
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Employees’

Introduction of Adobe SeviRe

October 26th, 2022 | by
Adobe logo

Source: Pixabay


From now on, Adobe can be found in the Selfsevice of Virtual Resources (SeviRe). RWTH employees who have the role of „IT-purchaser” now have the option to manage licenses for Adobe there.

Included products are Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps pro. Read the rest of this entry »

News From the Areas of Servers, Storage and Server Hosting

October 24th, 2022 | by
Computer motherboard with construction worker figures

Source: Freepik

We have some news to announce since our last status report from the Systems Operation Department (SuB). Since December 1, 2021, there are new framework agreements for the procurement of servers and SAN storage systems. In the Virtual Server Hosting section, we have updated information on the infrastructure, the updated VM limits of Virtual Server Hosting as well as new processes for ordering VMs. Stay tuned to learn more about virtual machines and resources at RWTH Aachen University. 

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IT Center Satisfaction Survey 2022 – Your Opinion Counts!

October 19th, 2022 | by
Feedback Collage

Source: Freepik

This week our IT Center Satisfaction Survey 2022 started. This survey is aimed at all people who use the services of the IT Center. In order to continuously improve the quality of services and support through our various communication channels, we conduct a satisfaction survey every year. The survey is anonymous. Read the rest of this entry »

The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Systems and Operation Department

October 14th, 2022 | by
Interview photo with the Head of Department Systems & Operation

Source: Own illustration

#MeetMeWednesday: Recently we had another picture puzzle in store for you. In this puzzle, we were looking for the keyword for the Systems and Operation department. Could you guess it?

The word we were looking for was “gearwheel”. Georg Schramm, head of the department, tells us what it means and how this key word represents the department.

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Changed Opening Hours of the IT-ServiceDesk on October 21, 2022

October 12th, 2022 | by


White receiver on blue background with speechbubbles

Source: Freepik

Due to an internal event, the IT-ServiceDesk will be open on Friday, October 21, 2022 at limited hours.

On this day, our locations Seffenter Weg 23 and SuperC will be closed for personal support. Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome to the Winter Semester 2022/23!

October 10th, 2022 | by

Source: Pixabay

We’re glad you’re here and happy to start the new semester with you!

For the new international students, the RWTH has already organized the Welcome Week – also the IT Center was there to make the start in the new country and at the (yet) foreign university a little more pleasant.

You are also new at RWTH and still have difficulties with the IT services? Below in the text you will find a small guide for a good start: A Good Start – IT Services for the Start at RWTH Aachen University

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Honeypot – How to Lure Cyber Criminals

October 7th, 2022 | by

Source: Freepik

Sometimes the best defence is a strong offensive. When it comes to IT security, the demand for offensive security measures is greater than ever. These often rely on techniques and approaches that are actually used by criminal hackers to lure user into traps. But attackers themselves can also be tricked into a trap. Honeypots are not only used to attract bears. They can also be used to catch cybercriminals in the act. In this article, we will explain what a honeypot is and how it can be used to increase IT security. Read the rest of this entry »

#ITbites – Part 3

October 5th, 2022 | by
Logo #ITbites

Quelle: Eigene Darstellung

In the third quarter, we once again provided you with all kinds of shortcuts, tutorials, tips and tricks from the IT sector on our social media channels Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #ITbites.

To make sure you don’t miss anything if you don’t have either social media account, we’ll summarize the #ITbites from Q3 2022 for you here on the blog.

Missed the lifehacks from the first two quarters? No problem, then feel free to check out our latest posts.

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Attention: Spear Phishing Emails in Circulation

September 30th, 2022 | by
Arrow through laptop

Source: Own illustration

In the last weeks, there have been more spear phishing attacks on RWTH email addresses. In this article, we would like to make you aware of these attacks and explain how you can recognize spear phishing emails. You have received a spear phishing email to your RWTH email address? We explain how you should best proceed. Read the rest of this entry »