Kategorie: ‘Austria’
My stay in Vienna – a truly transformative experience
- Business Administration and Engineering: Mechanical Engineering B.Sc.
- Austria, Vienna
- Austrian Institute of Technology
- 09/22 – 12/22
My name is Eva, and I spent September till December 2022 in Vienna doing an internship at a non-university research Institution, in the area of energy technology.
My half year Erasmus experience in Vienna was an incredible journey that completely exceeded my expectations. I arrived in the city in September, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. I didn’t know anyone in Vienna, and I was worried about how I would make friends and adjust to living in a new country. But from the moment I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by how welcoming and friendly everyone was. I really fell in love with the beautiful city of Vienna. To be honest, I was obsessed to do my internship in this city. I have never been there before, but my sister who is currently living in Zurich (I am a bit of a fan of this city as well) told me it is almost as beautiful and a lot cheaper. Spoiler: it is definitely more livable as a student because you can actually afford activities. The cost of living is not as cheap as in Aachen, but still within the range of big cities like Munich or Hamburg.
One of the first things I noticed about Vienna was its stunning architecture. The city is filled with gorgeous buildings and landmarks. I spent many afternoons wandering the streets, taking in the sights and soaking up the rich culture of the city.
In Vienna there are no kiosks, so everywhere are little “Trafiks“ which look really cute. If you want to get a beer in the evening, it is difficult, because supermarkets are closing at 8 pm. But you always can get one at a Würstelstand. My favorite one is the `Wiener Würstelstand´ in Pfeilgasse crossing Strozzigasse. I can recommend the vegan bosna. On the weekend they do organize little events with pretty cool live music.
I was really lucky! In my office I sat only with interns, bachelors students, masters students and PhD students. So it did not take long till we went on for a beer or other activities. My colleagues and I went bouldern. The company were paying half of the price to support sport activities. We also went for paddle, weird sport.
It was also really affordable to do some yoga, in the “oneYoga“ studio it is possible to test all classes for 30 euro for one month after that it costs 90 euro what’s still okay if you go three times a week.
I was living in a shared flat with another girl, I found the place on WG-gesucht. It is not easy to find something, but that’s only because no flats are rented with furniture. Everyone else I have met said if you are staying longer, the market really is alright because of social housing. Our flat was in the 8th Bezirk Josefstadt, I would recommend living in the area. It took me 35 minutes to work by train but only a 10 minute walk to get in the city or in the 7th Bezirk which is absolutely my favorite. Full of little restaurants, cute boutiques and nice bars. Maybe a few recommendations: Bars: Espressobar, Cafe Anno, Cafe Benno (they have a lot of games, and you can eat really good kasespätze there). Breakfast: Cafe der Provinz, all you can eat for 18 euro, with a good quality of food, most of them vegetarian and a lot of vegan stuff. Party: there is a website called Vienna wurstelstand -making the most out of Vienna and life. Every month they make recommendations about cool events. My friends and I did a lot of it. Went to art galleries, little concerts or parties. It is also nice to get to know Vienna, so take a look. Restaurants: pizza bussi ciao, mamamon thai or nguyens pho haus.
The picture on the left was taken from the top of the “Haus des Meeres“, you can get up there for free, but it is also possible to have a drink or eat something there. I would go up for the view and get a beer in the area, there are a lot of little cute bars around.
If you are also going in winter, you should take a walk on the Kalenberg, it is not far from the city and for me, it was really important sometimes to get some nature and fresh air between all these massive and impressive buildings. There are a lot of Heurigen (vine farmers that are selling between their fields) you can drink „Sturm“ and with good weather you get a beautiful view over the city.
I also had the chance to travel on the weekends. I went to Bratislava which is worth a visit, it is only two hours by train and the city has much to offer. Budapest is a four hour trip, in my opinion you have to stay overnight to make it worthwhile.
Last thing: withdrawing money costs fees, but you can get it for free from the supermarkets.
Overall, my half year Erasmus experience in Vienna was a truly transformative experience. I grew as a person and learned so much about myself and the world around me. I am so grateful for the opportunity to do my internship abroad and to have had the chance to live in such a beautiful and culturally rich city. I will always treasure the memories I made in Vienna and I hope to visit again someday.
Many activities in Vienna
- Architecture M.A
- Vienna, Austria
- Alles Wird Gut Architektur
- 01.03.2022-01.09.2022
Since an excursion to Vienna in my third semester, I had already made the decision to complete my mandatory internship not in Germany, but in Vienna. At that time, I was already very impressed by the city and, since I could imagine moving to Vienna at some point in the future, I wanted to get a taste of everyday life and work in Vienna during my internship.
Looking for an apartment in Vienna is not very easy, especially at the beginning of the semester, because a lot of people are looking for an apartment at once. As in Germany, you look for shared flats mainly via WG-gesucht, otherwise there are also many ads on “Willhaben”. However, Vienna has the great advantage that the rents are comparatively cheap, unlike most large German cities. The best and most popular are the neighborhoods around the Ring and Gürtel. I was very lucky in my search for an apartment and found a nice shared flat in the Seventh, probably the hippest neighborhood in Vienna. In general, I would always recommend moving into a shared apartment for a stay abroad, as it is much easier to make friends in the new city.
