

Medical Reform involving all urban employees

April 23rd, 2021 | by

Recently, the State Council issued the “Opinions on Improving the Mutual-Aid Mechanism for Covering Outpatient Bills in the Employed Medical Insurance System.” According to the “Opinion”, employees’ medical insurance premiums paid by their employers should be consolidated into a fund that can cover outpatient bills to improve the Mutual-Aid Mechanism. The “Opinion” clarifies that individual insurance accounts can be used to pay for the medical cost incurred by the insured person, his or her spouse, parent and children at designated medical institutions, as well as the cost incurred by the insured person for the purchase of drugs, medical equipment and medical devices at designated retailed pharmacies.


来源:医药网  2021.04.23 

日前,国务院办公厅印发《关于建立健全职工基本医疗保险门诊共济保障机制的指导意见》。《意见》提出,将单位缴纳的医疗保险费全部计入统筹基金,并将门诊费用纳入统筹基金支付范围,健全门诊共济保障机制。 《意见》明确,个人账户可以用于支付参保人员本人及其配偶、父母、子女在定点医疗机构就医发生的由个人负担的医疗费用,以及在定点零售药店购买药品、医疗器械及医用耗材发生的由个人负担的费用

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