]

Denker: Industrial internship at Demant A/S

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Content of this presentation is a summary of my tasks and projects I contributed to during my six-months internship in the Centre for Applied Audiology Research (CAAR) for the Oticon brand at Demant A/S in Smørum, Denmark. Generally, there are two kinds of projects the CAAR-Team is occupied with. Firstly, the delivery of reliable and […]

Westphal: Untersuchung von Höranstrengung bei Kindern in realitätsnahen Hörsituationen

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Kinder sind fast täglich mit komplexen akustischen Hörsituationen konfrontiert, wie z. B. im Kindergarten oder in der Schule. Ein aufstrebendes Forschungsgebiet beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie anstrengend das Hören für Kinder in solchen Situationen ist, und wie diese Höranstrengung am besten gemessen werden kann. In dieser Studie wurde ein Response Time Paradigma mit einer […]

Yuan: Plausible Road Traffic Auralization

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

This research focuses on simulating road traffic soundscapes using auralization techniques. A structured workflow for urban traffic auralization is developed by integrating SUMO traffic flow data with acoustic simulation tools such as RAVEN and Pigeon. To generate plausible traffic simulations, a custom script is implemented to produce representative vehicle trajectories. Additionally, parameters such as crossfading […]

Doma: Numerical and Perceptual Evaluation of HRTF Accuracy

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) describe the interaction between the listener’s body and incident sound waves, as they travel from an arbitrary source position to the left and right ear canal entrances. By reproducing spatial cue information for various directions, a multi-dimensional HRTF data set allows for synthesizing virtual sound sources, i.e., artificially creating the impression […]