
IfP Blog

Kategorie: ‘Kognitions- und Experimentalpsychologie’

Congratulations Luca!

19. Dezember 2022 | von

Luca Moretti recently successfully defended his dissertation “The causes and consequences of task selection failures in task switching”. He was supervised by Dr. PD Steffi Schuch and Prof. Dr. Iring Koch (Chair I; Cognitive and Experimental Psychology). Well done, Luca!

News: Psychological Review article, Handbook of Human Multitasking, and new DFG project

19. Dezember 2022 | von

The Lehrstuhl für Psychologie I (Cognitive and Experimental Psychology) has some exciting research news to share:


  1. Together with Prof. Dr. Mathieu Declerck, VU Brussels, Belgium, Dr. Iring Koch published a new review article on bilingualism in the journal „Psychological Review“ on the use of inhibition by bilinguals. It can be cited as: Declerck, M., & Koch, I. (2022). The concept of inhibition in bilingual control. Psychological Review. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/rev0000367


  1. The voluminous „Handbook of Human Multitasking“, with co-editors Dr. Iring Koch & Dr. Leif Johannsen, Lehrstuhl für Psychologie I, is now out: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-04760-2


  1. The Lehrstuhl für Psychologie I (Cognitive and Experimental Psychology) will get a new DFG project. It is a collaborative project entitled “Age-dependent changes in mechanisms of auditory attentional shifts in selective hearing: Correlational approach to differences in auditory thresholds and experimental manipulation by hearing loss simulation”, led by Prof. Dr. Iring Koch in collaboration with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Janina Fels, Institute for Hearing Technology and Acoustics at RWTH Aachen University.

RWTH Aachen at Psychonomics!

24. November 2022 | von

Several members of Chair I (Cognitive and Experimental Psychology, Prof. Dr. Iring Koch) presented their research at Psychonomics in Boston, USA, this last weekend.


Elena Benini (co-authors: Iring Koch, Susanne Mayr, Andrea Philipp) travelled all the way to Boston to present her fabulous poster on “Binding of Task-Irrelevant Contextual Dimensions in Language Switching” (see photo).

Patricia Hirsch (co-authors: Iring Koch) presented her virtual poster on her recent work on “Dynamics of the Secondary Task Activation in Task-Interruption Contexts”.

Luca Moretti (co-authors: Iring Koch, Marco Steinhauser, Stefanie Schuch) presented part of his PhD work in his virtual talk on “Investigating the Sequential Effects of Stimulus-Based Task Conflict in Task Switching”.

Tanja Roembke (co-authors: Iring Koch, Andrea Philipp) presented her virtual talk on “The Role of Orthographic Similarity in Language Switching”.


Herzlichen Willkommen, Matilde!

07. November 2022 | von

Matilde Simonetti joined the Chair I (Cognitive and Experimental Psychology, Prof. Dr. Iring Koch) as a PhD student this November. Matilde is part of the DFG funded project “Statistical word learning in bilinguals: Examining changes in learning behaviour due to differences in language environment” (led by Dr. Tanja Roembke).

Matilde previously completed her BA in Psychology and MA in Applied Experimental Psychological Sciences at the University Milano-Bicocca, where she conducted some research on strategy adaptation in matrix games.


Welcome, Matilde, we are looking forward to working with you!

Das IfP auf dem DGPs-Kongress

18. Oktober 2022 | von

Vom 10. bis 15. September fand der 52. DGPs-Kongress in Hildesheim statt, auf dem das IfP mit einer Vielzahl an Beiträgen vertreten war. Es wurden Vorträge gehalten, Poster präsentiert, Symposia organisiert und Sessions als Chair geleitet!


Kognitions- und Experimentalpsychologie


Tanja Charlotte Roembke, Iring Koch & Andrea M. Philipp. The Role of Phonological and Orthographic Overlap in Written Language Switching


Personal- und Organisationspsychologie


Anna Claus & Bettina Wiese. Identitätsbedrohung in interdisziplinären Teams: Eine Frage der Identifikation?

