

National Health Commission: Issuing the plan for saving drugs and avoiding drug waste

January 2nd, 2024 | by

On January 2, the National Health Commission published the “Plan for Saving Drugs and Avoiding Drug Waste.” The Plan recommends that medical institutions use large-package drugs, and that manufacturers adjust their packaging specifications to make drug dosage distribution easier in medical institutions. Doctors’ prescribing behavior should be regulated to ensure that drugs are prescribed safely, effectively, economically, and rationally. Qualified medical institutions should establish pharmacy outpatient clinics to assist patients with drug usage. Internet hospitals should standardize online treatment and provide prescriptions for re-visiting patients. Qualified primary medical institutions should offer pharmacy services to residents’ families, encouraging family doctors to assist residents in need by organizing their family medication boxes and disposing of expired drugs when they visit the contracted resident.


来源:医药网  2024. 01.02


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