

The revised “Pharmaceutical Administration Law” allows the online selling of prescription drugs

August 27th, 2019 | by

On August 26th, the revised “Pharmaceutical Administration Law” was approved by the Twelfth Session of the Thirteenth Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and will come into effect on December 1st, 2019. The “Pharmaceutical Administration Law” proposed that the Marketing Authorisation Holders and pharmaceutical companies can sell drugs online on the premise of complying with relevant provisions. Vaccines, narcotic drugs, and other drugs under special control are not included.


来源:医药网 2019.08.27

8月26日, 新修订版《药品管理法》经十三届全国人大常委会第十二次会议表决通过,并将自2019年12月1日起施行。法案提出,药品上市许可持有人、药品经营企业可在遵守法案关于药品经营的有关规定的前提下通过网络销售药品。疫苗、麻醉药品等国家实行特殊管理的药品不得在网络上销售。

Catalog of medical insurance (2019 Version) is released

August 21st, 2019 | by

On August 21st, the State Council issued the “National Medicine Catalogue of Basic Medical Insurance, Work Injury Insurance, and Maternity Insurance (2019 version),” which will be implemented from January 1st, 2020. The “Medicine Catalogue” Indicates that each provincial Medical Insurance Bureau should bring all the drugs of the “Medicine Catalogue” into the “Centralised Procurement” and update the drug database according to the use of drugs in local medical institutions and retail pharmacies. Meanwhile, a national unified drug database should be established to realise the unified management of codes of western medicine, Chinese traditional medicine, and hospital-made medicines.


来源:医药网 2019.08.21


Heilongjiang: The detailed rules of drug price supervision is going to be implemented

August 12th, 2019 | by

On August 9th, the Medical Insurance Bureau of the Heilongjiang province issued the “Notification of Supervising Drug Price and Distribution Information.” The “Notification” stipulates that the supervision of drug price and distribution information should be carried from drug manufacturers, distribution enterprises, medical institutions, retail pharmacies, and public sentiment. The mechanisms for information collection, reporting, analysis, investigation, and processing should be improved at the provincial, city, and county levels.


来源:医药网  2019.08.12


The Xi’an Municipal Government launches the submission of increased purchase of selected drugs(“4+7”)

August 7th, 2019 | by

On August 6th, the Xi’an Municipal Government issued the “Notification on Launching the Submission of Increased Purchase of Selected Drugs in Xi’an from the ‘Office of the Leading Group for the Implementation of Centralized Drug Procurement and Pilot Work’”. It is decided to increase the purchase of selected drugs in Xi’an because its procurement exceeds expectations. Besides, the deferred payment of the increased procurement should be paid in time.


来源:医药网  2019.08.07



Zhejiang takes the lead in implementing DRGs payment

July 19th, 2019 | by

On July 18th, the Zhejiang Medical Insurance Bureau issued the “Opinions on Promoting the Reform of Basic Medical Insurance Payment Methods for Medical Communities in Zhejiang Province,” and plans to implement multiple and composite medical insurance payment methods under total budget management. For inpatient medical services, the payment is mainly based on the DRGs (Diagnosis-Related Groups) system. For long-term and chronic disease inpatient medical services, the “daily payment for each sickbed” will be gradually promoted. For outpatient medical services, the “per-head payment” will be implemented, which also combines the “Contracted Family Doctor Services”.


来源:医药网  2019.07.19


“Guideline” for “Internet+Health Care” in Shandong province released

July 15th, 2019 | by

On July 11th, the Shandong Provincial Government issued the “Notification on the Construction Plan for Promoting a Demonstration Province of ‘Internet+Health Care’ from 2019 to 2020.” The “Notification” stipulates that to achieve the real-time exchange and sharing of medical data, the construction of a “traceability system of drugs,” a “pre-warning and detecting system of medicines in short supply,” and a “prescription circulation platform” should be promoted. The “Notification” indicates that the construction of “Internet Hospitals” based on medical institutes is encouraged, and the “consulting or prescribing medicine over the internet” should be widely implemented in Shandong province from 2020.

山东“互联网+医疗健康”的路线图, 来了!

来源:医药网 2019.07.15


“List of National Intensive Monitoring Drug” is released

July 2nd, 2019 | by

On July 1st, the Medical Administration Bureau of the National Health Commission issued the “Notification on printing the first List of National Intensive Monitoring Drug (Chemicals and Biological Products),” 20 drugs were selected in the “List.” The “Notification” stipulates that all provinces should form a list of provincial intensive monitoring drug on the basis of the national “List” and publish it for use by various medical institutions. All medical institutions should establish a regulatory system for monitoring drugs and strengthen the management of clinical applications of them. At the same time, the prescription management of drugs outside the “List” should also be strengthened.


来源:医药网 2019.07.02

核心提示:7月1日,国家卫健委医政医管局发布了《关于印发第一批国家重点监控合理用药药品目录(化药及生物制品)的通知》,共20个药品入选。 《通知》要求, 各省应在《目录》基础上形成省级重点监控合理用药药品目录并公布,以供各类医疗机构参考;各医疗机构要建立重点监控合理用药药品管理制度,加强目录内药品临床应用的全程管理;同时,还应加强目录外药品的处方管理。

“Drug Evaluation Report in 2018” is released

July 1st, 2019 | by

On July 1st, the National Medical Products Administration(NMPA) issued the “Drug Evaluation Report in 2018.” The “Report” shows that the Drug Evaluation Centre of the NMPA reviewed and approved 106 new drugs in 2018. Although the number of applications for registration of new drugs has increased by 47%, the evaluation time has been reduced significantly in comparison to 2017. Benefiting from the accelerated drug evaluation reforms, the number of applications for registration of innovative drugs has increased significantly in 2018, of which 85% were from domestic companies. At the same time, in order to improve the quality of generic drugs, the Drug Evaluation Centre has made every effort to promote the “Quality Consistency Evaluation for Generic Drugs,” and there were eight batches of generic drugs that are involved in comparison to 2018.


来源:中国医药报 2019.07.01


A unified national insurance standardized​ system will be established

June 28th, 2019 | by

On June 27th, the National Health Security Administration(NHSA) issued the “Guideline on the Standardisation of Medical Security.” The “Guideline” indicates that the exchange of medical security information in China has begun to use a common language——the “Coding Standard.” Now, the NHSA has completed four “Coding Standards”. Among them, the “Code and Classification of Medical Insurance Drugs” covers all drugs approved by the NMPA and realizes “one-code-for-one-drug”, which makes it easier for the public to inquire about drug information and provides resource sharing. The “Guideline” also indicates that the NHSA will focus on the standardization of medical insurance funds, medical price management, the medical security system and so on.


来源:医药网 2019.06.28


“List of imported drugs that are suggested to be imitated” is released

June 21st, 2019 | by

On June 20th, the National Health Commission issued the initial “List of imported drugs that are suggested to be imitated.” The National Health Commission has cooperated with the National Medical Products Administration and other departments to organise experts to select a total of 34 drugs whose patents expire or patents that are about to expire but have not been filed for registration. The “List” also includes drugs that are in short supply or actively declared by enterprises.

首批鼓励仿制药品目录 34个药品入选

来源:医药网 2019.06.21
