
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Moodle’

Behind the Scenes – Upgrade to Moodle 4.1

January 30th, 2023 | by
Bernd Decker at the RWTHtransparent 2023

Source: Own illustration

On March 14, 2023 (*), RWTHmoodle will be updated to Moodle version 4.1. We have summarized all changes for our users on the info page.

But what is actually the story behind the change? For a look behind the scenes, we talked to the service manager of RWTHmoodle, Bernd Decker. Read the rest of this entry »

Onboarding – Digital and with Heart

October 27th, 2021 | by
Screenshot of the learning toom in RWTHmoodle

The Incorporation-Team in interview
Source: Own illustration

The onboarding concept of the Service & Communication department

In order to successfully bring new employees on board, the IT Center’s Service & Communication department has introduced a mentoring concept. Read the interview to find out how the concept is structured and why it has proven successful. Read the rest of this entry »

RWTHmoodle – New features in winter semester 2021/22

October 18th, 2021 | by
Mindmap on black board

Photo: Pixabay

Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

As in the summer semester 2021, RWTHmoodle offers many new features in the winter semester. Curious already?
Keep scrolling and find out what will be available to you in the winter semester 2021/22. Read the rest of this entry »

RWTHmoodle User Survey 2021

July 12th, 2021 | by
Screenshot RWTHmoodle user survey

Source: Own illustration

This year’s RWTHmoodle user survey has already started on 07.07.2021. As in previous years, we are asking users who have been authorized and actively used at least one course room during the summer semester to participate. Your experiences with the system and your feedback are especially important to further improve RWTHmoodle and to adapt the support offer accordingly.

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Time to say goodbye, L2P!

June 30th, 2021 | by
Sign "Time to say goodbye"

Source: Pixabay

The time has come: After 14 years, it is with a heavy heart that we say our final goodbyes to L2P.

Until 2019, L2P was the central teaching and learning platform at RWTH Aachen University. In the course of “Digitalization Strategy for Teaching” it was decided to switch to Moodle as an open source software. After a successful test and pilot phase, RWTHmoodle was implemented into university-wide operation in the summer semester 2019 and since then L2P has only served as an archive. Read the rest of this entry »

#moodletrouble² – The chronology of a malfunction

June 28th, 2021 | by
Malfunction picture

Source: Pixabay

As some of you may have noticed, RWTHmoodle was unavailable to RWTH Aachen University employees and students for a total of two days in the second week of June 2021. As we already reported on our channels during the malfunction, a serious database error was the cause. We would like to take this opportunity to briefly explain how this error occurred. Read the rest of this entry »

Pling! Did you hear that?

June 21st, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

Pling! A notification. Pling! And again, a notification. Whether it’s Whatsapp, Facebook or Snapchat, we receive notifications about the latest events from all sorts of platforms throughout the day. Assuming we haven’t turned them off. But not only the social media channels provide us with the latest announcements, also RWTHmoodle can and sends automatic notifications.

Often these are then not urgent, not relevant or not even meant for you in the first place, because a heated discussion is just taking place in a group chat. And also at RWTHmoodle we are often asked if it is possible to turn off notifications that are not of interest to oneself. Since this was not easily possible until now, we have listened to your feedback and made a few adjustments.

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MoodleMoot Global goes online

July 20th, 2020 | by

Like many other events, this year’s MoodleMoot Global was dominated by the COVID 19 pandemic. The conference, which was originally planned as an on-site event in Barcelona, was therefore held completely online for the first time, offering the global Moodle community the opportunity to exchange information despite distance rules, travel bans and other restrictions. The members of the community met from July 6th to 10th on a specially created Moodle instance. Among the more than 1000 participants from over 120 countries were representatives of the IT Center and the Learning Platform Management Department of the Center for Teaching and Learning Services at RWTH Aachen University.

Over 1,000 participants from over 120 countries took part in this year’s MoodleMoot Global!
Source: Own illustration

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