
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Students’

Help Us to Improve Coscine!

April 22nd, 2024 | by

Source: Coscine

Coscine has now been in regular operation at RWTH Aachen University for a year. On the occasion of this event, we are counting on your opinion. If you actively use Coscine, the platform for research data management, you now have the opportunity to share your experiences and give us valuable feedback from April 22 to May 6, 2024. Together, we can continue to improve Coscine and adapt the support offering accordingly.

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Meet Us – The Editorial Team

April 19th, 2024 | by
Ten women sitting on a staircase

Source: Own illustration
f.r.t.l., Merrit Mielke, Stéphanie Bauens, Lina-Louise Kaulbach, Dunja Gath, Jelena Nikolic, Linda Stroh, Janin Iglauer, Sara Erdem, Arlinda Ujkani, Morgane Overath

Hey! 🙂

Or “Moin!” as our colleague Merrit from the north would say – we are the editorial team of the IT Center and would like to introduce ourselves to you with this article. Every day we work to provide you with information about our services, IT security updates and news from the IT Center cosmos.

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Community Meeting of Moodle.NRW

April 17th, 2024 | by
Harald Schnurbusch stands in front of the slides during his presentation.

Source: Own illustration
Harald Schnurbusch at the presentation “Exam Scan – Digital insight for paper-pencil exams”

After the Moodle university meeting at the University of Leipzig in March, the competence centers and Moodle.NRW jointly invited to a community meeting at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) on April 10. The meeting was aimed at all those involved in the use and development of the Moodle or ILIAS learning platforms at their university or other educational institutions. Colleagues from the “Service & Communication” department also accepted the invitation and are happy to report on the gathering here.

In addition to the opportunity to exchange ideas with other participants in personal discussions, a total of 16 sessions were held on various topics relating to the platforms and the design of digital teaching. RWTH Aachen University was also involved with a presentation. As in Leipzig, Harald Schnurbusch from the Center for Teaching and Learning Services (CLS) presented the Moodle plugin Exam Scan developed at RWTH.

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Availability During the Company Excursion

April 15th, 2024 | by
pink open sign in window

Source: Freepik

Our annual company excursion will take place on Friday, April 19, 2024, which means that some employees of the IT Center and the IT-ServiceDesk will not be available on this day. In some cases, there may be delays in ticket processing or telephone availability.

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PPCES – HPC is in the air in spring!

April 12th, 2024 | by

Source: Own illustration

The PPCES (Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science) has been held at the IT Center since 2001 and has been a great success!

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Welcome to the Summer Semester 2024!

April 10th, 2024 | by
Clock and apple on school books

Source: Freepik

The nights are getting shorter and the days are getting long again – time for a new semester to start!

With this in mind, we would like to welcome you and wish you a successful summer semester 2024!

Studying has become much more digital in recent years. This means that people are not only learning from books but also a lot on their laptops, tablets and smartphones. Are you already connected?

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#RWTHWelcomeWeek for the Summer Semester 2024 – On Site for You!

April 8th, 2024 | by
Students at a stand

Source: Own illustration

RWTH Aachen University once again welcomed new students for the summer semester 2024 with the traditional Welcome Week! This series of events is an excellent opportunity, especially for international students, to get to know the services and processes at RWTH Aachen University.

The IT Center was also there again on April 3, 2024 and was live on site at the Freshers’ Fair as part of the Welcome Week to answer your questions. In the following blog post, we report on the successful exchanges with the students.


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Scrapbooking – Creative Method for Your Studies

April 5th, 2024 | by
Stack of Ringbooks with first Notes. Scrapbooking

Source: Freepik

Are you ready to add a personal touch to your studies and take your organization to the next level? Then grab your scissors, glue and other materials, because today we’re going to introduce you to the wonderful world of scrapbooking!

When you think of scrapbooking, images of creatively designed photo albums may come to mind first. But did you know that scrapbooking can also play an invaluable role in your everyday study life? It’s not just about capturing memories, but also about organizing your thoughts, ideas and even your study materials.


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RWTHonline: How to register for LV and PV

April 3rd, 2024 | by
Top view of school supplies range

Source: Freepik

Especially at the beginning of your studies, everything is new and confusing. How do I register for my courses? And what does “Requirements met ” mean? Why can’t I see my study room yet, even though I have registered for the course?

Good preparation for the coming semester includes registering promptly for the courses (LV) and, later in the semester, for the examinations (PV). You can register in RWTHonline via the “Study Overview (Curriculum Support)” application.


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World Backup Day: Security Through Data Backup

March 27th, 2024 | by
Person holding laptop with cloud icons in background

Source: Freepik

March 31st is World Backup Day – a day to remind us how important it is to protect our digital data. In an increasingly connected world where our personal and business data is stored digitally, backing up this data is crucial to protect it from loss or cyber threats.

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