
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘IT-Managers’

Help Us to Improve Coscine!

April 22nd, 2024 | by

Source: Coscine

Coscine has now been in regular operation at RWTH Aachen University for a year. On the occasion of this event, we are counting on your opinion. If you actively use Coscine, the platform for research data management, you now have the opportunity to share your experiences and give us valuable feedback from April 22 to May 6, 2024. Together, we can continue to improve Coscine and adapt the support offering accordingly.

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Meet Us – The Editorial Team

April 19th, 2024 | by
Ten women sitting on a staircase

Source: Own illustration
f.r.t.l., Merrit Mielke, Stéphanie Bauens, Lina-Louise Kaulbach, Dunja Gath, Jelena Nikolic, Linda Stroh, Janin Iglauer, Sara Erdem, Arlinda Ujkani, Morgane Overath

Hey! 🙂

Or “Moin!” as our colleague Merrit from the north would say – we are the editorial team of the IT Center and would like to introduce ourselves to you with this article. Every day we work to provide you with information about our services, IT security updates and news from the IT Center cosmos.

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World Backup Day: Security Through Data Backup

March 27th, 2024 | by
Person holding laptop with cloud icons in background

Source: Freepik

March 31st is World Backup Day – a day to remind us how important it is to protect our digital data. In an increasingly connected world where our personal and business data is stored digitally, backing up this data is crucial to protect it from loss or cyber threats.

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Webhosting: Registration, Security & Administration

March 20th, 2024 | by
Website Hosting Illustration with Computer Design

Source: Freepik

What does webhosting mean?
Webhosting refers to the provision of storage space (webspace) for the provision of websites. The people who create the website fill this webspace with different content, including images, videos, files, and fonts. Websites are similar to text documents that can be made available and accessed on the Internet. The content of the websites must be saved so that we can access them from anywhere at any time. However, this storage does not take place on a local computer, but on a high-performance server that is connected to the Internet around the clock. In this way, the created website remains continuously available online and the content can be accessed by users worldwide. RWTH Aachen University and FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences cooperate to provide webspace to institutes and student associations as webhosting providers.


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Spoofing: An Underestimated Threat

March 18th, 2024 | by
Businessman with megaphone that says "Lie"

Source: Freepik

In the world of IT security, there are a variety of threats that can affect companies and individuals alike. One of these threats that is often underestimated is spoofing. Spoofing is a technique where the attacker attempts to disguise their true identity in order to gain access to sensitive information. In doing so, they attempt to cause damage or pretend to be a trustworthy source. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the technique of spoofing, show the different forms it can take and explain how companies and individuals can protect themselves against spoofing attacks.

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E-Mail Security – How to Configure Forwarding Correctly

March 13th, 2024 | by
Hand-drawn text messages between two cell phones on the board

Source: Freepik

In this article in our mail security series, we will show you how to configure the forwarding of incoming mails. In our previous articles, we have informed you about the problems involved in sending mails, possible security vulnerabilities and security mechanisms that have already been implemented and explained why redirects are bad. This article is about setting up forwarding in the RWTH Mail App, also known as “OWA” (Outlook Web App).

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Video Tutorials on Multifactor-Authentication and the Token Manager

March 8th, 2024 | by
Illustration Laptop with Video and film roll

Source: Freepik

On February 1, 2024, the RWTH Aachen University introduced multifactor-authentication (MFA) for the VPN service. This will significantly improve the protection of the IT services you use.

You can learn how to use MFA for VPN and how to set up your second authentication factor in the Token Manager in the first videos in our video series on multifactor-authentication, which we are presenting to you today.

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Time to say goodbye, RWTH-Tenant!

March 6th, 2024 | by
Finger presses the power button on a laptop

Source: Pixabay

Some time ago, we already started cleaning up the Microsoft accounts in the old RWTH-Tenant. First, it was the turn of the students of RWTH Aachen University.

Now we will continue with the Microsoft accounts of the employees, so that at the end of the clean-up campaign we can duly say goodbye to the RWTH-Tenant.

In today’s article, we’ll explain what the clean-up campaign is all about, what you should look out for, and where you need to take action yourself.


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RWTHmoodle: Help, My Study Rooms Have Suddenly Disappeared!

March 4th, 2024 | by
Vector sitting next to big manual illustration

Source: Freepik

We often receive enquiries from students at the beginning of the semester because their current study rooms no longer appear in RWTHmoodle despite successful registration. There are two reasons for this, which we would now like to explain to you in more detail.


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Review of the SWT Fair 2024

March 1st, 2024 | by
SWT Fair

Source: Own Illustration

On February 16, 2024, the IT Center opened its doors again for the Software Technology Fair, which is the highlight of the Software Technology module for the dual students of the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science degree program. The prospective mathematical-technical software developers (MATSE) had the opportunity to proudly present their practical projects.

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