

Schlagwort: ‘Drug Codes’

Fujian: Controlling online drug sales

March 7th, 2024 | by

Recently, the Fujian Provincial Medical Product Administration issued the “Plan for Controlling Online Drug Sales.” The Program stated that illicit drug recalls and the selling of counterfeit, inferior, and forbidden drugs on the Internet should be severely punished and that illegal online prescription drug sales should be strictly regulated. At the same time, drug retailers should actively track the drugs sold on the internet using the drug code.


来源:医药网  2024.03.07


Anhui: establishing traceability system for Traditional Chinese Medicine

July 31st, 2023 | by

The Anhui Medical Product Administration recently organized a conference on the traceability system for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). During the meeting, a staff member of the administration interpreted related legal documents, particularly the “Coding Standards of the Tracing Code of TCM,” “Labeling Standards of the Tracing Code of TCM,” and “Standards of Code Mapping between Anhui Provincial Traceability Platform of TCM and Information Systems of TCM Manufacturers.” Participating TCM manufacturers addressed the aforementioned standards and provided recommendations for the identification of traceability codes and packaging specifications, data mapping, and data safety. The Anhui Medical Product Administration will consider these suggestions and revise the TCM traceability criteria, advising TCM manufacturers to appropriately reform their information systems for data mapping to the Anhui Provincial Traceability Platform of TCM.


来源:中国食品药品网  2023.07.31


Wenzhou: establishing traceability system for Traditional Chinese Medicine

June 13th, 2023 | by

In the context of the “Global Migration to 2D” (GM2D), the Market Supervision Bureaus of Wenzhou City and Cangnan County promote manufacturers of Traditional Chinese Medicines to implement GM2D in the traceability system of TCMs to realize the ‘one-code-one-drug’ tracing of TCMs. In addition, the cultivation of raw materials for TCMs should also be traced to improve the quality and safety of TCMs.


来源:中国食品药品网  2023.06.13


Shandong: issuing the Guiding Principles for the Construction of the Traceability System for Traditional Chinese Medicine Tablets in Manufacturing Enterprises

January 6th, 2023 | by

Recently, the Shandong Provincial Drug Administration issued “Guiding Principles for the Construction of the Traceability System for Traditional Chinese Medicine Tablets in Manufacturing Enterprises in Shandong Province.” The Guiding Principles will be in effect by February 1, 2023 and will be valid until January 31, 2026. According to the Guiding Principles, the traceability system should adhere to the NMPA’s technical standards for data exchange and gradually achieve interconnection with provincial, extra-provincial, and national data platforms. The traceability system should establish three major traceability modules: traceability modules of the raw materials of Chinese medicine tablets, traceability modules of the production quality of Chinese medicine tablets, and traceability models of the circulation and use of Chinese medicine tablets. In addition, the Guiding Principles standardize the composition of the traceability code, which should include information such as the name of the manufacturer, the batch number, the packaging specifications, and the date of production.


来源:山东省人民政府  2023.01.06


Changchun: promote the development of the drug traceability system

July 27th, 2022 | by

Since this year, the Market Supervision Bureau of Changchun City, Kuancheng Branch, has urged pharmacies to register in the “Mashangfangxin” drug traceability platform and upload drug tracability data. Through drug warehousing and sales, drug tracability data will be collected so that the purchase, sales, and inventory of drugs can be checked to ensure drug safety.


来源:国家重要产品追溯体系  2022.07.27


Guangxi: A Platform to promote the traceability of drugs

January 26th, 2022 | by

Recently, the market supervision administration of Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province, promoted the development of a drug traceability supervision platform. This plan comprises three steps. First, the Market Supervision Administration should conduct centralized interviews with city chain pharmacies, subordinate retail enterprises, and single pharmacies, and elaborate on the significance and positive impact of joining the drug traceability supervision platform, which is designed to ensure drug safety and quality. The second step is to communicate with the city’s retail pharmacies and encourage them to join the drug traceability supervision platform as soon as possible. Third, the drug traceability supervision platform should be aggressively promoted to the general public, and the general public should be guided to independently check the entire process’s tracing data of drugs in order to give the public a possibility to independently check the quality of drugs along the whole drug distribution chain.


来源:中国质量新闻网  2022.01.26



Shanxi: Establishing a Drug Tracing System

December 4th, 2020 | by

Recently, the Shanxi Provincial Medical Product Administration issued the “Working Plan on Establishing Drug Information Tracing System,” which concerns the development of a framework for a drug tracability supervision system by the end of 2020. The “Plan” stipulates that drug manufactures should build their own or use a drug information traceability system established by a third-party platform to share information with the national collaborative drug traceability platform and realise the tracing of special drugs such as narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs and selected drugs in the provincial centralised procurement.


来源:新浪新闻  2020.12.04


NMPA: establishing a traceabiliy system of specially regulated drugs

October 14th, 2020 | by

On August 28th, the NMPA issued the “Notice of establishing the traceability system of special drugs.” The Notice indicates that the Marketing Authorization Holders should establish traceability systems and collect the information from the traceability process to realise the traceability of special regulated drugs, such as selected drugs, before December 31st. At the meantime, the NMPA should establish a Coordination Platform of traceability systems, which provides coding rules of drug traceability codes and services that encode the IP-Adresse of traceability systems that are established by Marketing Authorization Holders to help to realise the information sharing between the different traceability systems.


来源医药网  2020.10.14


Coding rules for chinese traditional drugs

September 27th, 2020 | by

On September 25th, the NMPA issued the “Coding Rules of Chinese Traditional Drugs Included in the Reimbursement List and Pharmaceutical Preparations of Medical Institutions.” The code of Chinese traditional drugs consists of 10 digits and four sections. The first section represents Chinese traditional drugs. The second section represents different medical standards in different cities. The third section represents drug effects. The fourth section represents the name of drug. The code of pharmaceutical preparation of medical institutions consists of 16 digits and 4 sections. The first section represents pharmaceutical preparations. The second section represents different medical institutions in different cities. The third section represents medical institutions. The fourth section represents the sequence of pharmaceutical preparations in different medical institutions.


来源医药网  2020.09.27


Video conference on inspecting the implementation of “one-code-for-one-drug” on selected drugs

April 23rd, 2020 | by

On April 17th, the NMPA held the video conference on inspecting the implementation of “one-code-for-one-drug” on selected drugs by centralized procurement of drugs with defined quantities. The conference stipulated that manufacturers should produce selected drugs according to the manufacturing processes that are defined by the NMPA. Besides, the Marketing Authorization Holders are encouraged to establish a mature drug  traceability system to conform to the tracing requirement of “one-code-for-one-drug.”



来源:医药网  2020.04.23