I completed my internship in a fairly large architecture firm, which also has a large number of interns. We were a total of 10 interns, who all started at the same time as me in March. Since, except for two, all of them were not from Vienna and were also new to the city, we were all able to explore the city and life in Vienna together, which I am very grateful about. Over the course of the internship, a great friendship has developed here that goes far beyond the work and the internship. We often had a beer together after work on the Donau Canal, went swimming together in the Donau on the weekend, or went hiking in the vineyards. I got used to the daily routine in the office very quickly, and over time certain routines became established. For example, we went out to eat together every day as a group of interns in the office canteen, then played a round of foosball or table tennis in the canteen, and then went for a little digestive walk, wich route varied less and less towards the end of the internship. In addition to the activities with the other interns, there were also numerous small events and evenings within our office, where you also got to know the rest of the office better. So in the end, saying goodbye was harder than expected.
Vienna is a city that has a lot to offer – it is not for nothing that it is the most livable city in the world. The city center is adorned with one magnificent building after another and the streets of the surrounding neighborhoods are lined with beautifully decorated old buildings. In general, I noticed that the city is very clean and also does a lot for the preservation of the buildings. In addition, drinking fountains are available throughout the city; especially in the summer when sightseeing with people who are visiting, this is a blessing. The Danube Canal runs through the city, fortunately for me, right in front of my office. This is where people meet, especially in the early evening, and enjoy the beautiful evening atmosphere and residual warmth of the stones on the waterfront while having a drink. Half an hour away from the city center you are at the actual Donau and the Donauinsel. Here you can go swimming, especially in the hot summer months, and sunbathe in the greenery or on the jetties on the Old Donau. Thereby one has a beautiful view, with a mixture of nature, vineyards and urban city silhouette. Those who prefer to spend their weekends actively will not miss out in Vienna either. In addition to the numerous sporting opportunities at the Prater and the Donau, you can also simply go hiking in the vineyards or ride up the serpentine road on a bike. In the vineyards there are Heurige on every corner, where you can enjoy a great view over the vineyards and Vienna and taste the local wines and delicious food. On a classic wine walk in Vienna, you go from Heurigen to Heurigen, enjoying the sun and drinking wine or spritz. Culturally, of course, the city also has a lot to offer. In the Museumsquartier, for example, one museum follows the next, but I can also highly recommend a visit to one of the theaters and the opera. There are often student offers here as well. The nightlife in Vienna also leaves nothing to be desired. So there are, especially in the Seventh and Second District, many cool bars and generally clubs for all kinds of music. I especially liked that there were also dance bars on the Donau, where you could party and dance after swimming with a view of the water.
During my stay in Vienna, I explored not only Vienna, but also the surrounding area. In addition to trips to other parts of Austria, such as Lake Neusiedl or Graz, Vienna’s location makes it ideal to travel to other countries. For example, I took a bike tour to Bratislava and a weekend trip to Budapest. There were many more trips planned, but in the end I decided to spend more time in Vienna, because the time there goes by much faster than one would like and I wanted to enjoy it, especially with the people there. The people in Vienna are, as in probably every capital city, very diverse. Nevertheless, I had at least the feeling that Vienna is overall a fancier and not quite as open city as I had imagined. Depending on the district, one often finds rather unfriendly, often well-heeled Viennese. However, if you have found your circle of friends and your favorite places, you can work around that well. All in all, I found my stay in Vienna very successful and can only recommend it. Vienna is a beautiful city that has something to offer for everyone. I will especially miss the Donau and the view of the vineyards. But also the daily walks during lunch break, where you always discovered new corners and houses of Vienna.
Wien – eine außerordentlich lebenswerte Stadt
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, FR Maschinenbau
- Wien, Österreich
- Boston Consulting Group
- 12.07.21-17.09.21
Ich wollte nach meinem Bachelor unbedingt noch praktische Erfahrung im Kontext eines Praktikums sammeln. Das Unternehmen, für das ich mich letztlich entschied (Boston Consulting Group) gab mir die Möglichkeit mich zwischen verschiedenen Büros innerhalb Deutschlands, aber auch in Wien, als meinen Praktikums-Standort zu entscheiden. Letztlich ist mir die Entscheidung nicht sehr schwer gefallen. Nach einer durch Covid bedingten recht unaufregende Zeit, wollte ich möglichst neue Erfahrung sammeln und entschied mich daher für das Office, von dem ich mir am meisten Abwechslung versprach – Wien. Soviel vorweg, die Entscheidung habe ich nie bereut! Die Wohnungssuche in Wien ist sehr viel entspannter als man es aus deutschen Großstädten kennt und dazu auch noch bezahlbar – insbesondere im Sommer. ich empfehle dazu die Suche über das Portal WG- Gesucht. Bei mir war es sogar so simpel, dass ich ein Inserat über meine Wohnungssuche einstellen konnte und die WGs mich anschrieben. Ich würde zukünftigen Outgoings empfehlen ein Haus zu suchen, in dem möglichst viele Internationale Studierende leben, da man hier aus meiner Erfahrung am leichtesten Kontakte knüpfen kann. Außer die Anreise musste ich eigentlich nicht viel mehr planen.
