

Schlagwort: ‘Government Supervision’

The supervision and management regulation for drug retailing online seeks for opinions: Prescription drugs are forbidden to sell online

March 21st, 2018 | by

CFDA recently publishes the supervision and management regulation for drug retailing online (exposure draft) and asks for opinions from the public. The exposure draft emphasizes that pharmacies online should neither sell prescription drugs, nor exhibit information of them. Licensed pharmacists are also necessary for pharmacies online. These are also the latest management regulation for pharmacies online, which will further enhance the distribution environment of drug retailing online and maintain the medication safety. (Source: Souhu)


来源:搜狐 2017-11-17


The standard of drug data management asks for opinions

March 21st, 2018 | by

Recently, regarding the standard of drug data management, CFDA asks for opinions of the public. The exposure draft of the standard indicates that data management is one part of the system of the drug quality management, which should run through the entire data life cycle. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2018-01-11


Smart supervision platform for medical treatment goes online – violations will be automatically given an alarm

January 20th, 2018 | by

Health and Family Planning Commission in Hubei has recently launched the smart supervision platform for medical treatment services. When doctors prescribe drugs, the related data will be uploaded to the platform for synchronization. If there is any violation, the platform will give an alarm automatically.  The platform is known to be on trial in provincial-governed hospitals and will be promoted to all hospitals in Hubei Province in 2018. (Source: Chutian City News)

医疗智能监管平台上线 遇违规行为将自动警报

来源:楚天都市报 2017-12-11

核心提示:湖北省卫生计生委近日已启动医疗服务智能监管平台。 医生在开具处方时,相关数据会同步上传到平台。如有违反规则的行为,平台将自动弹出警报提醒。据了解,该平台目前正在部省属医院试用,2018年将在全省各医院推开。

The qualifications of six national medical sentinel hospitals are cancelled

March 21st, 2017 | by

Some national medical sentinel institutions are found with illegal behaviors. Beijing medical insurance center said that the basic health insurance service agreements between them and some hospitals, including Beijing Xiangyun Skin Care Clinic and other five hospitals will be cancelled on 13th March. The illegal behaviors of those six hospitals are: some examinations, diagnoses and bills were fake; some regulations related to the real-name system were not followed; CT staffs did not have correct qualifications; drug managements were disordered. (Source: Beijing Daily)


来源:北京日报 2017-02-23


New national reimbursement drug list comes out – changes in 376 varieties

March 21st, 2017 | by

On 23rd February, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security published the new national reimbursement drug list (Version 2017) for the national basis health insurance, occupational insurance and maternity insurance. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2017-02-24


Paying by insurance card is suspended at 19 pharmacies in Xi’an due to the fraud

February 22nd, 2017 | by

Recently, the social security center of the Xi’an Human Resources and Social Security Bureau carried out the inspection at health-insurance-designated retail pharmacies. In the inspection, it has been found out that in some pharmacies, it was possible to buy household items paying by health insurance cards. According to relevant rules, 19 pharmacies with the fraud are punished with suspension of their businesses. (Source:


来源:西部网 2017-02-16


New policies for vaccine come again

February 22nd, 2017 | by

On 7th February, the State Council announced to further strengthen the management work of vaccine distribution and vaccination. 6 aspects are carried out to keep the focus on vaccine quality and security of vaccination: 1. improving the management mechanism of vaccine; 2. accelerating the self-research of vaccine and the improvement of the quality; 3. strengthening the whole-process management of the vaccine distribution; 4. regulating the vaccination management; 5. Carrying out the safeguard measures; 6. Strengthening the supervision and inspection. (Source: Menet)


来源:米内网 2017-02-09


New phase of development – the healthcare industry might be restructured

February 22nd, 2017 | by

On 9th February, the State Council published an announcement stating several opinions about the further reform and improvement of the policy of drug manufacturing, distribution and utility. The announcement illustrates the top-down design in the reform directions of drug production, distribution and utility. The implementation of the announcement might restructure the layout of the industry. The healthcare industry might develop into a new phase. (Source:

发展进入新周期 医药行业或将重构格局

来源:大洋网 2017-02-15


The State Council: accelerating to build up a direct settlement mechanism for hospitalizing in other regions

February 10th, 2017 | by

The State Council recently published the plan of deepening the health reform in the 13th Five-Year. The plan requires building up a national health insurance system, which can work efficiently. The direct settlement mechanism for hospitalizing in other regions should be accelerated to build up. The basic health insurance should be promoted to connect nationwide. The cooperation between the regions of participating health insurance and the regions of hospitalizing should be strengthened, so that people do not need to shuttle or pay in advance. (Source: China News)


来源:中国新闻网 2017-01-10


The 13th Five-Year Plan for the industry of pharmaceutical distribution came out

February 10th, 2017 | by

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce published the industrial development plan of pharmaceutical distribution (2016-2020). The plan cleared the overall goals for the industry of pharmaceutical distribution during the 13th Five-Year. There are five key tasks in the plan: 1. reasonable planning of the industrial layout and integrating the drug distribution network; 2. improving the level of distribution management and training modern pharmaceutical suppliers; 3. innovating the industrial business model, and expanding the service function of the industry; 4. combining import and export, improving the openness of the industry; 5. strengthening the infrastructure of the industry,  and improving the ability of industrial service. (Source: Shanghai Securities News)

药品流通业十三五规划出炉 药品零售企业将迎来利好

来源:上海证券报 2016-12-30
