Schlagwort: ‘homeoffice’
Healthy Well-Being When Working From Home – Part 3

Source: Freepik
“Sitting is the new smoking” – everyone has probably heard this saying. Research in recent years has also shown that this is not just an empty phrase: Just 30 minutes of daily exercise has a positive effect on physical and mental health, such as strengthening the cardiovascular system or reducing the tendency to depression, etc. In part 3 of our series, we would like to give you some useful tips for feeling good and staying fit at home.
Preventing Mental Stress in the Homeoffice – Part 2

Source: Freepik
The topic of the “working from home environment” is and remains important for many employees. In our last article “Opportunities and Challenges Working From Home“, we presented both risks and opportunities that arise from working from home and highlighted possibilities. Now, in the second part, we would like to go a step further and give tips on how to reduce and prevent possible mental stress during working remote.
The Best Snacks for Work at Home
Whether at work at home or in the office – sometimes snacks can be little saviours. Either when you are caught up by an afternoon sleepiness or when you have so much on your plate that your head starts spinning.

Source: Unsplash
Right then it is easy to be led into temptation to reach for chocolate or cookies. At work, you either have something for the small appetite in between or, if you have the opportunity, you can go to the bakery next door or to the cafeteria. What makes the whole situation a bit trickier, is working from home.
Opportunities and Challenges Working From Home – Part 1

Well-Being Oasis in the Home Office
Source: Unsplash
Since the start of the Corona pandemic in spring 2020, working from home has been part of the daily working life for many of us. Working from home was initially a big change for most of us and offers both opportunities and challenges at the same time. In this blog post, we would like to show you the opportunities that workin from home offers and how to implement them as well as possible challenges and risks that arise from working from home.
New Work – Working from home as a new form of work
Until the beginning of 2020 the normal day-to-day work basically looked normal for almost everyone:
Getting to work in the morning, spending the day in the office with the team, holding meetings, having a quick chat with each other at the coffee machine, and in the evening heading back home again.

Source: Freepik
Suddenly, this routine was interrupted. The pandemic changed the way we worked as we knew it, and new or rather less common forms took root, such as working from home.
As of March 2020, working from home was the new norm for many workers. This confronted us all with new and major challenges that we had to adapt to in a timely manner.
Making Video Conferences more efficent- Tips for Presenters 4/4

Presenter speaks in online meeting
Source: Pixabay
In our previous blogposts in the series “Efficient video conferencing” we have already reported on which tools you can use for a successful online meeting, how to plan and structure an online meeting correctly and which roles you should assign in a meeting with several participants.
Face-to-face meetings are becoming online meetings, physical training is becoming virtual training, and professional meetings are becoming digital. For many, the workday has changed, and even after the pandemic, some employees will take advantage of the opportunity to work from a home office.
We will give you a few tips on how you, as a facilitator, can guide participants through such online events. Read the rest of this entry »
Making Video Conferences More Efficient – Roles in Online Meetings 3/4

Source: Pixabay
In our blog series “Making video conferences more efficient” we have already reported on useful tools and shared first tips for better online meetings with you.
In this blog post, we will inform you about the different meeting roles of the participants, which also contribute to making a meeting more efficient.
Keeping Cool in the (Home)Office – Our 5 Tips for Hot Days.

Summer Office
Source: Pixabay
Many people love the summer temperatures. But hot days in the (home) office can also be very exhausting.
When the air stands still and the thermometer rises to 25 degrees+, it’s not easy to stay productive. We feel listless, tired and our ability to concentrate decreases.
We have collected five simple tips for you that will help you to keep cool. Read the rest of this entry »
Making Video Conferences More Efficient – Tips for Better Online Meetings 2/4

An online meeting wants to be well prepared. To help you organize better meetings, we’ll give you a few tips in this post.
Due to the ongoing Corona pandemic, many meetings continue to take place online. Even after the pandemic, it is likely that online meetings will continue to be implemented as they offer many benefits.
In our last article in this series “Making Video Conferences more efficient – Tools for Online Meetings”, we already introduced you to the right tools. Read the rest of this entry »
Fit in the Homeoffice – Our Tips for Staying Fit

Source: Pexels
How healthy do we actually live in the home office or even through the word “New Work” coined by the ongoing change in the working world?” In this article, we would like to give you some valuable tips on how to stay fit in the homeoffice, in order to provide you with new motivation for healthier exercise behaviour in the home office.