
IfP Blog

Auditory Cognition Research at Forum Acusticum 2023 in Turin

16. Oktober 2023 | von

Last month, Isabel Schiller represented the Work- and Engineering Psychology team at a successful Forum Acusticum 2023 in Turin. This conference brought together a diverse group of professionals, including acousticians, psychologists, and companies engaged in the field of acoustics. A great platform for networking and presenting our latest research in the area of Auditory Cognition!



We contributed 3 presentations to a diverse and captivating program:

I.S. Schiller, A. Bönsch, J. Ehret, C. Breuer, and L. Aspöck. (2023, September 11-15). Does a talker’s voice quality affect university students’ listening effort in a virtual seminar room? [oral presentation]. Paper available here.

I.S. Schiller, A. Schnapka, C. Eggert, P. Birkholz, S. Stone. (2023, September 11-15). VQ-Synth: development and perceptual evaluation of a system for voice quality modification [oral presentation]. Paper available here.

V. Hongisto, J. Keränen, I.S. Schiller, S. Schlittmeier, I.-K. Tervahartiala, and J. Radun (2023, September 11-15). Room acoustic design affects occupants’ work performance and acoustic satisfaction – The FinGer study [oral presentation].

Forum Acusticum has been an enriching experience and we are grateful for the connections established during this event!

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