
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘General’

Ethical Decision-Making in IT

May 17th, 2024 | by
Vector pointing to a scale

Source: Freepik

From automated decision-making to data protection and privacy issues, technological developments have a significant impact on society. Today, information and communication technologies have become a matter of course and indispensable in all areas of life. Ethics has long been an issue in business and the world of IT is also increasingly concerned with moral issues. In the context of artificial intelligence (AI) in particular, such conflicts are becoming increasingly prominent. In today’s blog post, we want to shed light on ethical influences in the IT sector.

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HPC Landing Page: High Performance Computing

May 15th, 2024 | by

High Performance Computing (HPC) at RWTH Aachen University acts as a central building block to support the simulation sciences by enabling the development of scalable algorithms and software. Of central importance for innovation in business and society, RWTH High Performance Computing offers various services and research opportunities based on a first-class infrastructure. This means that HPC applications can be executed efficiently and in a scalable manner and large amounts of data can be processed securely and quickly.

Implementation is supported by projects such as JARA, HPC.NRW and, in particular, the National High Performance Computing Center for Computational Engineering Science (NHR4CES). You can read more under the category HPCnews on our blog.


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DSgG 2024 – Website online!

May 13th, 2024 | by
Laptop with arrow pointer mouse cursor

Source: Freepik

We kindly present: The website for this year’s workshop “Data Stewardship goes Germany”, DSgG for short, is online. There you will find everything you need to know about this year’s DSgG. The event will take place on September 11 and 12, 2024 at RWTH Aachen University and is aimed at data stewards, data experts, data curators, data managers, research software engineers and anyone interested in research data management (RDM). We have compiled all the important information for you in this article.

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SocialHub :) PopUp Event 2024

May 8th, 2024 | by

Source: Socialhub:)

How do we actually manage our social media channels? In order to have all channels at a glance and to efficiently optimize the online presence of the IT Center, we, the editorial team, use the tool SocialHub:).

So of course, we couldn’t miss the opportunity to attend this year’s pop-up event in Cologne. Invited guests included SocialHub customers who use the tool in their company as well as external guest speakers.

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CodeClubMG Visit to the Chair of HPC

May 3rd, 2024 | by
CodeClub Presentation

Source: Marc-André Hermanns 
Christian Terboven during the cluster tour

On April 23, 2024, we had the pleasure of welcoming a group of dedicated CodeClubMG students to the Chair of High Performance Computing (Computer Science 12). The visit was organized by Tom Hilgers, Master student of Computer Science and part of the operational management of CodeClubMG. “With the excursion, we bring the students closer to the world of computer science. We were able to show them that computer science is not just about programming, but a very diverse subject area,” Tom tells us.

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Scrapbooking – The Creative Method for Your Everyday Office Life

April 29th, 2024 | by
Pens and a blog on a table

Source: Freepik


When we talk about everyday office life, the image of boring documents, endless spreadsheets and a flood of emails often comes to mind. But what if we could add a creative touch to everyday office life? This is where scrapbooking comes into play – yes, even in the office!


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Company Excursion 2024 – Cologne Here we Come

April 26th, 2024 | by
VR Cave of the University Cologne

Source: Own illustration

The company excursion on April 19, 2024, was a highlight in the IT Center employees’ calendar. The idea of spending a day together outside the office was met with great enthusiasm. The plan was not only to strengthen team ties, but also to gain interesting insights into High Performance Computing at the University of Cologne’s Regional Computing Centre and then to undertake various activities together in Cologne. Almost 120 employees set off to explore Cologne and spend a great day together.

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Meet Us – The Editorial Team

April 19th, 2024 | by
Ten women sitting on a staircase

Source: Own illustration
f.r.t.l., Merrit Mielke, Stéphanie Bauens, Lina-Louise Kaulbach, Dunja Gath, Jelena Nikolic, Linda Stroh, Janin Iglauer, Sara Erdem, Arlinda Ujkani, Morgane Overath

Hey! 🙂

Or “Moin!” as our colleague Merrit from the north would say – we are the editorial team of the IT Center and would like to introduce ourselves to you with this article. Every day we work to provide you with information about our services, IT security updates and news from the IT Center cosmos.

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Availability During the Company Excursion

April 15th, 2024 | by
pink open sign in window

Source: Freepik

Our annual company excursion will take place on Friday, April 19, 2024, which means that some employees of the IT Center and the IT-ServiceDesk will not be available on this day. In some cases, there may be delays in ticket processing or telephone availability.

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PPCES – HPC is in the air in spring!

April 12th, 2024 | by

Source: Own illustration

The PPCES (Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science) has been held at the IT Center since 2001 and has been a great success!

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