Wien ist eine außerordentlich lebenswerte Stadt. Zu meinen Highlights zählen neben der wunderschönen Architektur auch die Naturnähe. So kommt man sehr schnell mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln in die nahegelegenen Weinberge, aber auch zum sommerlichen Planschen an die Donau (Station Donaustadtbrücke). Ganz in der Nähe sind auch Wakeboard-Anlagen, die echt Spaß machen. Super erreichbar von Wien sind auch Bratislava und Budapest für Wochenendtrips. An Nachtclubs kann ich den “Volksgarten” aka “VoGa” ans Herz legen. Allerdings ist der Kleidungsstil eher förmlich und man sollte sich auf lange Wartezeiten einstellen. Unser Workaround war dort sehr früh anzukommen, einen Stempel abzuholen und anschließend noch in eine nahe gelegene Karaoke Bar zu relocaten, ehe die eigentliche Party begann. Richtig stark fand ich auch den Prater, Wiens ganzjähriger Freizeitpark mitten in der Stadt. Als Ingenieur immer eine Reise wert ist das Naturwissenschaftliche Museum Wien, mit Ausstellungen über alle technischen Errungenschaften der Menschheit. Zuletzt gab eine Ausstellung zu Artificial Intelligence. Das naturhistorische Museum fand ich schon weniger spannend, da hier der Fokus eher auf das Ausstellen von möglichst vielen bunten Mineralien gelegt wurde. ich habe gehört, dass das Albertina eine sehr schöne Kunstsammlung zeigt. Ich persönlich war nur im Albertina Modern, das mich persönlich weniger begeistert hat.
Insgesamt hatte ich mit meinem 10 wöchigen Aufenthalt eine recht kurze, aber dennoch intensive Zeit. Durch die finanzielle Unterstützung des Erasmus Programms, kann man dabei auch wirklich viel von der Stadt mitnehmen.
Praktikum in Wiener Architekturbüro
- Architekur, M.A.
- Österreich, Wien
- Goos Architekten
- 01.03.21 – 31.08.21
Meine Erfahrung:
Nach meinem Erasmussemester in Wien entschied ich mich meinen Aufenthalt zu verlängern, indem ich mein sechsmonatiges Pflichtpraktikum vom 01.03.2021 bis zum 31.08.2021 im Architekturbüro Goos Architekten absolvierte. Ich bewarb mich damals für mehrere Architekturbüros in Wien. Schon nach wenigen Wochen meldete sich dann das Büro Goos Architekten bei mir und ich wurde für das Praktikum angenommen. Dadurch, dass ich das Praktikum an mein Erasmussemester anknüpfte, war die Wohnungssuche und das soziale Umfeld schon Bestand. Denn auch weitere Erasmusfreunde entschieden sich nach ihrem Auslandssemester ein Praktikum in Wien zu absolvieren, was ich auch sehr empfehlen kann. Doch in Wien ist die Wohnungssuche und auch das Kennenlernen von neuen Freunden nicht sehr schwer. Zum einen findet man auf WG Gesucht immer preisgünstige Wohnungen in den beliebten Bezirken 1-9 und zudem bietet die Stadt sehr viele Freizeitangebote für ihre Bewohner an. Hierbei kann man sich auch beim ESN (Erasmus Student Network) der TU Wien anmelden, welche tolle Freizeitaktivitäten für Erasmusstudenten anbietet.
Meine Wahl für das Architekturbüro Goos Architekten ergab sich daraus, dass mir die schon gebauten Projekte gut gefielen und das Team sehr klein war und man somit stärker in die Arbeit mit eingebunden wurde. Die Schwerpunkte des Unternehmens sind Architekturprojekte in diversen Größenordnungen, einschließlich der Innenarchitektur, sowie der Außenanlagenplanung. Das Angebot erstreckt sich über alle Leistungsphasen, vom Entwurf bis zur Ausführung, der Bauüberwachung sowie die Bereiche Projektentwicklung und Projektmanagement.
Meine Aufgaben waren divers verteilt. Zum Beispiel zeichnete ich Ausführungspläne für eine Dachgeschosswohnung in Wien, entwarf eine Küche für eine Eigentumswohnung oder erstellte Konzeptstudien für einen Entwurf für ein sogenanntes „Lerndorf“ für Schulklassen. Die Mitarbeiter und mein Chef bemühten sich sehr nett, mir einen gesamten Überblick des Alltags eines Architekten zu zeigen und Grillabende im Büro gehörten zur wöchentlichen Routine. Ich fühlte mich somit sehr wohl in meinem Praktikantenalltag und lernte sehr viel dazu.
Die Stadt Wien und auch Österreich selbst stellten sich als sehr lebenswert heraus. In Erinnerung bleiben auf jeden Fall der Badespaß an der Alten Donau, die vielen tollen Museen, die gemütlichen Cafés und die Ausflüge in die Alpen.