

Ke: Distraction due to moving sources in short-term memory tasks

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

The irrelevant sound effect (ISE) is a popular topic in cognitive psychology, referring to the phenomenon where hearing sounds unrelated to a memory task disrupts recall during task performance. Research […]

Roos: Influence of Ground Effects in Road Traffic Auralization

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

It is broadly recognized that noise pollution is widespread, especially in urban areas, and can cause long-term psychological effects and health issues. Road traffic noise is a major contributor to […]

Denker: Industrial internship at Demant A/S

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Content of this presentation is a summary of my tasks and projects I contributed to during my six-months internship in the Centre for Applied Audiology Research (CAAR) for the Oticon […]

Yuan: Plausible Road Traffic Auralization

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

This research focuses on simulating road traffic soundscapes using auralization techniques. A structured workflow for urban traffic auralization is developed by integrating SUMO traffic flow data with acoustic simulation tools […]

Doma: Numerical and Perceptual Evaluation of HRTF Accuracy

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

Head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) describe the interaction between the listener’s body and incident sound waves, as they travel from an arbitrary source position to the left and right ear canal […]

Berzborn: Measurement and Quantification of Directional Sound Field Decay

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

The random-incidence absorption coefficient is measured in a reverberation room as per ISO354:2003 (2003), assuming a diffuse and isotropic sound field. However, reproducibility issues across different laboratories suggest that the […]

Semmler: Industriepraktikum bei der Kollmorgen Steuerungstechnik GmbH

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

In diesem Vortag wird ein 18-wöchiges Praktikum in der Hardwareentwicklung der Kollmorgen Steuerungstechnik GmbH vorgestellt. Kollmorgen entwickelt und produziert die Steuerungselektronik für Aufzugsanlagen. In einem 20min Vortrag werden folgende Themen […]

Berger: Industrial internship at WS Audiology

IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid) Kopernikusstr. 5, Aachen, Deutschland

In my internship, I investigated the intelligibility of speech in noise for hearing aid wearers. As communication takes place on a daily basis, good understanding of conversation partners, especially in […]