
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Employees’

That Was the 9th Aachen Company Run

September 28th, 2022 | by
The photo shows the IT Center's running team

The IT Center running team
Source: Own illustration

On September 23, 2022 the Aachen company run took place for the ninth time and the IT Center also took part with a total of nine runners. Last Friday, the teams proved that the IT Center is not only good at IT, but also at sports.

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NHR4CES – In a New Design

September 26th, 2022 | by
Visualization Network

Source: NHR4CES


In order to focus on the strengths of the collaboration between RWTH Aachen University and Darmstadt University of Technology and to put the goals of NHR4CES in the spotlight, a redesign of its website has been carried out over the last few months. We are very pleased to introduce you to this project and its website as well as the new features added in the process.


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Limited Availability of Identity Management

September 23rd, 2022 | by
Maintenance symbol image

Source: Own illustration

It is that time of year again: The semester change is just around the corner, and with it, another comprehensive maintenance of the central user administration of RWTH Aachen University – the Identity Management (IdM) – is taking place. This involves processing a large amount of changed data so that the system can continue to run smoothly in the upcoming winter semester of 2022/23.

For this reason, the system will have limited availability from Friday, September 30, 2022 from 4pm until Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 9am. Read the rest of this entry »

Project Delay Archive Migration

September 21st, 2022 | by
Coming Soon with hourglass

Source: Pixabay


Currently, the migration of the archive data is still ongoing and will last beyond the extended project goal. Users whose data has not yet been migrated will be contacted by email. You can check the current status of the migration on our reporting page. (*)


The “Archive Migration” project, in which we are transferring archived data from the TSM inventory system to the new target systems DigitalArchive and Coscine, is developing more and more into a mammoth project. Despite extensive planning of the five sub-projects and comprehensive communication on the classification of the archived nodes, unforeseeable problems occurred and continue to occur in the technical implementation of the migration, which are now leading to a project delay. Read the rest of this entry »

Hello Herne! Further Education Days in the Ruhr Region

September 19th, 2022 | by
The picture shows a collage consisting of the seminar room of the training academy as well as the exterior and interior view of the academy.

Impressions from and of the Training Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (FAH).
Source: Own illustration

I was able to go on an educational trip to the Advanced Training Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (FAH) in Herne recently as part of our internal advanced training concept. What my time was like during the two-day training on the topic of personnel marketing and employer branding, how important the topic is in times of labour shortage and what other exciting content I took away with me, I have recorded for you in this blog post.

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Happy Programmer’s Day!

September 14th, 2022 | by
Woman who is programming

Source: Pixabay

On September 13, 2022, the world celebrates the annual International Programmer’s Day. In this blog post, we’ll tell you what this holiday is all about, which country it originated in, and how programming works at RWTH Aachen University.

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Making Video Conferences more efficent- Tips for Presenters 4/4

September 12th, 2022 | by
Presenter stands in front of online video conference and speaks to participants

Presenter speaks in online meeting
Source: Pixabay

In our previous blogposts in the series “Efficient video conferencing” we have already reported on which tools you can use for a successful online meeting, how to plan and structure an online meeting correctly and which roles you should assign in a meeting with several participants.

Face-to-face meetings are becoming online meetings, physical training is becoming virtual training, and professional meetings are becoming digital. For many, the workday has changed, and even after the pandemic, some employees will take advantage of the opportunity to work from a home office.

We will give you a few tips on how you, as a facilitator, can guide participants through such online events. Read the rest of this entry »

New Year – New CLAIX Report

September 9th, 2022 | by
yellow background design with year 2021

Source: Freepik

The year 2021 is again characterized by progress in research.

High-performance computers such as the Cluster Aix-la-Chapelle (CLAIX) help to understand global issues and solve problems that challenge science. Find out which interesting projects were running on CLAIX in 2021 and which solutions were found for which problems in the CLAIX Annual Report 2021.

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E-Mail Security – Why Are Redirections Bad?

September 7th, 2022 | by
Illustration mail correspondence

Source: Freepik

The third part of our series of articles on e-mail security deals with the identification protocol DKIM and the standard method for e-mail authentication DMARC.

In our first article and second article on the topic of e-mail security, we informed you about the origins of e-mail and the current statistics in mail traffic at RWTH. In addition, we explained what the SMTP protocol is and what problems it can cause.



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MPI Runtime Correctness Analysis

September 5th, 2022 | by
logo MUST

Source: Own illustration

High performance computing (HPC) is largely concerned with parallelizing programs, especially complex simulations such as models for weather forecasting or climate. To ensure that computations finish quickly, the work to be done is divided among different processes in parallel. Depending on the use case, the processes must exchange their intermediate results with other processes at program runtime.

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