
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Mastering RDM – Learning Opportunities at the RWTH

February 27th, 2024 | by
RDM Trainings

Source: Own illustration

In complex research processes, it is crucial to maintain an overview of research data and develop effective data management strategies. In addition to RDM tools and services, RWTH Aachen University therefore also offers its researchers courses and workshops on research data management (RDM) in order to develop skills in this important area.

The RDM team relies on blended learning, which combines traditional classroom teaching with digital learning methods. The basics are taught in year-round RWTHmoodle courses, which can be completed at any time and at your own pace through self-study. Building on this, what has been learned can be tested, discussed and deepened in regular workshops. In this blog post, you can get an overview of the RWTH’s RDM continuing education offers.


Self-study Courses to Get Started

Our RWTHmoodle course “Überblick zum Management von Forschungsdaten (FDM I – online)” offers a quick introduction to RDM at RWTH. Based on the life cycle of research data, we offer you a compact introduction to the concepts of RDM and an overview of the services and infrastructure offered by RWTH. The course is regularly updated and adapted to the dynamic development of RDM and the RWTH infrastructure. Since the beginning of the year, you have been able to use the updated version of our long-established self-study course. This course is also available in English under the title “Research Data Management – An Overview (RDM I – online)“. The courses are available on an ongoing basis in 2024 and can be started at any time. A certificate of attendance can be requested if required.


Excerpt from the FDM - I online RWTHmoodle course

Excerpt from the FDM – I online RWTHmoodle course
Source: Own illustration


Git and GitLab in Self-Study

An important aspect of RDM, especially when collaborating on projects, is keeping track of different versions. A version control system can help to track changes and avoid accidentally overwriting data. RWTH therefore offers various self-study courses on Git and GitLab to help you get started with the basics of version management.

In the RWTHmoodle course “Einstieg in die Versionsverwaltung mit Git und GitLab ” or the English equivalent “Getting started with Git and GitLab“, you will install Git on your computer, set up your first project and execute your first simple commands. You will also log into the RWTH’s GitLab and get a first impression of working with this tool. Building on this, in the RWTHmoodle course “Git Scavenger Hunt – eine Schnitzeljagd mit Git” you will learn how to use Git in a fun way and practise the most important commands and typical workflows. In the RWTHmoodle course “WordGuess – ein kollaboratives Spiel mit Git und GitLab“, the focus is on collaboration and project management with GitLab. The three courses are available throughout 2024 and can be completed at any time.


RDM II Workshops to Deepen your Knowledge

For those who would like to deepen their knowledge of RDM, the RDM team offers a series of RDM II workshops. These workshops offer the opportunity to apply the basic knowledge acquired in self-study in practice and to discuss it with the RDM team and other researchers. From the use of the RDM platform Coscine to the tricky question of how to resolve version conflicts with Git, there is something for everyone. All upcoming RDM II workshops can be booked via the RWTH event database. There you will also find a detailed course description. The following RDM II workshops are planned for the next six months:

  • March 6, 2024 | 1 – 3pm.: RDM platform Coscine – more than free quota! (online)
  • April 17, 2024 | 10am – 12pm: Research data management in DFG proposals – what research funders expect (online)
  • June 13, 2024 | 9am – 5pm: Workshop on the management of research data (University Library Room 313)
  • July 2, 2024 | 9am – 1pm: Version control with Git – the right tool for my research data? (University Library Room 313)

Save the date – if you are interested, please also make a note of the following date:

  • September 18, 2024 | 10am – 12pm: FAIR data through publication (online)


Learn More

If you have any questions about the RDM training program or RDM in general, simply write a message to the ServiceDesk. The RDM team looks forward to hearing from you.


Responsible for the content of this article is Ute Trautwein-Bruns.


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