
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Interviews & Surveys’

The IT Center Picture Puzzle: NFDI4Ing Administrative Office

May 5th, 2023 | by
Employees of the NFDI4Ing Office

Source: Own illustration


The long wait is over – finally the IT Center picture puzzle continues. In this article, you’ll learn all about the NFDI4Ingadministrative office. Who is behind it? What are the tasks and what does the future of the NFDI4Ing’s administrative office look like? This and much more you will discover in this interview.

Did you guess the keyword we were looking for? This time the correct answer was “networking”. If you want to know why this keyword represents the NFDI4Ing office, click on “Read rest of this entry”.

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IT Center Satisfaction Survey

March 3rd, 2023 | by

Comments and Answers

Hands on a laptop keyboard with satisfaction survey logo

Source: Freepik

Some of you participated in the satisfaction survey and gave us a few suggestions.
Many thanks for that!

We gladly take up your points and explain to you:

  • what can you do in case of possible problems,
  • which things unfortunately cannot be changed at the moment,
  • and above all: which problems will soon be solved by new services.

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Behind the Scenes – Upgrade to Moodle 4.1

January 30th, 2023 | by
Bernd Decker at the RWTHtransparent 2023

Source: Own illustration

On March 14, 2023 (*), RWTHmoodle will be updated to Moodle version 4.1. We have summarized all changes for our users on the info page.

But what is actually the story behind the change? For a look behind the scenes, we talked to the service manager of RWTHmoodle, Bernd Decker. Read the rest of this entry »

The IT Center Picture Puzzle – Review and Preview

December 14th, 2022 | by
Summary of the picture puzzle carried out so far with solution words

Source: Own illustration

The year is coming to an end, and we would like to look back with you on our blog series The IT Center Picture Puzzle. Which departments were involved this year and what were the solution words? We would also like to give you a sneak preview of what will happen next year, because #SpoilerAlert: we will continue the series next year. But let’s start at the beginning…

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The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Department of Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching

November 23rd, 2022 | by
Interview photo with department head Christoph Becker and Bernd Decker from the Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching (PDSL) department

Source: Own illustration


With our last picture puzzle for this year, we introduce you to yet another department of the IT Center. On our social media channels, we called for guesswork and searched for a certain word to go with the four pictures, which stands for the department Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching (PDSL). Well, which of you came up with the solution word “digitalization“? You can get more exciting insights into the PDSL department in the interview.

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IT Center Satisfaction Survey 2022 – Your Opinion Counts!

October 19th, 2022 | by
Feedback Collage

Source: Freepik

This week our IT Center Satisfaction Survey 2022 started. This survey is aimed at all people who use the services of the IT Center. In order to continuously improve the quality of services and support through our various communication channels, we conduct a satisfaction survey every year. The survey is anonymous. Read the rest of this entry »

The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Systems and Operation Department

October 14th, 2022 | by
Interview photo with the Head of Department Systems & Operation

Source: Own illustration

#MeetMeWednesday: Recently we had another picture puzzle in store for you. In this puzzle, we were looking for the keyword for the Systems and Operation department. Could you guess it?

The word we were looking for was “gearwheel”. Georg Schramm, head of the department, tells us what it means and how this key word represents the department.

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Deactivation of the Feedback-Function

August 31st, 2022 | by


Feedback written with chalk on a blackboard

Source: Pixabay

As we already know, everything has an end at some point.

So does our ticket feedback. After more than a year of testing, it’s time to say goodbye to our feedback function.

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RWTHmoodle – Results of This Year’s User Survey

August 22nd, 2022 | by
Hashtag moodle monday

Source: Own Illustration

This summer semester, RWTHmoodle users once again had the chance to evaluate the system and its associated services.

The user survey started in June 2022. 37.300 people who actively used at least one course room in the summer semester 2022 were asked to participate in the RWTHmoodle user survey. 1.820 users complied with this request.

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The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Service & Communication Department

August 3rd, 2022 | by
Interview photo with the Head of Department Service & Communication

Source: Own illustration

#MeetMeWednesday: We continue with our series “The IT Center Picture Puzzle“. This time we have an exciting interview with the head of department Sarah Grzemski in store for you.

The word “communication” is synonymous with the Service & Communication (SeKo) department. The reason for this will be presented to you in the current blog post. We provide exciting insights behind the various scenes of the department, which, by the way, do not only consist of support requests 😊 …. We present what makes the department special and what current projects and developments are currently in the pipeline. Be curious!

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