
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Audience’

IT Center Steering Group

July 20th, 2022 | by
Colleagues giving a fist bump

Source: Freepik

As a central institution and service provider in the field of information technology, the IT Center at RWTH Aachen University has an important role in the university’s overall strategy. Thus, among other things, the IT Center plays a leading role in the formulation and implementation of RWTH’s IT strategy and supports the university by providing target group-oriented (IT) services.

The future-oriented design of the core processes of the RWTH through innovative IT in close cooperation with partners and users in teaching, research and administration is the goal of the IT Center.

In order to advise the management of the IT Center in fundamental matters, the RWTH rectorate appoints a so-called steering group. Read the rest of this entry »

Keeping Cool in the (Home)Office – Our 5 Tips for Hot Days.

July 18th, 2022 | by
Person sits strained at the desk in front of the fan

Summer Office
Source: Pixabay


Many people love the summer temperatures. But hot days in the (home) office can also be very exhausting.

When the air stands still and the thermometer rises to 25 degrees+, it’s not easy to stay productive. We feel listless, tired and our ability to concentrate decreases.

We have collected five simple tips for you that will help you to keep cool. Read the rest of this entry »

API in DNS-Admin

July 13th, 2022 | by
Abstract representation of a programming interface based on shapes

Source: Pixabay

From now on, Application Programming Interface-Tokens (API-Tokens) simplify and automate the processes in DNS. Changes can now be easily accessed via the DNS admin using API tokens from a script or other software. One advantage that results from this: Time and clicks will be saved.

We have summarized for you what exactly is behind this and how the whole thing works.

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The IT Center Picture Puzzle: High Performance Computing (HPC) Office

July 8th, 2022 | by
Interview with HPC Office

Source: Own Illustration

MeetMeWednesday: Our series “The IT Center Picture Puzzle” has already gone into the fourth round. Could you guess which word we were looking for this time?

The required word “coordination” stands for the High Performance Computing (HPC) Office. Did you guess it? In this blog post, we present the corresponding interview with the HPC Office, in which you can learn more about the activities and exciting insights of the Office.

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Cleaning up the Microsoft Accounts

July 6th, 2022 | by
Cleaning utensils in bag

Source: Freepik

“Tidiness is half the battle” – for this reason, we have now started a clean-up campaign of the Microsoft accounts in the RWTH-Tenant!

“But what actually is the RWTH-Tenant? What is this cleanup campaign all about? Does it affect my Microsoft account?”

We have summarized the answers to these and other questions for you in today’s article, so that you don’t miss any important information on the topic of Microsoft 365 at RWTH Aachen University and stay up-to-date on innovations in good time. Read the rest of this entry »

Connecting Multiple Apple Devices to Eduroam

July 4th, 2022 | by
top view wifi symbol with smartphone sim card

Source: Freepik

Some students and staff receive a connection error when trying to connect to eduroam on multiple Apple devices at once. The Apple keychain prevents connecting to eduroam when using multiple eduroam identifiers.

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#ITbites – Part 2

July 1st, 2022 | by
Logo #ITbites

Quelle: Eigene Darstellung

Whether it’s a shortcut, tutorial, tip or trick – since February 2022, we’ve been providing you with all kinds of life hacks from the IT sector every three weeks via our social media channels Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #ITbites.

Don’t have one of the two social media accounts? No problem! Today we’re recapping the #ITbites from Q2 2022 for you here on the blog so you don’t miss a thing. You missed the lifehacks from the 1st quarter? Then feel free to check out our last post 😊 Read the rest of this entry »

Archive Migration – The Journey Continues!

June 29th, 2022 | by



Source: Pixabay

Archive migration is probably what is called a mammoth project in IT. In addition to the enormous size of around 1.7 petabytes (PB) that needs to be migrated, some of the data has been stored in the archive for a very long time. This in itself is a great result and testimony to a secure and stable archive, but this circumstance caused the project team around the archive migration one or the other challenge.


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CEO Fraud: When “Superiors” ask for Money

June 27th, 2022 | by
Symbol image of CEO Fraud

Source: Pixabay

Online fraud schemes are constantly evolving and becoming more devious. In some cases, it can be extremely difficult to spot the scam. Yet one particular fraud method seems to be growing in popularity in recent years and, more importantly, causing ever greater damage: the CEO Fraud. In this article, we’ll explain exactly how this method works and how you can protect yourself from it. Read the rest of this entry »