

Anhui: establishing traceability system for Traditional Chinese Medicine

July 31st, 2023 | by

The Anhui Medical Product Administration recently organized a conference on the traceability system for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). During the meeting, a staff member of the administration interpreted related legal documents, particularly the “Coding Standards of the Tracing Code of TCM,” “Labeling Standards of the Tracing Code of TCM,” and “Standards of Code Mapping between Anhui Provincial Traceability Platform of TCM and Information Systems of TCM Manufacturers.” Participating TCM manufacturers addressed the aforementioned standards and provided recommendations for the identification of traceability codes and packaging specifications, data mapping, and data safety. The Anhui Medical Product Administration will consider these suggestions and revise the TCM traceability criteria, advising TCM manufacturers to appropriately reform their information systems for data mapping to the Anhui Provincial Traceability Platform of TCM.


来源:中国食品药品网  2023.07.31


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