

Kategorie: ‘Pharmaceutical Company News’

Doctors accepting bribes for accumulative total of 5000 RMB will get dismissal

May 4th, 2018 | by

Recently, Anhui Health and the Family Planning Commission published the trial approach of officers at medication institutions that accepted commercial bribes. It is clarified that officers at medication institutions should get punishments, as a dismissal and the withdrawal of their licenses, when they either ask for or accept commercial bribes for an accumulative total of 5000 RMB. Meanwhile during the investigation period, the officers should not be transferred to new working positions. The new approach will come into effect on 1st January, 2018.


来源:赛柏蓝 2018-01-02


All public hospitals cancel drug markup

May 4th, 2018 | by

The news from the Health and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security shows that until the end of September 2017, all national public hospitals cancelled the drug markup. So far, the hierarchical medication system is fundamentally founded. Medical resources are distributed based on population. 80% of the people can reach the closest medication station within 15 mins. The service of family doctor already covers 430 million people. (Source: People’s Daily)


来源:人民日报 2017-12-11


Difficulties with sharing prescriptions

May 4th, 2018 | by

In October 2017, all pharmacies in Wuzhou, Guangxi started to share prescriptions. By means of the prescription within 24 hours, patients can go to any pharmacy which joins the sharing platform to pay the medication fee and buy drugs. This means four months later – after the beginning of the pilot project in May – the prescription information sharing platform, which is promoted by Health and Family Planning Commission Wuzhou, officially reached the implement phase. (Source: 21st Century Pharmacy)


来源:21世纪药店 2017-10-13


Shanghai Pharma and DHL made a strategic cooperation to expand Chinese pharmaceutical distribution market

May 4th, 2018 | by

On 4th August 2017, Shanghai Pharma and DHL held a meeting in Shanghai for the strategic cooperation. They announced their cooperation in fields of life science and healthcare. Through the business cooperation, resources will be shared for the business of pharmaceutical products, the third-party logistics and storage regarding medical instruments. (Source:


来源:东方财富网 2017-08-07


First drug tracing service platform based on blockchain went online

May 4th, 2018 | by

In June, 2017, the fist drug tracing service platform based on blockchain – Ziyun drug tracing service platform – went online. It is known that all tracing data from Zhengzhou Aolite Pharmaceutical is saved on the blockchain platform of Ziyun Shares. With the model of “one code for one item” all trancing dates cannot be changed, so that all products from Aolite Pharmaceutical are qualified to pass the quality control in the distribution process. (Source: CFLP)


来源:中国物流与采购网 2017-06-07


The reformation of the State Council institutions: repealing CFDA and establishing the Drug Administration

March 21st, 2018 | by

The reformation scheme of the State Council institutions was published on 13.03.2018. It was mentioned in the scheme that the National Market Supervision Administration will be established as a subordinate institution of the State Council. Furthermore, concerning the particularity of drug supervision, the National Drug Supervision Administration will be independently established, which will be directed by the National Market Supervision Administration. The market supervision will be directed hierarchically. The drug supervision institutions will be set only to the provincial level. The supervision of drug distribution and drug sales will be operated by the supervision administrations at the city and country level. The CFDA will not be kept in the reformation. (Source:

国务院机构改革: 撤销食药监总局、单设药监局

来源:人民网 2018-03-14


65 licensed pharmacists got publicized! The CFDA exposes the situation of fake subordinations for the first time

March 21st, 2018 | by

On 22nd November, the CFDA published an announcement about the inspection of fake subordinations of licensed pharmacists in pharmaceutical distributors. It is known that the FDA in Jilin and some other provinces found 65 licensed pharmacists with fake subordinations. The FDAs have registered the information of those pharmacists in the management information system of national licensed pharmacists. The provincial registration institution of licensed pharmacists will capture and de-register their certificate and make them public. (Source: 21st Century Pharmacy)


来源:21世纪药店 2017-11-23

核心提示: 11月22日,国家食品药品监督管理总局网站上发布《关于药品经营企业中执业药师“挂证”行为检查情况的通告》。据悉,吉林等省(自治区)食品药品监管部门检查发现“挂证”行为的执业药师65人。相关食品药品监管部门已将上述“挂证”人员相关信息录入全国执业药师注册管理信息系统,由所在省执业药师注册机构依照相关规定收缴其注册证,并注销注册、对外公示。

10 pharmacies became pilot stations for recycling expired drugs

March 21st, 2018 | by

To safeguard the pharmaceutical market order, one should avoid that expired drugs flow into the market and endanger the medication safety. The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation Tianjin organized that the pharmaceutical drug retailers start the recycling of expired drugs. On 29th November 2017, the long-term basis recycling work of expired drugs officially started. For the first batch, 10 pharmacies became pilot stations. (Source: China Network Finance)


来源:中国网财经 2017-11-30

核心提示: 为保障药品市场秩序,防止过期药品流入市场,保证百姓用药安全,天津市市场监管委组织天津市药品零售企业积极开展过期药品回收工作。2017年11月29日,天津市过期药品长期回收活动正式启动,首批10个药店纳入试点。

The supervision and management regulation for drug retailing online seeks for opinions: Prescription drugs are forbidden to sell online

March 21st, 2018 | by

CFDA recently publishes the supervision and management regulation for drug retailing online (exposure draft) and asks for opinions from the public. The exposure draft emphasizes that pharmacies online should neither sell prescription drugs, nor exhibit information of them. Licensed pharmacists are also necessary for pharmacies online. These are also the latest management regulation for pharmacies online, which will further enhance the distribution environment of drug retailing online and maintain the medication safety. (Source: Souhu)


来源:搜狐 2017-11-17


The standard of drug data management asks for opinions

March 21st, 2018 | by

Recently, regarding the standard of drug data management, CFDA asks for opinions of the public. The exposure draft of the standard indicates that data management is one part of the system of the drug quality management, which should run through the entire data life cycle. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2018-01-11
