
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Support, Services & Updates’

Knowledge Sharing develops competencies!

April 30th, 2021 | by
Logo des HPC Wikis

Source: HPC-Wiki

High Performance Computing, or HPC for short, refers to technologies and processes that perform complex computing tasks with high performance. High performance computing involves parallelizing tasks and combining the computing power of multiple systems. HPC is a key technology for our society and for RWTH Aachen University. Typical areas of application are science and research, simulation technology or business intelligence. The size and amount of data that companies work with is growing exponentially and the need to process data in real time is essential for certain purposes.

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Microsoft Federal Contract 3.0 meets Campus Teilhabe

April 30th, 2021 | by
Piece of Cake

Source: Pixabay

On 01.05.2021, the Microsoft Federal Contract 3.0 will take effect. In the course of this, the previous licensing models for Microsoft products at RWTH Aachen University will be changed. In our previous blog posts, we have already reported in detail on the effects of the license change on the use of Microsoft products for work and study on private devices (computers/laptops/tablets).

Today, we would like to present the effects of the license changeon the use of Microsoft products on work-related devices in connection with Campus Teilhabe in the form of a FAQ.




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New digital telephone application for telephone systems

April 28th, 2021 | by
Telephone on a desk

Source: Pixabay

On 23rd May 2000 the Nachrichtentechnische Zentrale (NTZ) of the Zentrale Hochschulverwaltung and the Data center merged to the Computing and Communication Center of the RWTH Aachen University. Since then, the current IT Center (formerly the Computing and Communication Center) has been responsible not only for the data network and the services based on it, but also for the telecommunication infrastructure of the RWTH Aachen University, from the network and its connections to the terminal equipment.

Until now, so-called telecommunication applications (TK-applications for short) had to submit analog the application of connections and/or telephones or their relocation. These TK-applications had to be submit by filling out a form, signing it, stamping it, and sending it to the IT-ServiceDesk by internal mail, fax, or scanned by e-mail. Employees then transferred the given data to our system.

As part of the network renewal at RWTH Aachen University, among other things analog telephone connections converted to IP connections. These telephone connections are coupled to the broadband. This change also involves a change of the telephones to pure VoIP (Voice over IP) devices.

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RWTHmoodle – New features in summer semester 2021

April 19th, 2021 | by
Chalk on blackboard "What's NEW"

Source: Pixabay

Warm and summery days, then suddenly winter again – this year the old farmer’s rule is true again: April does what it wants. But it’s not just the weather that is varied, the new features in RWTHmoodle also offer the opportunity in the summer semester 2021 to expand the functionalities of the learning platform offered and thus bring a little variety into everyday learning.
But what is new?

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Everything is new with M(a)icrosoft – Part 3

April 14th, 2021 | by

Source: Own illustration

As already announced in the first and second part of the blog post “Everything is new with M(a)icrosoft”, the amendment of the university framework agreement with Microsoft is due on 01st May 2021. Based on the questions we have received on this topic, we will now address the most frequently asked questions in the third part of the article and shed some light on the subject.

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Everything is new in M(a)icrosoft – Part 2

April 8th, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

May is coming and with it the information. In the first part of this article, we already reported on the upcoming changes due to the university framework agreement. What this means for you and what will change, you will learn today in the second part.

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12th April 2021

March 31st, 2021 | by

Please note that temp-Moodle will no longer be available for exams as of the winter semester 2021/2022. On April 04, 2022 this temporary Moodle instance will be permanently deleted. Information about electronic exams at RWTH Aachen University can be found in IT Center Help. (*)

12th April plays a particularly important role this year:

  • End of the Easter vacations in NRW
  • Start of lecture period summer semester 2021 at RWTH Aachen University
  • Start of the Take Home Exams via temp-Moodle at RWTH Aachen University

But what do these three things have in common?

Source: Own illustration

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Everything is new in M(a)icrosoft – Part 1

March 30th, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

This is the name of a song or a phrase that indicates that changes are coming in May. This is also the case at Microsoft!

The university framework agreement with Microsoft is being updated and will come into force on May 1, 2021. This will change the previous licensing models for Microsoft products to new licenses.

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Archive Migration – the Big Move of Archived Data

March 26th, 2021 | by

Source: Unsplash

The Archive service enables RWTH employees to store data on a tape robot system for the long term. Archiving data in this way is primarily used to store data that, once stored, should also be stored in this form for the long term.
In the past, data inventories were stored here, primarily documenting measurement results, completed projects or project briefs. With the changes in the funding landscape, which among other things also rethink and demand the keeping of research data, the Archive service is also being rethought. This is partly because the current inventory system will be decommissioned in the summer of 2022 and partly because there is a need to hold data in a structured way in the future. So it’s time for a changeover.

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RWTHmoodle – Setting up a download option for videos on the streaming server

March 22nd, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

You are on the road and want to watch the lecture recording, but you don’t have internet? You want to watch a digital lecture, but the video takes forever to load because your internet connection is not sufficient? Or do you as a lecturer want to offer your students the possibility to watch a video independently from RWTHmoodle?

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