
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Employees’

Winter is Coming… and With it Completely New Possibilities: The New Plugins in RWTHmoodle

October 12th, 2020 | by

Yesterday we enjoyed 30 degrees in the sun, but now the first gingerbread is smiling at us in the supermarket. An unmistakable sign that we have arrived in the semester with the word “winter”. It is high time to replenish our own stock of thick socks (keyword: brace yourself). But besides cold and darkness, the winter semester has a lot of great new possibilities to offer, like our three new plugins in RWTHmoodle!

Source: Pixabay

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The Printing Service at the IT Center – Back in Business

October 9th, 2020 | by

On 12.10.2020 the time has come: The IT Center Printing Service opens again for personal contact!

Although the opening is subject to the appropriate conditions and hygiene measures for your and our protection to prevent the spread of the Corona pandemic, posters, billboards and the like can finally be collected in person again from next Monday at the IT Center, Seffenter Weg 23.

It is important that you book an appropriate date for pickup. How to do that and what else you need to know is explained in this blog post.

On Monday, to be exact, the Printing Service will be reopened for poster and billboard pick-ups.

Source: Pixabay

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Reopening of Printing Service and IT-ServiceDesk

October 7th, 2020 | by

***16.10.2020. Important note! Change of editorial office: The IT-ServiceDeks of the IT Center will open on Tuesday, 20.10.2020. All information can be found in the blog post about the reopening***

Soon it will be time for the IT Center’s print service and IT-ServiceDesk to reopen for personal contact. Although this is only partially and under certain conditions due to Covid-19, we are pleased to inform you that we will soon be able to support you again in personal contact.

Part of the reopening are the Printing Service at Seffenter Weg 23 and the IT-ServiceDesk at the same location.

Soon on site for you again! The IT-ServiceDesk and the Printing Service open for personal contact at Seffenter Weg 23.

Source: Pixabay

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More possibilities for tutors – the new role “tutor” in RWTHmoodle!

October 5th, 2020 | by

Set the new role “tutor” easily in the participant administration of the learning room
Source: Own illustration

They compile page after page of literature lists, sore their fingers on correcting assignments and tirelessly answer all (!) questions from students. It is high time to pay tribute to our many tutors at RWTH! They make a huge contribution to ensuring that teaching works during the digital semester. In order for them to be able to make this great effort, however, they first have to get the necessary permissions. We from the RWTHmoodle teaching and learning platform have improved the role “tutor” in the RWTHmoodle course rooms and added more individual settings here.

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Welcome Weeks Online – Digital and Brilliant for the Winter Semester 20/21

October 2nd, 2020 | by

Twice a year, everything at RWTH Aachen University is about the start of studies. This year, the summer semester has also got off to a successful start, although the conditions surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic required a completely different approach than we are normally used to. The winter semester 2020/2021 will also be characterized primarily by digital courses. For this reason, the International Office’s traditional introductory week has also been converted to a digital format.

Welcome Weeks Online 2020 - Maddy Ruppé online with the participants of the Welcome Weeks Online 2020/21

Welcome Weeks Online 2020 – Maddy Ruppé online with the participants of the Welcome Weeks Online 2020/21
Source: Claudia Pankanin

Since the actual event of this semester could not take place on site, the Welcome Week has become an “Online Welcome Weeks Program” for our international students. We were also able to participate again with a digital information stand at the Freshers’ Fair and an interactive lecture on the IT Services of the IT Center, which are especially important for the start of the digital semester.

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(Deutsch) 365 Tage, 12 Monate, 52 Wochen Social Media am IT Center

October 1st, 2020 | by

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(Deutsch) – Der Kick-Off zum Vorprojekt

September 30th, 2020 | by

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(Deutsch) Kick-Off der Pilotphase: Cloud-Projekt Azure hebt ab

September 29th, 2020 | by

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RWTHmoodle in Motion – New Plugins in the Pilot Phase in the Winter Semester 2020/21

September 28th, 2020 | by

While the philosopher Heraclitus already knew that everything flows, RWTHmoodle proves us once again that this insight is true. Like a river, our learning platform is always in motion and constantly evolving. Our plug-ins in pilot operation make an important contribution to this. Each semester we test several plugins directly in selected course rooms and – after a successful pilot phase – we include them in our RWTHmoodle system.

Source: Pixabay

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(Deutsch) Go Live -Verschlüsselung mit Boxcryptor an der RWTH Aachen University

September 25th, 2020 | by

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