
IfP Blog

RWTH Aachen at ESCoP in Porto!

18. September 2023 | von


The biannual conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) was held in Porto this September. RWTH Aachen was well-represented with three chairs of the institute presenting their work.

Cognitive and Experimental Psychology: Prof. Dr. Iring Koch


Tanja Roembke: How DOes Orthographic Similarity Impact Language Switching?
Andrea Philipp: (After-)Effects of Language Switching: Evidence for Proactive Inhibition?
Iring Koch: Does the Dominant Language Always Require More Inhibition During Bilingual Language Production?
Luca Moretti: Quality Over Quantity: Focusing on High-Conflict Trials to Improve the Reliability and Validity of Attentional Control Measures.
Denise Stephan: Response Precueing in a Crossmodal Context.
Matilde Simonetti: The Impact of Overlapping Mappings on the Acquisition and Retrieval of Word Meanings.

Poster Presentations

Amy Strivens: Does Preparation Reduce the Effects of Feature Binding when Switching Auditory Attention?
Jing Tong: Within- and Between-Language Semantic Priming in Classifier-Noun Phrases.
Anton Koger: Influence of Cognitive Demand Predictability on Balance Control.

Work and Engineering Psychology: Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlittmeier

Poster Presentations

Chinthusa Mohanathasan: Memory and Listening Effort in Two-Talker Conversations: Does Face Visibility Help Us Remember?

Social and Biological Psychology: Prof. Dr. Anna Kuhlen

Poster Presentations

Anna Kuhlen: How Do People Discriminate Conversations Generated by Humans and Artificial Intelligence? The Role of Individual Variability on People’s Judgement.
Rachel Brown: The Influence of Action-Effect Compatibility on Sequence Planning and Inter-Manual Transfer.
Mathias Van der Biest: Social Instructions: The Formation of Shared Task Sets in a Collaborative Context.

We are so happy that we could present our diverse work on language switching, auditory attention, motor control, word learning, cognitive control, listening effort, conversation judgements and sequence planning in beautiful Porto!

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