
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘IT-Servicedesk’

Access to the IT-ServiceDesk Blocked

June 21st, 2024 | by

Since July 11, 2024, the construction work has been completed and access to the IT-ServiceDesk is once again possible as usual via the upper entrance!

Street sign with the inscription "detour"


Temporary Construction Work at Seffenter Weg 23

From Friday, June 21, 2024, the upper entrance to the IT Center service building at Seffenter Weg 23 and thus also the entrance to the IT-ServiceDesk will be closed for approximately 14 days due to paving work. This means that the entrance to the IT-ServiceDesk cannot be used either.

During this time, the parking lot will be closed to cars and bicycles. The disabled parking space will be relocated to the parking lot to the right of the main entrance to the IT Center (Seffenter Weg 23 / corner of Kopernikusstraße).

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Changed Opening Hours

June 5th, 2024 | by
Two Hands holding a red clock to the sky

Source: Freepik

Due to internal events, the IT-ServiceDesk will only be available to you during limited opening hours on June 14 and June 21, 2024.

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Changed Opening Hours During Carnival

January 31st, 2024 | by
IT Center Karneval Öffnungszeiten

Source: Freepik

Once again this year, the IT Center, as the data center of a traditional Rhineland university, is getting carried away by the carnival hustle and bustle of our so called fifth season. The carnival season is just around the corner, and with it come some adjustments to the IT Center opening hours. Here you can find an overview of our opening hours during carnival.

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New Availability Times at the IT-ServiceDesk

January 22nd, 2024 | by
Wall clock showing 4 past twelve.

Source: Martin Braun

To optimize accessibility and turnaround times, we are changing IT Service Desk hours from February 2024.

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Changed Opening Hours – December 8, 2023

December 4th, 2023 | by
Opening hours in a yellow speechbubble

Source: Freepik

Due to an internal event, the IT Center will only be open for you during limited opening hours on Friday, December 8, 2023. Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome to the Winter Semester 2023/2024!

October 9th, 2023 | by
Collage with PC screen, light bulb, chemical signs, microscope and book

Source: Freepik

The city is filling up with young people, the leaves are slowly starting to turn colorful. This can only mean one thing: A new winter semester is about to begin!

We welcome you and wish you a successful winter semester 2023/2024!

Studying has become much more digital in recent years. This means that people are not only learning from books but also a lot on their laptops, tablets and smartphones. Are you already connected?

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Ticket Tool Info – Part 1: The Ticket Tool and Its Functions

August 28th, 2023 | by
Ticket with info on the upcoming maintenance of the ticket tool from 12 to 13 September 2023

Source: Own illustration

In this article we will familiarise you with the functions and background of our ticket tool. We will also tell you about the big upcoming upgrade of our ticket tool in the period from September 12 to 13, 2023 and the associated service restrictions. But don’t panic: We will remain loyal to you during this period and will be available despite the restrictions during the upgrade. 🙂 Read the rest of this entry »

Two Years Omnichannel

February 3rd, 2023 | by

In most cases, the IT-ServiceDesk is the first point of contact for technical problems concerning the services of RWTH Aachen University.

Light bulb with drawing graph

Source: Freepik

But how do you contact us?
Of course, in the way that is most convenient for you. Either via our chat support, by mail, by phone or via our ticket portal.

In order for you to be able to report in any way you want and at the same time for us to be able to handle any incoming request efficiently and with high quality, the Omnichannel tool was introduced.

And now we are celebrating the two-year anniversary of this tool. Thanks to this tool, for the past two years we have been able to manage customer requests more easily and efficiently, as we now have them from chat and phone bundled in one system.

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Fast, Organized, Reliable – Our Ticket Portal

August 17th, 2022 | by

Whether it be about eduroam, VPN, RWTH Single-Sign-On or RWTHonline, if you have questions about the IT services of RWTH Aachen University, we are there to assist you. Our main purpose is not only to inform you about news, changes, malfunctions or maintenance, with our IT-ServiceDesk we are also your direct point of contact in case you have any questions or problems. As the central contact point for students, employees, institutes and cooperation partners of RWTH Aachen University, the requests we receive are numerous and particularly diverse. To ensure that every inquiry can be answered quickly and reliably, we use a so-called ticket system. This system is the central communication interface between us and you. But not only we benefit from this tool, you can also use it. In this post, we will show you how to do so and what advantages our ticket portal has up its sleeve for you.

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The Return of the IT-ServiceDesk

July 25th, 2022 | by
Graphic of the help offered by the IT-ServiceDesk

Don’t delay, ask the IT-ServiceDesk today!
Source: Own Illustration

The wait is over. After two long years, on 01.08.2022 the time has finally come. The IT-ServiceDesk will once again be available for your questions and concerns at the locations* “Seffenter Weg 23” and “SuperC” with the full range of services.

Since change is always part of adjustment, not everything is exactly the same as it was two years ago. We have summarized for you which services we will be offering at our various locations from August 1, 2022, what the opening hours will be and which hygiene measures will apply.



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