

Archive for May, 2024

NHSA: promoting provincial joint drug procurement

May 20th, 2024 | by

On May 20th, the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) released the “Notification on Strengthening Regional Collaboration and Expanding the Quality and Variety of Centrally Procured Drugs.” The “Notification” stated that qualified provincial drug procurement centers should lead other provinces in purchasing certain medications to realize provincial joint procurement. Drugs included in the provincial joint procurement list and the national centralized procurement list should complement each other: drugs included in the national centralized procurement list should mainly be approved generic drugs, whereas drugs included in the provincial joint procurement list should be in addition to those included in the national procurement list, with a high volume of procurement and a high demand by residents, and the provincial joint procurement list should be expanded continuously.


来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府  2024.05.20

5月20日,国家医保局发布《关于加强区域协同,做好2024年医药集中采购提质扩面的通知》。《通知》提出,将条件具备的省级联盟采购提升为全国性联盟采购。在集采品种选择上加强统筹协调,做到地方和国家互为补充:国家组织集采重点针对通过一致性评价的药品;全国联采重点覆盖国家组织集采以外品种,以及采购金额大、覆盖人群广的“大品种”, 持续扩大集采覆盖面。