
IfP Blog

Kategorie: ‘Kognitions- und Experimentalpsychologie’

Das IfP auf dem Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Wien

17. September 2024 | von

Das IfP ist aktuell mit einer ganzen Reihe von Poster, Vorträgen und Symposien auf dem 53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Wien vertreten.

Entwicklungspsychologie und Forschungsmethoden
Thiel, J. C., Sosin, A., & Neubauer, A. B.: Between-person differences in within-person effects of need fulfillment on well-being: Predictive validity in postsecondary education.
Lücke, A. J., Schilling, O. K., Kunzmann, U., Katzorreck-Gierden, M., Gerstorf, D., & Neubauer, A. B.: Day-to-day fluctuations in sleep quality are associated with negative affective inertia over night.
Mayer, A.-M., Neubauer, A. B., & Jugert, P.: Gab es heute schlechte Neuigkeiten? Eine Tagebuchstudie zu politischer Berichterstattung und politischen Einstellungen im Jugendalter.
Ruf, A., Allmeta, A., Neubauer, A. B., & König, L. M.: Measurement reactivity in Ecological Momentary Assessment of snacking.
Neubauer, A. B., Koval, P., Zyphur, M. J., & Hamaker, E. L.: Understanding causal effects in ambulatory assessments on the within-person and the between-person level.
Sosin, A., & Neubauer, A. B.: Experiencing change in emerging adulthood: The transition out of upper secondary education and well-being in daily life.
Wieland, L., Schmiedek, F., & Neubauer, A. B.: The role of everyday experience and behavior in students‘ working memory and affective well-being.
Lücke, A. J.: Predictors and consequences of sleep in daily life.
Sosin, A.: Understanding the impact of critical life events on indicators of mental health and personality change.

Arbeits- und Ingenieurpsychologie
Böffel, C., Düwel, S., Fraune, E., Jager, H., Kolata, A., Müller, I. E., Rajkumar, T., Scalora, V., Titz, V., Varon Castro, S., Wolf, A., & Schlittmeier, S. J.: Die drei Säulen der Nachhaltigkeitsüberzeugung: Eine Fragebogenstudie zur subjektiven Bedeutung ökologischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Aspekte bei der Bewertung der Produktnachhaltigkeit.
Haehn, L., Albayrak, C., Schlittmeier, S. J., & Böffel, C.: Was war das? Der Einfluss von Unterbrechungen auf Immersion und Lernerfolg in Serious Games.
Klütsch, J., Schlittmeier, S. J., & Zimmermann, V.: “I want to learn more”: Nudging towards informed privacy-related app decisions online.
Kreuder, A., Schlittmeier, S. J., Rakoczy, K., & Frick, U.: Improving digital competence in adolescents and young adults? A review of intervention studies and educational strategies.
Schiller, I. S., Aspöck, L., Breuer, C., Ehret, J., Bönsch, A., Fels, J., Kuhlen, T. W., & Schlittmeier, S. J.: Beeinflusst die Stimmqualität von Hochschuldozent*innen die Zuhörleistung der Studierenden?
Klütsch, J., Kreuder, A., & Schlittmeier, S. J.: Facets of Digital Competence: Understanding and Overcoming Online Privacy and Cyber Threats.

Personal- und Organisationspsychologie
Bachmann, J., Burk, C. L., & Wiese, B. S.: Validierung eines Fragebogens zur berufsbezogenen Kreativitätsneigung.
Burk, C. L., & Wiese, B. S.: Eine Karriere um des „guten“ wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens willen: Steuern wissenschaftliche Werthaltungen die Karrierewege Promovierter?.
Dorry, J., & Wiese, B. S.: Großeltern als Paare: Enkelglück und subjektives Wohlbefinden.
Stertz, A. M., & Wiese, B. S.: Die Inanspruchnahme der Elternzeit durch Väter: Wirkungen von Geschlechterrolleneinstellungen in der Partnerschaft.
Dorry, J., & Wiese, B. S.: Soziale Beziehungen und Wohlbefinden im mittleren und höheren Erwachsenenalter.

Arling, V., Knispel, J., & Slavchova, V.: Berufsbezogene Situationsbeschreibungen zum Training sozialer Kompetenzen: Eine konvergente Validierung.
Knispel, J., Slavchova, V., & Arling, V.: Berufliche Resilienz messbar machen: Validierung des Fragebogens RB-30.
Slavchova, V., Knispel, J., & Arling, V.: Inklusion bei psychischen Erkrankungen: Die Verantwortung von Führungskräften und ihre Einflussfaktoren.

Kognitions- und Experimentalpsychologie
Hirsch, P., Koch, I., & Philipp, A. M.: Aufgabenunterbrechungen beim Tippen.
Philipp, A. M.: Kognitive Kontrolle in der Sprachverarbeitung: Modalitätsspezifische Einflüsse auf den Sprachwechsel.


