

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

Updated Regulations on Self-Tests, Home Office, and Curfew

April 27th, 2021 | by

Based on the current regulations due to the federal “emergency brake”, the RWTH Rectorate and the Crisis Management Team have decided on the following measures:

Studies and Teaching

  • Courses and exam sessions will continue to be held in the previously established formats. Excursions can still not take place.
  • From now on, all students and employees attending lab courses at RWTH must be offered a self-test for each day they are on site. The necessary tests can be ordered free of charge from the RWTH Purchasing Portal. The AStA Students’ Committee, the Crisis Management Team, and the Rectorate strongly urge all members to consistently make use of this offer every single day they are on site at RWTH.
  • The Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Medicine continues to regulate the formats in the Medicine and Dentistry degree programs.

University Operations

  • The work-from-home arrangements already in place will be extended through June 30, 2021.
  • If employees have to perform essential work on site at RWTH during curfew, a corresponding form is available for download in the Forms Database. Please have this form signed by the head of the respective university institution or their deputy. Please note that a certificate will generally not be necessary as far as we currently know, but an adequate declaration will suffice.
  • Please refer to the Family Services Center or the relevant personnel department for advice if you have any questions about childcare.

You will be notified of any new information as soon as possible once it is available.

Important Information on Ordering Free Self-Tests From the RWTH Purchasing Portal

April 22nd, 2021 | by

From now on you can book the required number of free self-tests for up to three weeks in the RWTH Purchasing Portal in just one order. This was announced by University Management and the RWTH Crisis Management Team.

The self-tests can be explicitly offered to students who are required to be on site at RWTH for a lab course or to work on their thesis. The same conditions apply as for employees (one test if on site up to two days per week; two tests if on site more than two days per week).

When placing your order, please enter the purpose and the time period for the ordered items in the comments section. Please also note that this test provision may not lead to an increased number of members on site at RWTH. The University would like to emphasize that – in the interest of infection prevention and control – it is still exclusively offering tests to members only when they are required to be on site.

Provision of Further Self-Tests

April 16th, 2021 | by

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is planning to provide self-administered COVID-19 tests for employees who come to work on campus at RWTH. As the test kits are packaged in units of 20, these tests can only be effectively used on-site at RWTH. Therefore, the RWTH Rectorate and Crisis Management Team are asking University institutions to create appropriate testing facilities in suitable rooms. Further information on the requirements and the test procedure can be found in German under this link.

All employees who come to work on campus must be offered one test per week for up to two days of in-person work and two tests for more than two days of in-person work. Individuals authorized to place orders can now order the tests free of charge from the RWTH Purchasing Portal for their University institution. Please note that only one week’s supply can be ordered and delivered at a time for logistical reasons. If institutions wish to team up with other institutions to avoid small order quantities or use shared test rooms, joint ordering is possible. Such requests must then be indicated in the comment field provided for this purpose.

The Rectorate and the Crisis Management Team ask you to observe the following instructions:

  • It is still possible for University institutions to purchase self-tests in individual packaging from the RWTH Purchasing Portal to meet additional demand or for special purposes.
  • The regulations regarding employees taking a free rapid COVID-19 test (“Citizens’ Test”) during working hours continue to apply.
  • The testing service for cross-border commuters from the Netherlands, offered at Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, will be extended to commuters from Belgium until further notice. This is due to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia’s decision to no longer offer free Citizens’ Tests for this group.

The Rectorate and the Crisis Management Team urge you to make active use of the testing opportunities provided. The purpose of the tests is to detect asymptomatic COVID-19 infections. The aim is to make the current on-campus activity safer and should not lead to increased in-person work at RWTH.

City of Aachen Waives Parental Contributions in 2021

April 13th, 2021 | by

Families in Aachen will have their parental contributions for children attending day-care centers (KiTas), preschools, childcare facilities, or the optional afternoon elementary school (OGS) in the city waived for the entire year 2021. You can find more information here.

Free Meal Project Continues in Summer Semester 2021

April 10th, 2021 | by

Together with Studierendenwerk Aachen, RWTH’s AStA launched the Free Meal Project in summer semester 2020 to support students, particularly those with financial problems, during the current crisis. The initiative is intended for those who have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic and are worried about how they will finance their food costs. The special offer will now be extended to the 2021 summer semester. More information is available at

Platform temp-Moodle for Exams

April 9th, 2021 | by

As of April 12, 2021, RWTHmoodle is only available for teaching purposes, according to the RWTH IT Center. From now on, take-home exams will be conducted exclusively on the additional temporary Moodle site temp-Moodle. The aim of this is to ensure that teaching for summer semester 2021 and the outstanding exams for winter semester 2020/21 can all run smoothly. The temp-Moodle platform is now available for this purpose.

Testing Service for Cross-Border Commuters From the Netherlands

April 8th, 2021 | by

The RWTH Rectorate and the Crisis Management Team have announced that RWTH has now set up a testing service for cross-border commuters from the Netherlands, who can take the coronavirus self-test required by federal and state law with help and supervision from medical professionals. The University Medical Center offers this testing service Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. in lecture hall 4 at Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Pauwelsstrasse 30.

