
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Studies & Teaching’

Tips & Tricks: The Bookmark Manager

September 27th, 2023 | by
Illustration of search bar

Source: Freepik

No matter if we are at university, at work or in private, we are on the internet a lot using the browser. Over time, we accumulate a number of websites that we want to access from time to time.
And to avoid having to search for the pages from scratch every time, there is a practical tool: Bookmarks.
We all know them, but do we use them effectively?

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Welcome, Dear First Year Students!

September 8th, 2023 | by
Lettering "Welcome“

Source: Freepik

It’s starting again… The winter semester 2023 / 2024 is just around the corner. Then the lecture halls and cafeterias will once again be filled with countless students – at RWTH there are currently just over 47,000!

With the start of the winter semester, we will once again be welcoming many first-year students to RWTH. Since we know that there is a lot to do between enrollment and the first lecture, we have created a “Guide for New Students” for you. There you will learn step by step what you have to do to be able to use the IT services of the RWTH that are necessary for your studies.

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Tips and Tricks for Microsoft OneNote

July 17th, 2023 | by

OneNote – is part of the Office package, but it is still not as well known as Word, Excel or PowerPoint.
Although, OneNote is much more useful than expected.

Notebook with a pen and glasses in the background

Source: Unsplash

Put simply, OneNote serves as a digital notebook. Not only can notes be created with the keypad, but handwritten notes can also be recorded with the mouse, touchpad or on a touchscreen display.

But this tool can do so much more. Notes that would otherwise be chaotically scattered in various folders can be clearly structured here and filled with various digital content and media. If you don’t like loose paper lying around and don’t want to have Post-Its stuck everywhere, this is the perfect alternative.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just like to keep things tidy, we have tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the tool.

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RWTHmoodle User Survey 2023 – Help Us Improve Your Learning Experience!

July 10th, 2023 | by
Hashtag moodle monday

Source: Own Illustration

It’s that time again! The annual RWTHmoodle User Survey starts today on July 10, 2023 and runs until July 30, 2023. You have the opportunity to share your experience with the system and give us valuable feedback now if you have used RWTHmoodle and were authorized in at least one learning session during the summer semester 2023. Together, we can further improve RWTHmoodle and adapt the support offering accordingly.

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#Goodtoknow – our services in the spotlight

July 5th, 2023 | by
Did You Know Announcement, Man with Speech Bubble and Glowing Light Bulbs Representing Explanation of Interesting Fact, Promotion, Advertising Information, Clear Statement. Cartoon Vector Illustration

Source: Freepik

We stay connected!

In the first part of our series, you already got to know our collaboration tools Sciebo and Gigamove. In the second part, you got an impression of our diverse communication tools and maybe discovered one or two new ones for you.

Have you already been able to use some of them? Which ones were new to you and which ones do you already use? Feel free to let us know in a comment!

Today’s post concludes this little #goodtoknow series focusing on VPN and eduroam.

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DivA – Submission of Final Theses

May 19th, 2023 | by
Digital Submission of Final Theses

Source: Freepik

The application “Submission of Final final Theses” (DivA) is a project of the PDSL department (Process Suppport and Digitization of Studies and Teaching) of the IT Center in cooperation with the Central University Administration. The application is being developed with the aim of providing students, examiners, and not least the Central Examination Office (ZPA) with an accessible and intuitive way to facilitate the submission of theses.

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The Welcome Week for the Summer Semester 2023

April 21st, 2023 | by
Booth of the IT Center

Source: Own illustration

The first three weeks of the semester are over and introductory events have already taken place. Did you also attend the Welcome Week before the start of the semester? This series of events offers international students in particular the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the services and processes of RWTH Aachen University.

The IT Center was present again this year. On March 23, 2023, we gave a live digital presentation on our IT services. On March 30, 2023, we were even live on site at the Freshers’ Fair, offering advice and support to new students. The following blog post is a follow-up of the Welcome Week and also includes assistance for a successful semester.


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Selfservice Tutorials to Start off the Semester

April 5th, 2023 | by
Pictogram of a clapperboard

Source: Freepik


The new semester has started and as students you have a big to-do list to work through.

As a little support, we have gathered a few Selfservice videos for you in this post today.

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New Semester, New RWTHapp

March 17th, 2023 | by
RWTHApp on the smartphone in hand

Quelle: Eigene Darstellung

New RWTHapp? That’s right – just in time for the start of the summer semester 2023, you will be able to use the app in a new design with new and improved functionalities from April 3, 2023.

Spoiler: The long-awaited Dark Mode is finally available!

Did you know that this app has been around for ten years in November? We’ve published a few posts about the RWTHapp here on the blog over the past few years, reflecting its evolution. Feel free to check them out! Read the rest of this entry »

Renaming: RWTH Service and L²P Get a New Name

March 15th, 2023 | by
Icon image of the renaming two services: RWTH Service and L²P

New name, but nothing new behind it! Source: Own illustration

The IT Center has two account renamings for two services to announce! As of March 23, 2023, the account “RWTH Service” will be renamed “RWTH-E-Mail” and the account ” L²P” will be renamed “RWTH Collaboration”. What the name changes mean for you and what the background for the renaming is, you can find out in this blog post! (*)

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