Anna M. Stertz, Christian L. Burk & Bettina S. Wiese. Inequality at the workplace: Does gender still matter?

Lena C. Müller-Frommeyer, Anna M. Stertz & Bettina S. Wiese. Was beeinflusst verlässliche Elternzeitpläne von Müttern? Die Bedeutung von Planung mit Führungskraft und Partner

Ruth Noppeney, Aida Alisic & Bettina S. Wiese. Was erhält ihre Zweifel? Individuelle und soziale Ressourcen im längsschnittlichen Wechselspiel mit Promotionsabbruchgedanken


Anna M. Stertz & Alina S. Hernandez Bark. Inequality at the workplace: Does gender still matter?

Lena C. Müller-Frommeyer & Anna M. Stertz. Eltern werden, Eltern sein – Psychologische Perspektiven auf Geburt und Elternzeit


Jasmin Dorry & Bettina S. Wiese. Sehnsucht nach Großelternschaft und subjektives Wohlbefinden im späten mittleren Erwachsenenalter


Arbeits- und Ingenieurpsychologie


Annika Kreuder, Ulrich Frick, Sophia von Salm-Hoogstraeten, Miles Tallon, Michael Winter & Sabine J. Schlittmeier. „Digital Natives“ und ihr Kompetenzprofil: Von Tech-Nerds, Influencer:innen und Gamer:innen.

Christian Böffel. South of the Bishop, West of the Knight: Compatibility Effects Based on the Relative Positions of Chess Pieces.

Jennifer  Klütsch, Annika Kreuder, Christian Böffel, Ulrich Frick & Sabine J. Schlittmeier. „Alle meine Freunde nutzen diese App“ – Wie Privatsphäre-Entscheidungen Adoleszenter durch soziale und entwicklungspsychologische Wirkfaktoren beeinflusst werden.


Pamela Baess & Christian Böffel. Spatial Compatibility Effects in Cognitive Experiments: Recent Developments and New Perspectives


Start des DFG-Projektes “Crossmodal selection in attention and action…”

06. Mai 2021 | von
01.05.2021 Start eines neuen DFG Projekts im Rahmen einer binationalen Ausschreibung zwischen DFG (Deutschland) und MOST (Taiwan) zum Thema: “Crossmodal selection in attention and action: Age-related changes in cognitive preparation of crossmodal processing and their neural underpinnings unter Leitung von Dr. Denise N. Stephan am Lehrstuhl für Kognitions- und Experimentalpsychologie von Prof. Iring Koch. Dieses Projekt wird in Kooperation mit Prof. Shulan Hsieh & Dr. Pi-Chun Huang, des Department of Psychology, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan durchgeführt.
Als Doktorandin promoviert im Rahmen dieses Projekts Ludivine Schils.

Lehrstuhl I begrüßt Ludivine Schils als neue Mitarbeiterin

06. Mai 2021 | von
Wir freuen uns unsere neue Mitarbeiterin Ludivine Schils zu begrüßen!

„Dear all, I am Ludivine Schils. I am from Belgium. I wanted to study Psychology since I was 14. Since I started to study Psychology at the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve my interest in research was born. During my Master, I specialized in neuropsychology and conducted two internships in research, aiming to understand the link between space & action, and space & cognition. These internships strengthened my desire to pursue a career in science to conduct my own research. I am looking forward to deepen my comprehension of the mechanisms in human cognition and action while working with Dr. Denise Stephan and Prof. Iring Koch in the DFG (Germany) – MOST (Taiwan) project and am very curious to conduct research on Crossmodal selection in attention and action: Age-related changes in cognitive preparation of crossmodal processing and their neural underpinnings. In my freetime, I also love to do a bunch of sports, from martial arts to circus and team sports. But to stick to stereotypes, as a real Belgian person I particularly enjoy to eat chocolate while tasting some new special beer with friends!“