If you would like to use this service, please note the following general conditions:

  • The testing service is aimed exclusively at RWTH employees and students who live in the Netherlands and currently have to travel to be at RWTH in person (to work at the office or lab, or complete an internship, etc.). All other employees and students are asked to continue to take advantage of the available testing options, such as the free rapid COVID-19 test (“Citizens’ Test”) or the coronavirus self-tests that can be carried out at home.
  • Access to the University Hospital is currently restricted. When planning to use the testing service, you must, therefore, carry the commuter certificate issued by your respective human resource department or a current RWTH student ID (not the Bluecard) with you. You must also be able to present an additional form of ID that shows your place of residence.
  • Please note that the certificate the University Medical Center issues after you take the test only serves to allow you to cross the border to and from the Netherlands. This test, or the resulting certificate, is not equivalent to a so-called citizens’ test, which allows you to shop at certain retail stores, for example.

The University Medical Center can be reached at if you have any question regarding the testing service. For further information, please refer to the FAQs on COVID-19 tests.

Netherlands Classified as a High Risk Area as of April 6, 2021 – Impact on University Operations

April 5th, 2021 | by

The RKI has designated the Netherlands an area of particularly high risk of coronavirus infection due to a high number of cases in the country. The Federal State of North-Rhine Westphalia has issued the following statement:

When travelling to Germany from the Netherlands, you must be able to provide documentation of a recent negative coronavirus test result. The test must have been taken within 48 hours prior to entering Germany. PCR tests and PoC rapid tests from a medically authorized service provider, and self-tests supervised by specialist personnel, are accepted. Proof of this test may be presented in paper or digital format.

There are exceptions for cross-border commuters who travel to Germany from the Netherlands to work or study:

You must be in possession of evidence of a negative coronavirus test result. The test must have been taken within 72 hours prior to entering Germany.

Alternatively, you can take a COVID-19 test immediately after crossing the border, i.e. at a coronavirus test center or upon arrival at your workplace/at the University (taking a supervised self-test is permitted).

For information on COVID-19 test centers, please visit the Testen in Aachen website.

RWTH has now set up a testing service for cross-border commuters from the Netherlands, who can take the coronavirus self-test required by federal and state law with help and supervision from medical professionals.

Employees can obtain a certificate of employment from the relevant HR department. Students can obtain a certificate of enrollment from the Registrar’s Office.

Further information:

The RWTH Campuslauf to Go Virtual

April 1st, 2021 | by

Mark your calenders! The RWTH Campuslauf digital is scheduled to begin April 30 – this year as a component of RWTH’s online health week. Building on the success of the virtual Lousberglauf last year, the RWTH Campuslauf digital is the second running event offered by the University Sports Center, or HSZ, online. Peter Lynen, director of the HSZ, is eagerly awaiting the first virtual campus race: “We’ve managed to put together a great alternative for the popular campus race during this still ongoing pandemic.”

The RWTH Campuslauf digital is based on the routes of the original in-person RWTH campus race. As in the face-to-face version, participants in the virtual campus race can choose between three different runs: For amateur and casual runners, there is the Fun Run over a distance of 4.6 kilometers. The Fitness Run is aimed at those a little more ambitious, with a route of 9 kilometers to be covered. There is also a virtual and coronavirus-compliant version of the relay race for those wanting to compete as a team, with four people per team running 2.3 kilometers each.

The virtual RWTH Campuslauf is location-independent. Runners can cover the distances on a course of their own choice, record the run with a fitness app, and later submit the results online to the HSZ. The RWTH Campuslauf digital will run from April 30 to May 9. You can register for the event via the HSZ website  any time between April 19 and May 9.

While the RWTH Campuslauf will take place online, the RWTH FH Sports DAY, unfortunately, has to be canceled.

CHE Study on Universities Dealing With the Coronavirus Crisis

March 31st, 2021 | by

A study by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) has now revealed that the RWTH students surveyed were extremely satisfied with the way the University is handling the coronavirus crisis.

According to the study published in March, RWTH respondents rated the University’s overall handling of the pandemic significantly better on average than students at the other participating universities. More than 80 percent felt that the University was handling the situation “very well” or “well”. The organization of studies during the coronavirus pandemic was also rated very positively by most of the students surveyed. The fact that RWTH created the possibility for students to continue their planned course of study despite the particularly difficult situation was particularly appreciated.

The framework conditions for virtual teaching were generally highly rated. Here, the technical framework conditions for courses (sound quality, stable transmission, etc.) were perceived positively. Teaching concepts adapted to virtual concepts and the instructors’ motivation was also rated significantly better by students in Aachen than the German average. Despite the difficult circumstances for field trips or laboratory practicals, students positively emphasize that although only a few excursions were carried out, the organization and implementation of the concepts were very good.

For this study on coronavirus management at German universities, CHE surveyed more than 27,000 students at over 150 different German universities. Students from a wide range of disciplines were asked about the organization of their studies during the coronavirus pandemic, the general conditions for virtual teaching, and the implementation of field trips or laboratory practicals. RWTH students of biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, medicine, dentistry, geography, and earth sciences participated in the survey.

The complete study is available at