

Supervising the drug price and investigating the cost price

December 9th, 2019 | by

On December 6th, the National Medical Insurance Bureau issued the “Opinions on Supervising the Drug Price.” The “Opinion” indicated that a pricing system that depends on the market should be encouraged, and the centralised procurement with defined quantities, of which the drug price depends on the quantities and the bidding process combines with the procurement, should be further implemented. The “Opinion” also stipulated that a pre-warning system of abnormal drug price movements and an investigation system of the cost price of drugs should be established as well.

国家医保局发布文件:监管药品价格 调查成本

来源:医药网 2019.12.09



Establishing a nationwide unified procurement platform of drugs

December 2nd, 2019 | by

On November 29th, the National Health Commission issued the “Notification on Measures of Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Healthcare System depending on the Centralised Procurement and Use of Drugs.” The “Notification” emphasised that a nationwide unified procurement platform based on provincial centralised procurement platforms should be established, in which the drug codes and procurement standards should be unified so that the drug price can be linked together nationwide. In addition, corporate groups, integrated healthcare organisations, private medical institutions, and pharmacies are encouraged to implement centralised procurement to develop a pricing system that depends on the market. The “Notification” also stipulated that the medical insurance administrative agencies instead of hospitals should pay for the drugs to manufacturers and distributors directly.

医药行业变革:建设全国采购平台 全国价格联动

来源:医药网 2019.12.02


Online drug selling is being supervised

November 23rd, 2019 | by

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the “Negative List of Market access (2019 version),” which proposed that drug production and trading companies are not allowed to sell prescription drugs directly to the public through mail or internet trade.


来源:制药网 2019.11.23


Supervising drug use in public hospitals in Inner Mongolia

November 21st, 2019 | by

On November 18th, the office of the Inner Mongolia Health Commission issued the “Notification on Implementing the Test and Analysis of Drug Use in Public Health Institutions.” The “Notification” stipulates that Inner Mongolia will select all the Tertiary, 50% of the Secondary, and 10% of the Primary medical insurance to analyse the drug use according to the stipulation of the National Health Commission. Therefore, the safety, effectiveness, and property rights of drug use will be comprehensively evaluated.


来源:医药网 2019.11.21


Standardising DRG (Diagnosis Related Groups) payment

October 25th, 2019 | by

On October 23rd, the National Medical Insurance Bureau issued the “Notification on Technical Specifications and Grouping Plans of Pilot Works of DRG Payment” including the “Technical Specifications of DRG Grouping and Payment” and “Grouping Plans of DRG(CHS-DRG) Payment.” The “Notification” stipulated that because the CHS-DRG covers nearly all treatments of diseases, it will become the only standard for DRG payment implemented by the National Medical Insurance. In addition, pilot cities of DRG payment should execute the “Grouping Plan” and formulate local subdivided DRGs according to the unified guidelines of grouping and the actual situation of each city.

国家医保局发文 DRG付费标准正式走向统一

来源: 医药网 2019.10.25


Improving the supply system of shortage medicines

October 14th, 2019 | by

Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the “Guiding Opinions on Maintaining the Price and Supply of Shortage Medicines.” The “Guiding Opinion” stipulated that a national multi-source information collection platform for shortage medicines and a monitoring system for this platform should be established to realise information sharing of APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) and pharmaceutical preparations in terms of their registration, production, procurement, and price. As for the drugs in the shortages list, pharmaceutical enterprises are allowed to quote their price on the provincial-level centralised drug procurement platform or on the internet so that medical institutions can purchase them on demand.

国办:强化药品价格常态化监管 完善短缺药品供应体系

来源:医药网  2019.10.14


“Prescription Sharing” supported

September 30th, 2019 | by

On September 29th, 21 commission and administrations, including the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Healthcare Security Administration, the National Health Commission, the National Medical Product Administration, jointly issued the “Guideline of Promoting a High-quality Development of the Health Industry (2019-2022).” The “Guideline” stipulated that channels for the interconnection and real-time sharing of information on drug consumption and on prescriptions of online diagnosis and treatment should be established nationwide. In the meantime, third-party platforms are suggested to deliver online prescribed drugs to encourage Medical e-commerces to offer “ordering online and delivered offline” services.


来源:医药网  2019.09.30


Nationwide implementation of National Organised Centralised Procurement and Use of Drugs

September 25th, 2019 | by

On September 24th, 2019, more than 20 provinces and districts all over the country have launched a joint procurement of drugs. Thereby the pilot work on National Organised Centralised Procurement and Use of Drugs is extended from 11 big cities to nationwide. The price of all medicines was lower than the price of selected drugs in “4+7.”


来源:医药网 2019.09.25


Internet Hospital established by Yifeng Pharmacy

September 22nd, 2019 | by

On September 19th, Yifeng Pharmacy announced a joint venture with Visum Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to establish Hainan Yifeng Medical Technology Co., Ltd., which aims to provide patients with services such as Internet Hospitals, Prescription Sharing Platform, family doctors, health management, online medical consultations, and patient education.


来源:新浪医药新闻 2019.09.22


The National Medical Insurance Bureau issued new regulations

September 2nd, 2019 | by

On August 30th, the National Medical Insurance Bureau issued the “Guidelines of Improving the price management of the ‘Internet+’ Medical Services and the Policies of Medical Insurance Payment.” The “Guidelines” proposed that the price management of the “Internet+” medical services should be included in the policy system of general medical services to realise a unified regulation. The eligible “Internet+” medial services will be regulated under proper medical insurance payment policies in accordance with the principle of online and offline consistency, and its management of medical insurance agreement(Every citizen contracts with a specific hospital) and the settlement process should be improved.


来源:医药网 2019.09.02
