

NHSA: releasing the “Standards of the Contract Renewal of Reimbursed Drugs”

July 24th, 2023 | by

Recently, the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) adjusted and released the “Standards of the Contract Renewal of Reimbursed Drugs,” which clarified the adjusted payment standards covering the entire life-cycle of drugs: A drug that has been on the reimbursement list for 8 years will stay on the list permanently; the price reduction of a reimbursed drug would be halved if this drug has been on the reimbursement list for more than 4 years and the price reduction is triggered by contract renewal or additional indications for this drug; innovative drugs, biological goods, and traditional Chinese medicines that have already been approved by the Measures for the Administration of Drug Registration can renew the contract through renegotiations with the state if the price reduction is triggered.

基本覆盖药品全生命周期 国家医保局发布谈判药品续约规则

来源:广东省人民政府  2023.07.24


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