
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Students’

Ticket Tool Info – Part 2: Advantages of the Ticket-Portal

September 4th, 2023 | by
Ticket with info on the upcoming maintenance of the ticket tool from 12 to 13 September 2023

Source: Own illustration

The second part of our Ticket Tool-Info series of articles is about the Ticket-Portal and its advantages. After informing you about our ticket tool and its functions in the first article, we would like to take a closer look at our Ticket-Portal in this article, through which you can easily and simply send us all your inquiries, whether technical or not. From logging in to the user-friendly interface to tracking progress to the status of your ticket – the Ticket-Portal offers you everything you need.

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IT Center Summer Party 2023

September 1st, 2023 | by
Crowd laughing

Source: Own Illustration

On August 18, 2023, the IT Center management once again invited employees to the annual IT Center Summer Party.After a wonderful summer party in 2022, the employees were looking forward to an exuberant and fun celebration again this year.

After the last weeks were only marked by rain and bad weather, we had fantastic weather on this day
The IT Center party team organized a party for all employees, trainees, student assistants and also alumni. Together we celebrated with good drinks, delicious food, an Olympics and in the best company. Read the rest of this entry »

E-Mail Security – Evaluation of DMARC Policy for Incoming Emails

August 30th, 2023 | by
Letters of a keyboard representing the word email

Source: Pixabay

In the fourth part of our e-mail security series, we would like to inform you about an innovation in our e-mail security policy.

After we reported on e-mail, e-mail statistics at RWTH Aachen University, and the SMTP protocol and its pitfalls in the first and second articles, and informed you about the DKIM identification protocol and DMARC in the third article, this fourth part is now about a new e-mail security requirement. To ensure that RWTH can continue to provide a secure e-mail service in the future, we have decided to introduce the evaluation of a sender’s DMARC policy when accepting mail at the university’s central mail gateway. You can find out what this means in this blog post.


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Ticket Tool Info – Part 1: The Ticket Tool and Its Functions

August 28th, 2023 | by
Ticket with info on the upcoming maintenance of the ticket tool from 12 to 13 September 2023

Source: Own illustration

In this article we will familiarise you with the functions and background of our ticket tool. We will also tell you about the big upcoming upgrade of our ticket tool in the period from September 12 to 13, 2023 and the associated service restrictions. But don’t panic: We will remain loyal to you during this period and will be available despite the restrictions during the upgrade. 🙂 Read the rest of this entry »

Adieu CAS CAMPUS Web-Phonebook

August 25th, 2023 | by
CAS CAMPUS Writing plug is getting pulled

Source: Freepik

The old CAS Campus directory will be shut down on August 31, 2023. For many years it served RWTH Aachen University and the RWTH University Hospital as a web phone book. Until the introduction of RWTHonline, CAS CAMPUS was not just a web phonebook at the time, but a fully comprehensive CAMPUS management system for teaching at RWTH.

On the blog, we have provided comprehensive coverage of the project to replace CAS CAMPUS with its follow-up, RWTHcontacts, and have been keeping you up to date.

Since June 28, 2023, the web phone book of CAS CAMPUS is only available for reading and has been replaced by the new directory RWTHcontacts for the RWTH and UKAcontacts for the University Hospital. Read the rest of this entry »

IT Fairytale Hour – What’s the Truth About the Myths?

August 23rd, 2023 | by
Illustriertes Bild von Frau im IT Weltall

Source: Freepik

We all know one or two myths that have snuck into our minds over time. Advice like “Put your head in the neck in case of a nosebleed”, everyone has heard before and is still a very common half-knowledge today. But here it is proven that exactly the opposite should be done. Namely, bend the head forward so that the blood can drain off.  

Even in the field of IT, there are some tips that are widespread and firmly believed in.  But is there really anything to it? Which tips and warnings should be taken seriously and which are old news. We want to get to the bottom of it and take a closer look at how much truth there is behind such myths.  

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Requesting User Certificates via the RA Portal – Info for End Users

August 18th, 2023 | by
Drawing signed sheet and shield with lock

Source: Freepik

As of August 15, 2023, you can request user certificates from GÉANT/TCS in the RA portal. The DFN-PKI Global used so far will cease operation on August 30, 2023.

User certificates function like a digital ID card. They are personal, which means that you can uniquely identify yourself as a user. You can use them to sign documents or e-mails and thus prove that you personally digitally signed a document or sent an e-mail.

You need a user certificate for your e-mail address? You already have a user certificate from DFN-PKI Global? How do you proceed now? In this blog post we would like to provide clarity and answer these and other questions on the subject.


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The IT Center Greets Its New Trainees

August 14th, 2023 | by
People with laptops and smartphones on the floor

Source: Freepik

This year, we are once again very pleased to welcome our new trainees.

As a training company of RWTH Aachen University, we give enthusiastic young talents the opportunity to learn and grow in a dynamic and future-oriented environment. This year, we are very pleased to welcome a total of 11 new trainees at the IT Center, who now look forward to their exciting apprenticeships as IT specialists for system integration (FiSi), management assistants for office management (KfB), management assistants for dialog marketing (DiMa), and mathematical-technical software developers (MATSE). Read the rest of this entry »

Changed Opening Hours on August 18, 2023

August 11th, 2023 | by
analog wall clock

Source: Unsplash

Due to an internal event, the IT Center will be open on Friday, August 18, 2023 with limited opening hours.

You can find out how to reach us on this day here!

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Digital Wellness: A Healthy Relationship with Technology

August 9th, 2023 | by
Woman meditating inside a phone

Source: Freepik

In our fast-paced age, it’s obvious that technology has penetrated deeply into our daily lives, providing us with a multitude of benefits and opportunities. However, it is important to maintain a healthy and nurturing digital lifestyle in order to maintain a mental and physical well-being and find a balanced relationship between our online and offline worlds. In this blog post, we explore the importance of digital well-being and provide practical tips on managing screen time, using technology mindfully, and achieving a healthy balance between our virtual and real lives.

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