
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Employees’

RWTHmoodle User Survey 2023 – Help Us Improve Your Learning Experience!

July 10th, 2023 | by
Hashtag moodle monday

Source: Own Illustration

It’s that time again! The annual RWTHmoodle User Survey starts today on July 10, 2023 and runs until July 30, 2023. You have the opportunity to share your experience with the system and give us valuable feedback now if you have used RWTHmoodle and were authorized in at least one learning session during the summer semester 2023. Together, we can further improve RWTHmoodle and adapt the support offering accordingly.

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RDM at RWTH Aachen University

July 7th, 2023 | by
The Data Life Cyle

Source: FDM-Team RWTH Aachen University

You want to know more about Research Data Management at RWTH Aachen University? In this article you will learn general information about RDM and how you can keep up to date about news, new developments and events.


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#Goodtoknow – our services in the spotlight

July 5th, 2023 | by
Did You Know Announcement, Man with Speech Bubble and Glowing Light Bulbs Representing Explanation of Interesting Fact, Promotion, Advertising Information, Clear Statement. Cartoon Vector Illustration

Source: Freepik

We stay connected!

In the first part of our series, you already got to know our collaboration tools Sciebo and Gigamove. In the second part, you got an impression of our diverse communication tools and maybe discovered one or two new ones for you.

Have you already been able to use some of them? Which ones were new to you and which ones do you already use? Feel free to let us know in a comment!

Today’s post concludes this little #goodtoknow series focusing on VPN and eduroam.

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Cybersecurity 101: Protecting the Digital Footprint in the Digital Age

July 3rd, 2023 | by
Three footprints with blue digital background

Source: Own Illustration

In today’s digital age, our lives are increasingly intertwined with the online world. From social media profiles to online banking accounts, we leave a digital footprint that can be vulnerable to cyber threats. Protecting our digital presence and maintaining online privacy is more important now than ever. In this blog post, we’ll go over the basics of cybersecurity and provide practical tips for protecting your digital footprint.

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WiFi News – Part 3: New Root, Old WiFi

June 30th, 2023 | by
Router, notepad, and smartphone

Source: Freepik

On May 23, 2023, the server certificate of our authentication server “” had expired. For that reason a new certificate was implemented in the system. In the first post of this blog series we informed you about this.

Now a larger change is coming up: In the future, the new certification instance GÉANT/TCS will be used and replace DFN-PKI Global. As a consequence a new Radius certificate and certification chain will be used. This migration will take place on August 1, 2023.

Eduroam will be affected with regard to registration and configuration. The exact background and what you have to do, to continue using eduroam, we will explain in the following blog post. Read the rest of this entry »

RWTHcontacts – The New and Leading Directory

June 28th, 2023 | by


Sign "New RWTHcontacts"

Source: Freepik

RWTHcontacts has replaced CAS CAMPUS and is the new leading Directory of Organizations and People at RWTH Aachen University.

RWTHcontacts presents the information of the Directory of Organizations and People furthermore makes it accessible worldwide. In the Directory of Organizations, organization administrators can maintain the functional addresses and contacts.

In the Directory of  People at RWTH, organization administrators can maintain the official addresses and contact data of the people at their organization. In addition, it’s possible to create objects (e.g. rooms) and structure their common display using headings. The corresponding functionality of CAS Campus has thus been replaced. Read the rest of this entry »

Everything at a Glance – The IdM Homepage

June 26th, 2023 | by
Screenshot of the IdM Homepage

Source: Own illustration

Are you already familiar with the homepage of Identity Management (IdM)? You can find all five IdM applications there at a glance:

  • PasswordReset
  • Selfservice
  • ConnectMe
  • Role Management
  • Partner Manager

It’s quite convenient to remember only one link, isn’t it? The best thing to do is to add the link directly to your bookmarks. By the way: You can log in to all applications with the RWTH Single Sign-On.

In today’s article, we’ll tell you what’s behind IdM and the five applications that fall underneath it.


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Archive Migration – Project Completion

June 23rd, 2023 | by
Symbol image for project completion archive migration

Source: Freepik

“It is done.” These are the words we can now say about the “Archive Migration” project. After more than two and a half years, the last data from the legacy system was migrated to the digital archive or Coscine last week. Now, with the completion of the project, we can review the time and evaluate the progress.

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Tips & Tricks for Microsoft Word

June 21st, 2023 | by
Creative content writing vector concept metaphor.

Source: Freepik

Microsoft Word is a word processing program that is used daily by various users. From schools to individuals to CEOs, Word is in regular use. Nevertheless, not all users are familiar with its multiple features. In this blog post, we will share with you five helpful tricks that will make using Microsoft Word easier and more enjoyable.

Please note that Microsoft Word can be used in different ways: There is a web application that you use in the browser, as well as a local installation of Microsoft Word that you can find as a program on your PC or laptop. The range of functions is slightly different.

The tips and tricks mentioned below refer to the local installation of Microsoft Word, which is included in the Office package M365.

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H2M – More Control and Efficiency in Systems with Heterogeneous Memory

June 19th, 2023 | by
H2M saver and disk components

Source: Freepik

In the DFG-funded project “Heuristics for Heterogeneous Memory” (H2M), RWTH Aachen University and the French project partner Inria are jointly developing support for new memory technologies such as High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) and Non-Volatile Memory (NVM). These technologies are increasingly used as additional memory in HPC systems alongside the common Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM). HBM offers higher bandwidth than classic DRAM but is also much smaller. NVM provides larger capacities but is slower compared to DRAM. The different characteristics and capacity limits thus raise the question of how systems with heterogeneous memory can be used efficiently and in which memory data should be stored.

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