
Intern Abroad

Schlagwort: ‘United States’

My Research Stay at the University of South Carolina Upstate

December 12th, 2024 | by
  • PhD Candidate in Business Economics
  • USA, South Carolina
  • University of South Carolina Upstate
  • 09/2024 – 11/2024


I had been a PhD student at RWTH Aachen for a few years and working abroad had always been something I’d like to do. As part of my research, last year I had the opportunity to start collaborating with a professor from the University of South Carolina Upstate. When I asked for the possibility to visit the US and work together from there, she was on board immediately. So, the planning began…

Planning a trip to the United States is definitely an administrative task, and I quickly realized that I had to take it step by step. After settling on a rough timeframe with my PhD supervisor and my hosting professor, I contacted the travel department of the university and booked my flights to and from the US. Talking to colleagues who had already been abroad and looking up to-do lists online was very helpful to figure out what steps to take, e.g. requesting a letter of confirmation from the host university or getting an international license. I started the organization process half a year before my stay, which was a convenient timeframe to organize everything.


Main building of the University of South Carolina Upstate. ©Maren Paegert

Accommodation & Living Expenses:

Living expenses in the US are higher than in Germany, especially food prices. Eating out will cost around $ 20-30 for one meal. Grocery prices can be two to three times as expensive as in Germany, even for things like bread, a package of cheese, or some chocolate. This is just something to know and budget for. For my stay, I applied for and got granted the RWTH Aachen Research Ambassador Scholarship, which helped in covering some of those expenses.

As for my accommodation, I ended up booking an apartment in a complex which was specialized in short-term leases for extended business stays. I would recommend to book directly over the apartment’s website, since I experienced a cancellation several days after booking over a third-party platform. Other good options for a stay in the US are Apps such as Airbnb. In my case, there was no student housing available, but that would be another option in general.


College of Business and Economics. ©Maren Paegert

Everyday Life and Research Stay

I had my own office at the guest university and was able to experience everyday working life in the United States. Overall, working as Academic staff in the US is quite similar to Germany in many ways, with some cultural differences.

Also, I stayed in one of the Southern States of the US, and Southern hospitality is something I definitely experienced! Everyone was very friendly, open and attentive, which I enjoyed a lot. The professor I worked with was a great host, and I quickly met some amazing colleagues. The area offered a lot of places to explore, and I enjoyed walks in the park, going out for meals, shopping, the cinema, going to the gym, and running. One of my favorite experiences is that I was able to give my own lecture at the university and get into contact with many very curious students.

Another highlight was the last week of my stay, when we attended a conference in Virginia and I presented our research there. Overall, meeting an international community and collaborating was a very rewarding experience.



I can highly recommend to work or study abroad for a while. If that has been on your bucket list for some time, like in my case, be proactive and just do it!

Writing my master’s thesis in California

December 13th, 2022 | by
  • Environmental Engineering M.Sc.
  • Berkeley, California, United States of America
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • January 2022 – August 2022


My stay abroad at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (California) was 8 months long, from January 2022 to August 2022. During this time, I was doing research for my master’s thesis (Process Engineering) and did not collect any CPs as a student at UC Berkeley.


I started contacting professors from UC Berkeley, asking for an opportunity to research on my master’s thesis without having a concrete topic. Through several emails and zoom meetings I was invited as a “visiting student researcher” at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), the equivalent to the “Frauenhofer Institut” in Germany. I had to apply for a J1 Exchange Student Visa, which meant filling out many documents and a lot of planning. In total, this process (called Free Mover) took almost a year before I was able to fly to San Francisco International Airport to start my research beginning of January 2022.


I found a shared apartment via craigslist close to my work and close to the campus. Do not underestimate the costs of living in the Bay area. For my room in a normal sized apartment with three housemates and a garden I paid $950. Food is as well a big expense, for example, a loaf bread costs $9 compared to a German 3€ loaf. Expensive is as well eating out (Pizza $15 compared to 5€) or having drinks (Beer $10 compared to 3€). But the food scene in Berkeley/Oakland/San Francisco is very versatile and vibrant, which surprised me. This all-year-great weather leads to people being active and sociable no matter how expensive life is.


Near Berkeley is Oakland, a larger city that has become very attractive to the middle class. In Oakland, you can witness the process of gentrification, which means that the wealthy young generation is taking over an entire neighborhood from the poorer population. Oakland has a vibrant, fascinating culture on one side and crime and poverty on the other. To the west of Berkeley is San Francisco, which can be reached in about 20 minutes by BART, the local subway (cost $5, use ClipperCard). Berkeley is rather a quiet

University town, whereas SF is a magnet for tourists. The best places in SF are the Golden Gate Park (in the center of the city), the Dolores Park (a very crowded park, full of locals), Chinatown and Ocean Beach, there are as well great bars and festivals all year round. North of SF you can go hiking along the coast (Marin County, Point Reyes). In the south is Stanford University with a beautiful campus (Palo Alto). Must-see are as well: Napa Valley and Sonoma County (the wine regions of CA, 1 hour car ride from Berkeley), Lake Tahoe, Yosemite National Park, and Big Sur (each 3 hours car ride from Berkeley).

Daily Life:

Since I was not an official student of the UC Berkeley, I was not able to create a membership for the on-campus gym. Instead, I got a membership at the YMCA gym in Downtown Berkeley, very close to my apartment. I spent the day in the lab working on my research, ate lunch there with colleagues, and then went to the gym. In the evenings, I often took walks to the Rose Garden in Berkeley, hiked around the Fire Trails, watched the sunset at the Berkeley Marina or on top of the Indian Rocks in Berkeley. When spending the weekend in Berkeley, I usually went to: University Ave (Downtown), Southside (the equivalent to the Ponte in Aachen, in South Berkeley), to Temescal (South Berkeley, on the edge to Oakland) and Solano Ave (on the edge to Albany). When I was writing for my thesis, I enjoyed going to the many libraries the campus has to offer (the best being DOE library) and cafes, like Strada, Blue Bottle, Berkeley Espresso and Yali’s. Other things I liked to do: Yoga at Ohlone Park, Sunday food at “Thai Temple” (Wat Mongkolratanaram from 10am-1pm), biking to Lake Temescal.

© Emna Aidi

© Emna Aidi

Last Advice:

You will need at least half a year to plan such a research stay abroad. I created a one-page leaflet about my idea to work on my master’s thesis, listing my relevant coursework I took at the RWTH Aachen University and my interests in which I would like to work. I sent it to professors, who seemed to work on similar topics, and kept asking them to help me forward my email to others as well. Apply for scholarships since the research stay will be very expensive (Auslandsbafög, RWTH Research Ambassador, Promos DAAD, GIZ).

View: At the LBNL (located on a hill) overlooking the UC Berkeley campus and San Francisco with the Golden Gate Bridge.