
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘IT-Managers’

About IT Module 2022

February 9th, 2022 | by
Flipchart with pens

Source: Pixabay

As the university’s central service provider, the IT Center is responsible for information technology and university-wide IT supply at RWTH Aachen University. In between the digital management of studies, RWTH employees such as trainees also depend on the digital services provided by the IT Center.  For work in the office and from home, prerequisites must be met to ensure trouble-free communication and work.

To meet these requirements and also to make it easier for new incomers to get started with the IT Center’s digital offerings, the “About IT Module” was launched in 2015 in cooperation with the Berufsausbildungszentrum (BAZ).

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Safer Internet Day 2022 – Together for a better Internet

February 7th, 2022 | by
Logo vom Safer Internet Day

We support the Safer Internet Day. Do you?
Source: Saferinternet

How safe is our use of the Internet? That is not an easy question to answer. Some risks we are aware of, but others are often completely underestimated. Whether one’s own use of the Internet is really safe is usually only noticed, if at all, when it is already too late. Therefore, it is particularly important to raise awareness of the risks and emerging concerns about using the Internet. From cyberbullying to social media use or digital identity, every year the international Safer Internet Day (SID) aims to raise awareness about Internet safety. Read the rest of this entry »

RDM Blog – We are now bilingual

February 4th, 2022 | by
Flag of Germany

Source: Freepik

Flag of Great Britain

Source: Pexels

Almost 12,000 people from more than 125 countries currently study, research, teach and work at RWTH Aachen University. This living internationality at RWTH Aachen University is accompanied by strategies, measures and services to promote the internationality of studies, teaching and research. RWTH Aachen sees itself as a member of a global scientific community. For this reason, we are now proud to announce that our RDM Blog can now also be read in English.

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Relaunch of the IT Center Blog – New Design and New Features

February 2nd, 2022 | by
Workstation with computer screen and the announcement of the IT Center Blog Relaunch

Source: Pixabay

A fresh breeze is blowing through the house. Spring cleaning is not only being done at home. The IT Center Blog is also being spruced up, modernized and optimized.

The relaunch of the IT Center Blog is planned for spring 2022. Our colleagues involved in this exciting project are looking into SEO, improved usability, the integration of social media channels, the design and much more. Read the rest of this entry »

Sharing LaTeX documents – Pilot project Overleaf started at RWTH.

January 31st, 2022 | by

Start the pilot phase together – be part of it!
Source: Pixabay

Overleaf/ShareLaTeX is an installation of the LaTeX text typesetting system on servers that can be used via the browser. This service supports collaborative editing of LaTeX documents.

Interested? Then it is called: On your marks, get set, go!

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The IT Center Event Management Introduces Itself!

January 28th, 2022 | by
Two women grin at the camera

Our event team of the IT Center (Dunja Gath and Nicole Kaminski f.l.t.r.)
Source: Own illustration

Digital ZKI Sping Conference 2021, PPCES, CLAIX Inauguration, IT Center Info Day, IPv6 Training, Visit of the NRW Minister of Finance…. – whether training courses, conferences, information events, anniversaries or larger seminars: The event management team is the first point of contact for colleagues and guests of the IT Center, for example, when it comes to guest management, web presence, preparation and follow-up, and event implementation.

In today’s article, the IT Center event management introduces ifself. Read the rest of this entry »

Always up-to-date with the status message portal!

January 26th, 2022 | by
Sign with „Out of Service“

Source: Freepik

Error message. Nothing works anymore?

Have you ever woken up in the morning, started to study or work on your PC, but then you got an error message and didn’t know what was going on? We have the solution! Especially for this purpose, we have the status message portal!

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Be a part of it! Community meeting RWTHjupyter

January 24th, 2022 | by

Quelle: Freepik

JupyterHub is a website where you can program professionally. It doesn’t matter which operating system you use. You can even access the website with mobile devices like tablets and write source code in different programming languages.

Last year there was a first RWTHjupyter community meeting and now you have the chance to join the second meeting!

Save the Date!

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Fit in the Homeoffice – Our Tips for Staying Fit

January 21st, 2022 | by
Woman in home office on a mat at the laptop

Source: Pexels

How healthy do we actually live in the home office or even through the word “New Work” coined by the ongoing change in the working world?” In this article, we would like to give you some valuable tips on how to stay fit in the homeoffice, in order to provide you with new motivation for healthier exercise behaviour in the home office.

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FAIR-Data Spaces – How does locally stored data get into the cloud-based data space?

January 19th, 2022 | by
Cloud computing

Source: Freepik

On our FDM blog, we recently shared news about Gaia-X and FAIR-Data Spaces. FAIR-Data Spaces is a cloud-based data space for science and business, made possible and developed with the help of collaboration between Gaia-X and the NFDI.

The project

  • designs the roadmap for collaboration between the two initiatives,
  • clarifies ethical and legal frameworks for data exchange between science and industry,
  • develops common technical principles
  • and demonstrates the use of Gaia-X technologies for making research data available and usable along FAIR principles in different scientific disciplines and industries.

But how does local data get into the cloud-based data space? To show this data space from a user perspective, we would like to explain the process steps and the technical background in more detail.

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