
IfP Blog

Archiv für Juli 2023


14. Juli 2023 | von

Das Team „IfP – PsyDiagnostics Runners“, Laura Christina Suthe und Klemens Weigl, vom Lehrstuhl für Psychologische Diagnostik und Intervention haben beim diesjährigen Lousberglauf erfolgreich teilgenommen. Laura belegte bei den Damen den 154. Platz (von 416) in einer Zeit von 30:22 und Klemens belegte bei den Herren den 111. Rang (von 1237) in einer Zeit von 22:25.

Kongress der European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP)

12. Juli 2023 | von

Vom 24. bis 27. Mai 2023 fand in Kattowitz (Polen) der 21. Kongress der European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) unter Beteiligung von Prof. Dr. Bettina S. Wiese und Dr. Anna M. Stertz (Lehrstuhl II) statt.

In dem von Prof. Dr. Bettina S. Wiese mitorganisierten Symposium „Regret in careers: Examining its sources, implications, and responses” trug Dr. Anna M. Stertz mit einen Vortrag zum Thema „Fathers’ daily regrets of being on parental leave: The roles of perceived family-support by the supervisor and the organization“ bei. Zudem hat Dr. Anna M. Stertz einen Vortrag zum Thema „Leaving the organization or quitting the workforce? A longitudinal study on working mothers’ turnover intentions in the early family phase” in dem von ihr organisierten Symposium „Examining the work-nonwork interface from special perspectives” gehalten.

ADok 2023

09. Juli 2023 | von

Matilde Simonetti, Luigi Falanga, and Anton Koger from the Chair of Cognitive and Experimental Psychology had a great experience at the PhD-ADok conference in Greifswald from June 21st to 24th.

The conference had a cozy vibe with fewer than 20 attendees. This created a warm and intimate atmosphere where we could connect with everyone and have meaningful discussions. The conference venue was absolutely unique (see picture below).

The talks by Matilde and Anton were very successful. It was Luigi’s first-ever conference experience, and he engaged in academic and social exchange.


Welcome Luigi Falanga!

06. Juli 2023 | von

In the past weeks, Luigi Falanga joined the Chair I (Cognitive and Experimental Psychology, Prof. Dr. Iring Koch) as a PhD student. Luigi is working on the DFG-funded project “Age-related changes in the mechanisms of auditory attention switch in selective hearing” (led by Dr. Iring Koch in collaboration with Prof. Janina Fels from the Institute for Hearing Technology and Acoustics).

Prior to his arrival here, Luigi completed a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Psychological Sciences, followed by a Master’s degree in Applied Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Parma. During his Master’s, he conducted research on Interpersonal Physiological Mirroring.

Welcome, Luigi, we are looking forward to working with you!