

Schlagwort: ‘Drug Supply Chain’

Wenzhou: establishing traceability system for Traditional Chinese Medicine

June 13th, 2023 | by

In the context of the “Global Migration to 2D” (GM2D), the Market Supervision Bureaus of Wenzhou City and Cangnan County promote manufacturers of Traditional Chinese Medicines to implement GM2D in the traceability system of TCMs to realize the ‘one-code-one-drug’ tracing of TCMs. In addition, the cultivation of raw materials for TCMs should also be traced to improve the quality and safety of TCMs.


来源:中国食品药品网  2023.06.13


Guangdong: Improve the modern drug distribution system

July 15th, 2022 | by

Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Drug Administration and the Department of Commerce jointly issued a “notice on improving the modern drug distribution system to promote the development of drug distribution.” The Notice proposes that modern logistics standards for drugs should be implemented in Guangdong province to make drug storage and transportation more efficient, cost-effective, standardized, and intelligent. To deliver drugs to both urban and rural areas, an efficient and safe drug distribution system should be established, as well as a cross-regional province-wide drug logistics supply chain. Large drug distributors should be primarily responsible for drug distribution while small and medium-sized drug distributors should support them.


来源:医药经济报  2022.07.15


The State Council: establishing a national drug traceability collaboration platform

May 11th, 2021 | by

Recently, the State Council issued the “Opinions on Strengthening Drug Supervising Capacity.” The “Opinion” stipulates that the traceability information system be enhanced and a national drug traceability collaboration platform be established to achieve complete drug tracking and tracing and to gradually apply unique identification for medical devices.


来源:医药网  2021.05.11


New regulations of online drug trading

November 13th, 2020 | by

On November 12th, the NMPA issued the “Measures for the Supervision and Regulation of Online Drug Trading (Consultation Paper).” The paper clarifies that drug trading enterprises can only sell drugs that are allowed to be sold; special drugs such as vaccines, anesthetics and psychotropic drugs are not allowed to be traded online. The paper also indicates that drug trading enterprises that are allowed to sell prescription drugs online should check the source of electronic prescription and the dispensing in the prescription and mark the used prescription. Moreover, drug trading enterprises should provide online medical services and employ pharmacists to guide the public to use drug rationally.


来源:医药网  2020.11.13


Solicting opinions on drug recall

October 14th, 2020 | by

On October 13th, the NMPA issued the “Measures on Drug Recall (Consultation Paper)” to solicit opinions from public. The Consultation Paper stipulates that Markeiting Authorization Holders should establisch and improve the drug recall system, collect information on drug safety issues, and investigate and evaluate defective or potentially harmful drugs in order to recall them on time.


来源:医药网  2020.10.14


NMPA: establishing a traceabiliy system of specially regulated drugs

October 14th, 2020 | by

On August 28th, the NMPA issued the “Notice of establishing the traceability system of special drugs.” The Notice indicates that the Marketing Authorization Holders should establish traceability systems and collect the information from the traceability process to realise the traceability of special regulated drugs, such as selected drugs, before December 31st. At the meantime, the NMPA should establish a Coordination Platform of traceability systems, which provides coding rules of drug traceability codes and services that encode the IP-Adresse of traceability systems that are established by Marketing Authorization Holders to help to realise the information sharing between the different traceability systems.


来源医药网  2020.10.14


Hainan: supervising the drug procurement process

October 12th, 2020 | by

On October 10th, the Hainan Medical Insurance Bureau issued the “Plan on Supervising and Evaluating the Medical Price in Hainan Province.” The “Plan” clarifies that drugs included in the procurement list on the website of the centralised procurement platform of Hainan Province should be supervised, which means that monitoring and early warning systems will be implemented as drugs are published on or removed from the website as well as during the processes of drug procurement, distribution, use, and purchase. In addition, a centralised drug procurement assessment for medical institutions should be developed, in which will be evaluated particularly whether medical institutions have obeyed the purchase agreement and paid for the drugs with in 30 days, the rate of drug cost compared with the whole medical costs in medical institutions, the rate and purchasement of unselected drugs, and illegal purchase behavior.


来源医药网  2020.10.12

10月10日,海南省医疗保障局印发《海南省医药价格综合监管评价服务工作方案》(以下称《工作方案》)。《工作方案》明确,将在海南省医药集中采购平台挂网采购的药品纳入监测内容,对药品的挂网、撤网、采购、配送、使用和回款等全流程实施监测预警。 另外,应设置医疗机构的药品集中采购考核,其中对于协议完成率、30天汇款率、药占比、非中选产品采购量及金额占比、违规采购行为等进行了重点评分规定。

Hospitals and pharmacies should pay the drug cost within 30 working days

May 13th, 2020 | by

On May 12th, the NMPA issued the “Notification on Issuing the List of National Medical Security Management Services.” The “Notification” stipulates that medical institutions including hospitals and pharmacy chains should pay the drug cost for distributors and manufacturers within 30 working days.



来源:医药网  2020.05.13


Improving the supervision on unreasonable or illegal behaviors of drug online trading

April 26th, 2020 | by

On April 24th, the NMPA held the video conference for renovating the unreasonable or illegal behaviors of drug online trading and administrating the circulation of medicines. The conference indicates that the drug online trading services should be further regulated to realize constant supervision over the entire trading process and ensure the medication safety; use the National Monitoring System to track and detect the unreasonable or illegal behaviors of drug online trading dynamically.



来源: 医药网  2020.04.26




Two regulations were deliberated and enacted

March 31st, 2020 | by

On March 30th, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the “Measures for the Administration of Drug Registration” and  “Measures for the Supervision of Pharmaceutical Productions,” which will come into effect on July 1st. The two “Measures” stipulate that drug registration and manufacturing should be strictly supervised to make sure the safety of drugs. Besides, the system of Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) should be implemented comprehensively. Moreover, a drug safety assurance system should be established to manage the life cycle of drugs.

《药品注册管理办法》等两规章审议通过   7月1日起执行

来源:医药网  2020.03.31
