
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Events, Anniversarys & Success’

Welcome to the Winter Semester 2022/23!

October 10th, 2022 | by

Source: Pixabay

We’re glad you’re here and happy to start the new semester with you!

For the new international students, the RWTH has already organized the Welcome Week – also the IT Center was there to make the start in the new country and at the (yet) foreign university a little more pleasant.

You are also new at RWTH and still have difficulties with the IT services? Below in the text you will find a small guide for a good start: A Good Start – IT Services for the Start at RWTH Aachen University

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That Was the 9th Aachen Company Run

September 28th, 2022 | by
The photo shows the IT Center's running team

The IT Center running team
Source: Own illustration

On September 23, 2022 the Aachen company run took place for the ninth time and the IT Center also took part with a total of nine runners. Last Friday, the teams proved that the IT Center is not only good at IT, but also at sports.

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NHR4CES – In a New Design

September 26th, 2022 | by
Visualization Network

Source: NHR4CES


In order to focus on the strengths of the collaboration between RWTH Aachen University and Darmstadt University of Technology and to put the goals of NHR4CES in the spotlight, a redesign of its website has been carried out over the last few months. We are very pleased to introduce you to this project and its website as well as the new features added in the process.


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Welcome new MATSE trainees!

September 16th, 2022 | by


Welcoming of the new MATSE beginners in the lecture hall

Source: Own illustration

90 new trainees began their dual training as mathematical-technical software developers (MATSE) on September 1.

The welcoming ceremony followed on September 2 in the IT Center to welcome all the creative newcomers. Read the rest of this entry »

New Year – New CLAIX Report

September 9th, 2022 | by
yellow background design with year 2021

Source: Freepik

The year 2021 is again characterized by progress in research.

High-performance computers such as the Cluster Aix-la-Chapelle (CLAIX) help to understand global issues and solve problems that challenge science. Find out which interesting projects were running on CLAIX in 2021 and which solutions were found for which problems in the CLAIX Annual Report 2021.

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IT Center Summer Party 2022

August 26th, 2022 | by
Group photo of the IT Center toasting

Source: Own illustration

The IT Center Summer Party 2022 was held on August 12, 2022.

The party team invited all employees, trainees and student assistants to participate in the summer party.
It was a great day with fantastic weather, good drinks, delicious food and the best team.

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RWTHcontacts – Now Online!

August 24th, 2022 | by
Screenshot of the Website RWTHcontacts

Source: Own Illustration

With RWTHcontacts, you get insight into the new organization directory at RWTH Aachen University. To support digitalized processes and in everyday work, we often need information about which employees work at RWTH, where exactly they work and, most importantly, how to reach them.

An organization directory helps us to get this information. It is an information system that contains important data about the mapped institutions. In addition to the master data record, this also includes contacts and addresses. Read the rest of this entry »

IT Center Steering Group

July 20th, 2022 | by
Colleagues giving a fist bump

Source: Freepik

As a central institution and service provider in the field of information technology, the IT Center at RWTH Aachen University has an important role in the university’s overall strategy. Thus, among other things, the IT Center plays a leading role in the formulation and implementation of RWTH’s IT strategy and supports the university by providing target group-oriented (IT) services.

The future-oriented design of the core processes of the RWTH through innovative IT in close cooperation with partners and users in teaching, research and administration is the goal of the IT Center.

In order to advise the management of the IT Center in fundamental matters, the RWTH rectorate appoints a so-called steering group. Read the rest of this entry »

IT Center goes “Any Way the Wind Blows”

June 17th, 2022 | by
Stage 5 in the garden of the re:publica

Stage 5 in the garden of the re:publica
Source: Own illustration

They had to wait a long time, but now it happened:

Originally planned for 2020, our IT Centre employees Nicole Kaminski and Tanja Wittpoth-Richter were allowed to travel to Berlin in June 2022 to the “Festival for the Digital Society”, the re:publica, and enjoy a colourful programme. What the two experienced, they captured for us.

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ACI Conference at IT Center

May 23rd, 2022 | by

The ACI event on May 18, 2022 as the first face-to-face event in 2 years at the IT Center!
Source: Own illustration

Under the motto “SDN made in Aachen – ACI Datacenter”, the event management team of the IT Center and the Networks Department organized a workshop for data center operators in the university environment together with Cisco Systems GmbH and NTT Germany AG & Co. KG organized a workshop for data center operators in the university environment.


The focus of this workshop was the exchange of information about ACI, SDN and the current projects around the topic of data centers at RWTH Aachen University, but also the personal exchange and networking played a major role.

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