UROP International 2024 has come to an end

30. Juli 2024 | von

After ten weeks of research at the IFP1, the UROP International 2024 program has come to an end for our international students. Big congratulations to Cindy from the University of British Columbia for her work on „What happens when typing is interrupted? A study of double consonant German words,“ supervised by Patricia Hirsch. Also, a shoutout to Tharuni from the University of Alberta and Chong from the University of Southern California, who worked with Tanja Roembke, Matilde Simonetti, and Rachel Brown on the projects „The ‚Bilingual Advantage‘ in Word Learning: a Meta-Analysis“ and „Production Effect In Speakers With L1 Mandarin and L2 English.“ We hope you all had a great time here in Aachen and look forward to crossing paths again!

Das Projekt BIM4People im OecherLab

14. Mai 2024 | von

Letzte Woche stellte das Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Arbeits- und Ingenieurpsychologie in Kooperation mit dem ICoM der RWTH Aachen University das Projekt BIM4People im OecherLab in Aachen vor. Die Veranstaltung bot einen Einblick in die Fokusgruppen mit Bürger:innen sowie in die Bedarfsanalyse zu digitalen Beteiligungsplattformen. In einer anschließenden Podiumsdiskussion wurden die Herausforderungen und Chancen digitaler Bürgerbeteiligung mit zwei Projektpartnern und der Stadt Aachen diskutiert.

Im Projekt BIM4People arbeiten Jennifer Klütsch und Luise Haehn vom Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Arbeits- und Ingenieurpsychologie (Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlittmeier) sowie Patricia Hirsch und Sandra Hensen vom Lehrstuhl für Kognitions- und Experimentalpsychologie (Prof. Dr. Iring Koch) gemeinsam in einem interdisziplinären Konsortium. Ihr Ziel ist es, eine digitale Beteiligungsplattform für die Öffentlichkeit zu gestalten, um die Akzeptanz für Baumaßnahmen im Sinne der Mobilität 4.0 zu stärken. Dadurch soll der Umstieg auf öffentliche Verkehrsmittel durch gemeinschaftliche Mitgestaltung und Berücksichtigung der Öffentlichkeitsinteressen attraktiver gemacht werden.

Das IfP auf der TeaP 2024!

02. April 2024 | von

Vom 17.03. bis zum 20.03. fand die 66te Tagung für experimentell arbeitende PsychologInnen (TeaP) in Regensburg statt. Wie die vorherigen Jahre war das IfP mit einer ganzen Reihe von Beiträgen vertreten. Es wurden Vorträge gehalten, Symposia organisiert und Sessions als Chair geleitet.





Kognitions- und Experimentalpsychologie

  • Amy Strivens. Pre-empting the cue or always ready to switch? Distinguishing between theories of the switch probability effect on auditory attention switch costs.
  • Elena Benini. Episodic retrieval in task switching: Repeating the response induces retrieval of the task.
  • Patricia Hirsch. Sequential adjustments of cognitive control in dual-task contexts.
  • Anton Koger. Assessing the influence of cognitive demands in dual tasks on balance control: An event-related approach using aligned force-plate data.
  • Matilde Simonetti. The “bilingual advantage” in word learning: A meta-analysis.
  • Tanja Roembke. Does language switching impact memory encoding?
  • Luigi Falanga. Age-related differences in selective listening: The interplay between attentional and sensory factors.


  • Ludivine Schils. Influence of ageing and task preparation on the modality compatibility effect in task-switching.
  • Sandra Hensen. Exploring the influence of dual-tasks on auditory-verbal memory encoding.


  • Elena Benini, Astrid Prochnow. Feature binding in action control and beyond I: How binding contributes to stimulus-response learning, cognitive control, and event segmentation.
  • Elena Benini, Astrid Prochnow. Feature binding in action control and beyond II: How binding contributes to stimulus-response learning, cognitive control, and event segmentation.
  • Tanja Roembke, Matilde Simonetti. The impact of language experience on learning and memory.


** New Joint Venture ** Biologische Psychologie und Sozialpsychologie ** zusammen mit ** Arbeits- und Ingenieurpsychologie **


  • Anna K. Kuhlen, Louisa Hartwig, Annika Hartmann, Sabine J. Schlittmeier: Language balance and cognitive performance under bilingual irrelevant speech.

Please note that this poster is based on the bachelor thesis of the students Louise Hartwig and Annika Hartmann. Cheers to both of them!

IfP goes to California for Psychonomics!

08. Januar 2024 | von

Several members of the Cognitive and Experimental Chair travelled to the 64th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in San Francisco, CA, to present their work on diverse topics such as bilingual production, sequence learning and attentional control.

