

Schlagwort: ‘Pricing’

NHSA: releasing the “Standards of the Contract Renewal of Reimbursed Drugs”

July 24th, 2023 | by

Recently, the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) adjusted and released the “Standards of the Contract Renewal of Reimbursed Drugs,” which clarified the adjusted payment standards covering the entire life-cycle of drugs: A drug that has been on the reimbursement list for 8 years will stay on the list permanently; the price reduction of a reimbursed drug would be halved if this drug has been on the reimbursement list for more than 4 years and the price reduction is triggered by contract renewal or additional indications for this drug; innovative drugs, biological goods, and traditional Chinese medicines that have already been approved by the Measures for the Administration of Drug Registration can renew the contract through renegotiations with the state if the price reduction is triggered.

基本覆盖药品全生命周期 国家医保局发布谈判药品续约规则

来源:广东省人民政府  2023.07.24


Pricing pharmaceutical medical service in hospitals

October 21st, 2022 | by

Recently, the NMPA proposed that pharmaceutical medical services with clear patient needs, concrete service contents and target groups, and clear technical requirements should be priced to encourage pharmacy personnel to play an active role in promoting rational use of drugs and reducing drug waste; qualified provinces should be guided to carry out pilot projects of this new pricing policy for pharmaceutical medical services.


来源:医药网  2022.10.21


Supervising drug price in designated retail pharmacies

October 21st, 2021 | by

On October 18th, Shanghai Sunshine Medical Procurement All-In-One Website released the “Notification on Drug Price Supervising Measures for Shanghai’s Pharmacy Chains.” The “Notification” requires designated pharmacy chains to upload drug pricing information to the ‘Shanghai Medical Procurement Service and Supervision Information System’ when selling drugs on the national reimbursement drug list; the uploaded drug prices are monitored by the “Red/Yellow Line” warning system, which creates an alert when the price exceeds the Yellow Line and rejects price adjustments when the price exceeds the Red Line.


来源医药网  2021.10.21


The State Council: Normalize and Institutionalize the Centralized Procurement of Drugs

January 18th, 2021 | by

On 15th January, the State Council indicated that the implementation of Centrailised Procurement of Drugs (with target quantity) should be normalized and insitutionalized to lessen the burden on the masses; the drugs on the National Reimbursement Drug List that are in high demand and need large procurement amounts will be included in the fourth batch of the centralized procurement. At the same time, the Shanghai Sunshine Medical Procurement All-In-One company officially anounced the launch of the fourth batch of the National Centralized Procurement of Drugs.


来源:医药网  2021.01.18


Hainan: supervising the drug procurement process

October 12th, 2020 | by

On October 10th, the Hainan Medical Insurance Bureau issued the “Plan on Supervising and Evaluating the Medical Price in Hainan Province.” The “Plan” clarifies that drugs included in the procurement list on the website of the centralised procurement platform of Hainan Province should be supervised, which means that monitoring and early warning systems will be implemented as drugs are published on or removed from the website as well as during the processes of drug procurement, distribution, use, and purchase. In addition, a centralised drug procurement assessment for medical institutions should be developed, in which will be evaluated particularly whether medical institutions have obeyed the purchase agreement and paid for the drugs with in 30 days, the rate of drug cost compared with the whole medical costs in medical institutions, the rate and purchasement of unselected drugs, and illegal purchase behavior.


来源医药网  2020.10.12

10月10日,海南省医疗保障局印发《海南省医药价格综合监管评价服务工作方案》(以下称《工作方案》)。《工作方案》明确,将在海南省医药集中采购平台挂网采购的药品纳入监测内容,对药品的挂网、撤网、采购、配送、使用和回款等全流程实施监测预警。 另外,应设置医疗机构的药品集中采购考核,其中对于协议完成率、30天汇款率、药占比、非中选产品采购量及金额占比、违规采购行为等进行了重点评分规定。

Developing evaluating systems of drug pricing and bidding and procurement performence

September 17th, 2020 | by

On September 16th, the NHSA offically issued the “Guidelines on Establishing a Evaluating System of Drug Pricing and Bidding and Procurement Performence,” which stipulates that each province should establish and launch their own system before the end of 2020. The “Guidelines” clarifies that centralised procurement organizations of drugs and medical equipments should prevent pharmaceutical companies from fixing unreasonable drug price, such as via giving kickback to hospitals. At the meantime, the pharmaceutical companies that do not act properly will be documented and punished according to different levels of dishonesty while they are also encouraged to rectify to regain their credit score.


来源:医药网  2020.09.17


Pharmacy chains can only rise the price of drug in the reimbursement list by 15%

September 3rd, 2020 | by

On September 1st, the “Reform Project on Improving the Functions of the Centralised Drug Procurement Platform and Promoting a Full Coverage of Payment Requirement of Drugs on the Reimbursement List in Zhejiang Province” was implemented. The “Project” indicates that drugs included in the list of online transactions on the provincal procurement platform of drugs and medical equipments are included in the provincal drug reimbursement list. Designated public medical institutions and private medical institutions should fix the drug price that accords with the price on the drug reimbursement list while  pharmacy chains can rise the price upto 15% based on the price on the list.

9月1日起执行医保用药 药店只能加价15%

来源医药网  2020.09.03


Wuhan: implementing the centralised procurement of the intensive monitoring drugs

August 6th, 2020 | by

On August 6th, the Joint Procurement Office of Drugs and Medical Equipments in Wuhan issued the first “Price List of Intensive Monitoring Drugs” and implemented the centralised procurement of 30 sorts of intensive monitoring drugs, which will last one year and is aimed to regulate a rational drug pricing and guiding medical institutions to regulate medication to reduce the financial burden on patients.


来源医药网  2020.08.06


Deepening the reform of the medical and health care system

March 6th, 2020 | by

On February 25th, the State Council issued the “Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health Care System.” The “Opinion” stipulates that medical institutions should improve the management of drug reimbursement lists, medical service protocols, and medicare settlement or increase the efficiency of medicare payment. Besides, the use of medical insurance funds should be strictly supervised, and insurance fraud will be dealt with according to legislation. In addition, the reform of centralized drug procurement should be deepened, and a pricing system that depends on the market should be established. Moreover, medical institutions should improve their service capacity and standardize new medical services, such as consulting over the internet.


来源:医药网  2020.03.06




Price management in medical institutions

January 6th, 2020 | by

On January 2nd, the National Health Commission issued the “Standard of Price Management in Medical Institutions,” which will come into effect as the date of promulgation. The “Standard” indicates that medical institutions should establish a price management system that is consisted of several departments. Besides, the “Standard” stipulates that medical institutions should make several staffs supervise the medical costs and adjust unreasonable charges. Besides, medical institutions should establish a system that can analyze and manage the medical service cost and make the costs of common medical services public.



来源:医药网  2020.01.06
