

Archive for September, 2023

NHSA: launching intelligent supervision system for medical insurance fund

September 14th, 2023 | by

On September 13th, the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) issued the “Notification on Deepening the Intelligent Audit and Monitoring of the Medical Insurance Fund.” The Notification stated that by the end of 2023, all medical insurance coordination regions should launch intelligent supervision sub-systems, and audit and monitoring data should be accurately uploaded to the national medical insurance information platform, thereby achieving the “one network” of intelligent monitoring of the national medical insurance fund. The Notification indicates that these intelligent supervisory sub-systems of designated medical institutions should be interconnected.


来源:医药网  2023.09.14


NHSA: new feature for checking the supply of reimbursed drugs

September 6th, 2023 | by

Recently, the National Healthcare Security Administration’s (NHSA) official WeChat account introduced a feature for searching for medical institutions supplied with reimbursed drugs. After entering the drug name on the search page, the insured person can see information about the insurance payment standard and how long this drug will be on the reimbursement list. In addition, insured person can also check the stock status of the required drugs in local designated medical institutions and retail pharmacies.

国家医保局“功能上新” “国谈药”配备机构有哪些?

来源: 医药网  2023.09.06
