
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Insight IT Center’

IT Center Satisfaction Survey 2023 – Your Opinion Counts!

October 18th, 2023 | by
Different expressions for feedback

Source: Freepik

This week our IT Center Satisfaction Survey 2023 started. This survey is aimed at all people who use the services of the IT Center.
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IT Center Oktoberfest 2023

October 13th, 2023 | by
Axe throwing

Source: Own illustration

The IT Center management once again invited to the IT Center Oktoberfest on September 29, 2023, after a long break due to Covid. Parallel to the Munich role model, people enjoyed themselves in typical Tracht, Bavarian specialties, and lots of good humor.

The IT Center party team organized the party for employees, trainees, student assistants and alumni. Traditional decorations, a beer cart, music, and lights created a great atmosphere. Although the weather was not ideal in the meantime, the participants were not impressed by this and continued to celebrate in a good mood.


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Certification of the Quality Management System

October 11th, 2023 | by
ISO 9001 certification label

Source: Freepik

The IT Center at RWTh Aachen University is home to various divisions that are responsible for different subject areas. Among others, the Networks department, which is responsible for the operation and renewal of the centrally managed communication networks of RWTH.
Central tasks include the provision of a reliable and high-performance communications infrastructure to safeguard the university’s research, teaching and administrative operations.
In order to relieve the employees, a quality management system (QMS) was introduced, which was accredited according to ISO 9001 for the first time this year.

You can find out in this blog post what exactly the QMS is used for and how the ISO 9001 certification took place.

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Be Future: Fair for Young People

October 4th, 2023 | by
Partition wall of the IT Center at the Be Future fair

Source: Own illustration

In the past few days, the “Be Future” fair was once again held at the St. Ursula Gymnasium in Geilenkirchen. This fair offers a comprehensive insight into the wide range of career opportunities – be it university studies, dual course of studies or apprenticeships.
Since the first Be Future in 2006, more and more students have been visiting this fair and this time there were more exhibitors than ever before. Nearly 90 exhibitors were on hand to provide information to around 2,000 young people about what options are available after school and what to expext in a univeristy or apprenticeship.


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IT Fairytale Hour – Part 2

September 25th, 2023 | by
Animated woman woman looking through a magnifying glass comparing myths with facts.

Source: Freepik

Today we continue with our series, “All about the myths in the world of IT”.
If you missed the first part of the myths, feel free to check out our last post.

“The full moon causes sleepless nights” – a myth we all know. Experts have long since proven that the moon does not have magical powers. The brightness releases less melatonin in the brain, which helps us fall asleep.
So it’s worth taking another close look at widespread half-truths.

In the world of IT, there are myths that we can get to the bottom of together.
Today, it’s all about IT security and what you should know about it.


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Changed Opening Hours on September 29, 2023

September 22nd, 2023 | by
Part of a watch face of a pocket watch. Opening Hours

Source: Unsplash

Due to an internal event, the IT Center will only be open for you during limited opening hours on Friday, September 29, 2023.

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RWTHmoodle – Results of the User Survey 2023

September 18th, 2023 | by
Fragezeichen Postkarten auf Schreibtisch mit Laptop

Source: Freepik

The RWTHmoodle user survey has become an integral part of the IT Center and the Center for Teaching and Learning Services/Learning Platform Management, and this year the users of RWTHmoodle were once again able to evaluate the system and the services related to the teaching and learning platform, e.g. the training and support offerings. The focus was primarily on the new version 4.1, which was introduced in March 2023.

A total of 36,167 people who actively used at least one learning space in the summer semester of 2023 were invited to take part in the survey in July. This means that not only students were addressed, but also all learning space managers, supervisors and other participants. 1,876 people took the opportunity to give their feedback and contribute to the long-term optimization of RWTHmoodle and its support services.

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Welcome, New MATSE Trainees!

September 15th, 2023 | by
MATSE-Azubis essen und trinken

Source: Own Illustration

This year, we are pleased with the even three-figure MATSE growth! 103 prospective number crunchers have started their dual studies with integrated training as mathematical-technical software developers – MATSE for short.

The newcomers were welcomed at the MATSE beginners’ event on September 4 at the IT Center. The 6th of September also held exciting events in store for our first-year students.

To give you an impression, we have summarized the most important events in this blog post.


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IT Center Summer Party 2023

September 1st, 2023 | by
Crowd laughing

Source: Own Illustration

On August 18, 2023, the IT Center management once again invited employees to the annual IT Center Summer Party.After a wonderful summer party in 2022, the employees were looking forward to an exuberant and fun celebration again this year.

After the last weeks were only marked by rain and bad weather, we had fantastic weather on this day
The IT Center party team organized a party for all employees, trainees, student assistants and also alumni. Together we celebrated with good drinks, delicious food, an Olympics and in the best company. Read the rest of this entry »

Changed Opening Hours on August 18, 2023

August 11th, 2023 | by
analog wall clock

Source: Unsplash

Due to an internal event, the IT Center will be open on Friday, August 18, 2023 with limited opening hours.

You can find out how to reach us on this day here!

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