
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘IT-Managers’

5 Tips on How to Keep Your Mobile Devices Safe

January 23rd, 2023 | by
Illustration of a smartphone

Source: Own illustration

They keep us connected at all times and in all places. They accompany us everywhere, wake us up, remind us of important appointments and provide us with entertainment. We are, of course, referring to smartphones. What was originally intended as a means of communication is now a calendar, camera, photo album, pocket watch, navigation device, pedometer and game console all in one. Even as most-used devices for Internet access, mobile devices have long since surpassed desktop computers. Smartphones are the very top of the list.

Mobile devices are practical everyday helpers, but they also hold a large amount of personal data, such as bank and credit card information. It is not uncommon for these end devices to even be used for two-factor authentication for bank transactions and other services. This makes them a popular target for hackers. With a few tips, you can effectively protect your mobile devices and the data stored on them. Read the rest of this entry »

IT Center Annual Review 2022

January 18th, 2023 | by


Typewriter with a piece of paper on which Review is written on.

Source: Unsplash

Just a quick blink and 2022 is already over.
Now we are standing in the middle of the first chapter of 2023.
Last year was characterized by many changes, especially based on the motto “ away from online – towards presence”.

We are looking back at the past year and take you with us.

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Tips & Tricks for Microsoft Outlook

January 16th, 2023 | by
Excerpt Outlook calendar

Source: Unsplash

Microsoft Outlook is a popular software that is mainly used for managing e-mails and appointments. You use it to receive and send your e-mails, coordinate appointments, maintain contacts, and manage tasks. Despite the fact that it is frequently used on a daily basis, one doesn’t necessarily know all of its functions. For this reason, we have compiled six useful tips for you below, which will make using Outlook even easier.

Please note that some functions are available in Microsoft Outlook, but do not work or work differently in the web application. The tips and tricks mentioned here refer to the Microsoft Outlook software, which is included in the Office package. Read the rest of this entry »

Have You Said Thank You Yet Today?

January 11th, 2023 | by
"Thank You" as word paper cut in bright colors

Source: Freepik

“Please”, “thank you” and “I’m sorry” are words that can truly work magic and are inevitable in social interaction. In keeping with the international “Thank You Day”, we would like to take this as an opportunity to say thank you to our community – that is, to you. Thank you for reading, liking and sharing our posts!

Do you know this curious holiday? In this blog post we would like to give you some background information about this day.

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Don’t Despair – Contact the IT Center!

January 9th, 2023 | by
Four call center figures with headset

Source: Freepik

You study at RWTH Aachen University or even work for the university and encounter technical challenges from time to time? Then this is the right blog post for you! Here we will show you how you can best find a remedy and how you can reach us if things do get tricky.

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Dynamic Sitting at Work

January 6th, 2023 | by
Illustration: Instructions for correct posture during office work

Source: Freepik

Dynamic sitting at work is an important tool that can help us promote our back health and prevent problems.

When sitting dynamically, we should make sure to constantly shift our weight and change our sitting position. Therefore, if we constantly adopt different sitting positions, we will improve our spinal support muscles on the one hand, and on the other hand, the movement will provide our intervertebral discs with nutrients. Thus, we have the opportunity to prevent unnecessary back pain. At the same time, we can avoid muscular imbalances that occur when muscles atrophy, weaken and ultimately shorten due to one-sided strain.

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New Year’s IT Resolutions

January 2nd, 2023 | by
Notepad with title "New Year's Resolutions" and human figure leaning on pencil

Source: Freepik

We all know it: At the end of each year, many people think about things they want to change or improve in the coming year. Some people want to finally take the plunge into the gym, others are determined to learn a new language, and others are planning to eat healthier. But what about resolutions in the IT sector? You haven’t dealt with that yet? No problem! The following suggestions will help you out a little bit.




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Automated SSL certificates for hosted websites

December 28th, 2022 | by
Graphical representation of a web page

Source: Freepik

Finally, the time has come. Since December 06, 2022 hosted websites are automatically converted to “https” and provided with corresponding SSL certificates. The best thing about it? You don’t have to worry about anything anymore. Read the rest of this entry »

Our Christmas Party at the First IT Center Christmas Market

December 23rd, 2022 | by
Waffle with toppings

First IT Center Christmas Market
Source: Own illustration

All good things come in … “two”! Since our last year’s Christmas party unfortunately had to be cancelled, the already planned and thought-out celebration – our own IT Center Christmas market – was made up for and celebrated on 9 December this year. After all, postponed is not abandoned! The IT Center’s party team was full of beans and organised a wonderful party that lacked nothing. The pre-Christmas season was ushered in with the smell of mulled wine and waffles and musical support from a large part of the IT Center staff.

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Opportunities and Challenges Working From Home – Part 1

December 21st, 2022 | by
Workplace that becomes a place of well-being through many plants

Well-Being Oasis in the Home Office
Source: Unsplash

Since the start of the Corona pandemic in spring 2020, working from home has been part of the daily working life for many of us. Working from home was initially a big change for most of us and offers both opportunities and challenges at the same time. In this blog post, we would like to show you the opportunities that workin from home offers and how to implement them as well as possible challenges and risks that arise from working from home.

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