Does the Dominant Language Always Require More Inhibition During Bilingual Language Production? Talk presented by Prof. Dr. Iring Koch (co-authors: Mathieu Declerck, Greta Petersen, Daniel Rister, Wolfgang Scharke, Andrea M. Philipp)

Quality over Quantity: Focusing on High-Conflict Trials to Improve the Reliability and Validity of Attentional Control Measures. Talk presented by Dr. Luca Moretti (co-authors: Iring Koch, Claudia von Bastian)

Biligual Sequence Learning: Costly or Beneficial? Talk presented by Dr. Denise N. Stephan (co-authors: Mathieu Declerck, Iring Koch)

Shifting Attention Between Simultaneous Voices: How We Prepare to Listen to a New Speaker. Poster presented by Amy Strivens (co-authors: Elena Benini, Iring Koch, Aureliu Lavric)

Repetition Costs in Sequence Chunking. Poster presented by Dr. Rachel M. Brown (co-author: Iring Koch)

Evidence of Task-Triggered Retrieval of the Previous Response: A Binding Perspective on Response-Repetition Benefits in Task Switching. Poster presented by Elena Benini (co-authors: Malte Möller, Iring Koch, Andrea M. Philipp, Ruyi Qiu, Susanne Mayr)

Exploring the Influence of Processing Conflicts on Memory Encoding in Dual-Task Situations. Poster presented by Sandra Hensen (co-authors: Iring Koch, Patricia Hirsch)

Crossmodal Attention Switching: Impact of Aging on Selective Attention Within Task-Switching Paradigm. Poster presented by Ludivine Schils (co-authors: Iring Koch, Pi-Chun Huang, Shulan Hsieh, Denise N. Stephan)

Lehrstuhl I goes to Eupen!

21. September 2023 | von

Lehrstuhl I (Cognitive and Experimental Psychology, Prof. Dr. Iring Koch) spent two productive workshop days in Eupen to present to each other their research visions for the next year.
In the process, we also got to learn more about Eupen’s history and eat lovely Belgian chocolate cake at Kloster Heidberg. Thank you Matilde, Luigi and Anton for organizing!


RWTH Aachen at ESCoP in Porto!

18. September 2023 | von


The biannual conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) was held in Porto this September. RWTH Aachen was well-represented with three chairs of the institute presenting their work.

Cognitive and Experimental Psychology: Prof. Dr. Iring Koch


Tanja Roembke: How DOes Orthographic Similarity Impact Language Switching?
Andrea Philipp: (After-)Effects of Language Switching: Evidence for Proactive Inhibition?
Iring Koch: Does the Dominant Language Always Require More Inhibition During Bilingual Language Production?
Luca Moretti: Quality Over Quantity: Focusing on High-Conflict Trials to Improve the Reliability and Validity of Attentional Control Measures.
Denise Stephan: Response Precueing in a Crossmodal Context.
Matilde Simonetti: The Impact of Overlapping Mappings on the Acquisition and Retrieval of Word Meanings.

Poster Presentations

Amy Strivens: Does Preparation Reduce the Effects of Feature Binding when Switching Auditory Attention?
Jing Tong: Within- and Between-Language Semantic Priming in Classifier-Noun Phrases.
Anton Koger: Influence of Cognitive Demand Predictability on Balance Control.

Work and Engineering Psychology: Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlittmeier

Poster Presentations

Chinthusa Mohanathasan: Memory and Listening Effort in Two-Talker Conversations: Does Face Visibility Help Us Remember?

Social and Biological Psychology: Prof. Dr. Anna Kuhlen

Poster Presentations

Anna Kuhlen: How Do People Discriminate Conversations Generated by Humans and Artificial Intelligence? The Role of Individual Variability on People’s Judgement.
Rachel Brown: The Influence of Action-Effect Compatibility on Sequence Planning and Inter-Manual Transfer.
Mathias Van der Biest: Social Instructions: The Formation of Shared Task Sets in a Collaborative Context.

We are so happy that we could present our diverse work on language switching, auditory attention, motor control, word learning, cognitive control, listening effort, conversation judgements and sequence planning in beautiful Porto!

ADok 2023

09. Juli 2023 | von

Matilde Simonetti, Luigi Falanga, and Anton Koger from the Chair of Cognitive and Experimental Psychology had a great experience at the PhD-ADok conference in Greifswald from June 21st to 24th.

The conference had a cozy vibe with fewer than 20 attendees. This created a warm and intimate atmosphere where we could connect with everyone and have meaningful discussions. The conference venue was absolutely unique (see picture below).

The talks by Matilde and Anton were very successful. It was Luigi’s first-ever conference experience, and he engaged in academic and social exchange.


Welcome Luigi Falanga!

06. Juli 2023 | von

In the past weeks, Luigi Falanga joined the Chair I (Cognitive and Experimental Psychology, Prof. Dr. Iring Koch) as a PhD student. Luigi is working on the DFG-funded project “Age-related changes in the mechanisms of auditory attention switch in selective hearing” (led by Dr. Iring Koch in collaboration with Prof. Janina Fels from the Institute for Hearing Technology and Acoustics).

Prior to his arrival here, Luigi completed a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Psychological Sciences, followed by a Master’s degree in Applied Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Parma. During his Master’s, he conducted research on Interpersonal Physiological Mirroring.

Welcome, Luigi, we are looking forward to working with you!

Congratulations Erik!

28. Juni 2023 | von

More good news: Erik Friedgen recently successfully defended his dissertation “Decomposing multitasking costs: Reconciling generic and modality-specific accounts in task switching”. He was supervised by Dr. Iring Koch and Dr. Denise Stephan (Chair I; Cognitive and Experimental Psychology). Congrats on moving forward with your career—we are all so proud of you!