

Kategorie: ‘Government News’

Reimbursing online medical consulting services

July 23rd, 2020 | by

On July 21st, the General Office of the State Council issued the “Opinions on Optimizing the Business Environment to Better Serve the Market Participants”. The “Opinions” indicates that under the premise of ensuring the medical safety and quality, the range of the online medical consulting services should be extended and qualified online medical consulting services should be included in the reimbursement list. In addition, a national unified approval requirement for online medical consulting services should be formulated and announced.

国务院:进一步放宽互联网诊疗范围, 将符合条件的医疗服务纳入医保报销

来源搜狐网  2020.07.23


Hospitals in Guizhou should pay for drugs within 30 days

July 15th, 2020 | by

Recently, the Healthcare Security Administration of Guizhou Province issued the “Measures on Managing the Settlement of the Centralised Procurement of Drugs in Guizhou Province.” The “Measures” indicates that medical institutions should transfer the drug payment to the settlement account on time, which means that the time range between the day after the delivery of the medicines is qualified and the storage is confirmed and the day of transfer should be less than 30 days. In addition, the settlement of medical insurance expenses by designated medical institutions organised by medical insurance agencies in different levels should not exceed 25 working day from the date of submitting the application of reimbursement.


来源新浪医药新闻  2020.07.15


Prohibiting hospitals from designating drug delivery companies and pharmacies

July 8th, 2020 | by

On July 6th, the Health Commission of Gungxi and other seven departments jointly issued the “Notice on Strengthing the Medication Management in Medical Institutions to Promote Rational Use of Medicines”. The “Notice” clarifies that medical institutions supporting Prescription Sharing should establish a process and supervision system of Prescription Sharing and are prohibited from designating drug delivery companies and pharmacies to avoid monopolies organised by distribution companies and pharmacies; the shared prescriptions should be approved by medical institutions and included into the services of prescription management, supervision of medication, and guidance on rational use of medicines.

七部门:杜绝医药统方 严禁医院指定配送企业和药店

来源医药网  2020.07.08


New stipulations on medication managment in pharmacies

July 2nd, 2020 | by

On July 1st, the National Medical Products Administration issued the “Stipulations on Management of Drug Data and Records of Drugs.” The “Stipulation” clarifies that one or more types of records methods should be adopted according to the needs of activities, which include developing, producing, trading, and using drugs, and the records process should be veritable, accurate, intact, and traceable. The records can be expressed in papery, electronic or mixed forms, and the recorded data should be managed according to stipulations.


来源:新浪医药新闻  2020.07.02


Ningbo: medical insurance will not reimburse drugs that are not included in the “selected drugs”-list

June 17th, 2020 | by

On June 19th, the Ningbo Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau collects opinions from the whole society for the plan of centralized procurement of medicines and medical consumable materials in public medical institutions. The “Plan” stipulates that the medical insurance fund will not pay for medicines that are similar to the selected drugs but are not included in the list of selected drugs.



来源:医药网  2020.06.17


Implementing online medical insurance settlement of prescriptions

May 21st, 2020 | by

On May 20th, the “Opinion on Settling the Price and Medical Insurance Payment of ‘Internet+’ Medical Services” issued by the Healthcare Security Administration of Chongqing province came into effect. The “Opinion” stipulates that for the pilot program of the “Internet+” medical insurance services for common and chronic diseases, doctors can issue electronic prescriptions after online consultations and settle up the medication costs online through medical insurance, and it is allowed to deliver medicines to patients in many ways.



来源:医药网  2020.05.21


Zhejiang: restricting the medication costs

May 14th, 2020 | by

On May 11th, the Medical Insurance Bureau of Zhejiang Province issued the “Regulations of DRGs Payment on Hospitalization Expenses of Basic Medical Insurance in Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou.” The “Regulation” clarifies that designated medical institutions can retain 85% of the settlement balance of medical insurance fund while they should pay 85% of the overspending. Moreover, the “Regulation” stipulates that designated medical institutions should restrict the cost of drugs, materials, and diagnosis and treatment services that are paid by inpatients on their own, which should be within 15%  of their medical cost.


浙江医保新政策:医院要砍品种了  严控药费

来源:医药网  2020.05.14


Hospitals and pharmacies should pay the drug cost within 30 working days

May 13th, 2020 | by

On May 12th, the NMPA issued the “Notification on Issuing the List of National Medical Security Management Services.” The “Notification” stipulates that medical institutions including hospitals and pharmacy chains should pay the drug cost for distributors and manufacturers within 30 working days.



来源:医药网  2020.05.13


Improving the supervision on unreasonable or illegal behaviors of drug online trading

April 26th, 2020 | by

On April 24th, the NMPA held the video conference for renovating the unreasonable or illegal behaviors of drug online trading and administrating the circulation of medicines. The conference indicates that the drug online trading services should be further regulated to realize constant supervision over the entire trading process and ensure the medication safety; use the National Monitoring System to track and detect the unreasonable or illegal behaviors of drug online trading dynamically.



来源: 医药网  2020.04.26




Two regulations were deliberated and enacted

March 31st, 2020 | by

On March 30th, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the “Measures for the Administration of Drug Registration” and  “Measures for the Supervision of Pharmaceutical Productions,” which will come into effect on July 1st. The two “Measures” stipulate that drug registration and manufacturing should be strictly supervised to make sure the safety of drugs. Besides, the system of Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) should be implemented comprehensively. Moreover, a drug safety assurance system should be established to manage the life cycle of drugs.

《药品注册管理办法》等两规章审议通过   7月1日起执行

来源:医药网  2020.03.31
