

Kategorie: ‘Hospital News’

Health reform in the next five years is set down by the State Council

January 31st, 2017 | by

On 21st December, Premier Li Keqiang chaired a State Council executive meeting. To deepen the health reform became the important topic again. Detailed deploy was decided at the meeting. The key task during the 13th five year plan is to reduce the drug price. Controlling the price and reimbursement of the health insurance will still be the key point of the reform in the next year. Besides, the process will be accelerated, so that patients at the outpatient service may buy drugs at retail pharmacies according to the prescriptions. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-12-22


Hospitals default in tens of billions – the department of commerce starts to intervene

January 31st, 2017 | by

A while ago, the department of Commerce in Hunan sent letters to the health reform office in Hunan and informed them that several hospitals in Hunan have stopped the payments for drugs for three months because “the drug operation cost and drug management fee were not embodied in hospitals”. Recently, the pharmaceutical distribution industry association Hunan showed that since the beginning of 2016, 20 public hospitals have defaulted on the drug payment in more than 10 billion yuan. To maintain the normal supply, some pharmaceutical manufacturers have to take out loans from non-government institutions with high interest rates. The loss from it can be 200 thousand yuan per month. (Source: Bioon)


来源:生物谷 2016-12-22


18 public hospitals stop drug mark-up in Jiangmen

December 16th, 2016 | by

The pilot implementation plan of the price adjustment of medical services in public hospitals in Jiangmen came recently into effect. According to the implementation plan, the 15% of drug mark-up is cancelled in 18 public hospitals in Jiangmen, to realize the drug sale without added profit (excluding traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces), i.e. the actual purchase price is the sale price. Except the adjustment of the drug price, the prices of more than 90 examination and therapy items and around 2145 inspection items are reduced by 5%-12%. At the same time, the prices of five kinds of medical services which reflect the technical service values are increased, including examination fee, nursing care fee, bed fee, operation fee and therapy fee. (Source: Guangzhou Daily)


来源:广州日报 2016-12-09

核心提示:《江门市城市公立医院医疗服务价格调整实施方案(试行)》近日正式实施。按照该实施方案,江门18所公立医院自此取消原不超过15%的药品加成率,实现药品零差率销售(中药饮片除外),即以实际购进价作为销售价格。除了药品价格的调整,90多项大型医用设备检查治疗项目和约2145项的检验项目收费标准分别下调5%- 12%。与此同时,5类体现医务人员技术劳务价值的医疗服务价格有所提高,其中包括诊查费、护理费、床位费、手术费和治疗费。

Adjusting the price management mode of low-price drugs in Hunan

December 16th, 2016 | by

Hunan Development and Reform Commission recently published an announcement concerning drug prices. The announcement clarifies related policies about drug prices in Hunan medical institutions. According to the announcement, since the publication date of the announcement, sales without added profit should be implemented basing on the actual purchase price, when public medical institutions sell drugs (including secondary vaccine, excluding traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces). For the sale of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces in public medical institutions, the added profit should not exceed 30 % on the basis of the cost price with tax (the wholesale price). The added profit of non-public medical institutions and social retail pharmacies can be formulated by institutions and pharmacies themselves. Drug prices should be shown to the public. (Source: Chinese Medicine News)


来源:中国医药报 2016-12-08


CFDA ferrets out Illegal ingredients – five pharmaceutical manufacturers stop the production

December 16th, 2016 | by

In the evening of 7th December, CFDA published the No.159 casual inspection announcement in 2016. In the national drug casual inspection, drugs in six batches from five manufacturers were ferreted out to contain abietic acid or Scarlet 808. The Food and Drug Administrations of Jilin, Qinghai and Tibet Autonomous Region have already taken the product control actions to seal up, distrain, stop selling and recall the ferreted drugs. Withal CFDA asked FDAs of Jilin, Qinghai and Tibet Autonomous Region to immediately instruct the manufacturers to stop related productions and investigate the reasons thoroughly. The production should not be recovered until the reasons are clear and the rectifications are done. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-12-08


The joint reformation is the key of the health reform in the future

November 30th, 2016 | by

On 21st November, the opening ceremony of the 9th Global Conference on Health Promotion was held in Shanghai. The Premier of the State Council LI Keqiang said that the reform of public hospitals should be deepened; the system of basic health insurance should be improved and the security system of the drug supply should be reformed. Therefore, more focuses should be put on the joint reformation for public health services, medical insurance, and medical production-circulation. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-11-24


Beijing: hospital independent pricing is coming

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, new regulations were published in Beijing. From 1st January 2017, public medical institutions will implement independent pricing for special medical services, new medical services and parts of the current medical services. It is said to be the second step of the price reform of medical service in Beijing. Earlier the price of the first-aid service has been adjusted. The vice director of Beijing Health and Family Planning Commission – Zhong Dongbo said, according to the plan of Beijing Development and Reform Commission, the medical service price reform will be carried out in three steps. A dynamic adjustable, systematic manageable price system will be explored and set up in the end. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2016-11-22


The strictest rule against transfusion at outpatient service

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, Tianjin Health and Family Planning Commission published an announcement about regulating the management work of antibacterial agent transfusion. All medical institutions should carry out investigations about the current situation of antibacterial agent transfusion. After analyses, assessments, studies and judges, relevant measures should be planned to implement the “ten key information of rational drug use”, which was formulated by National Health and Family Planning Commission. Until the end of 2016, all antibacterial agent transfusion should stop at outpatient services (except pediatrics). For pediatrics, relevant diagnosis and treatment rules must be followed strictly. The indications of antibacterial agent transfusion must be accurately seized, to avoid any irrational drug use. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-11-16


All public hospitals will cancel the drug mark-up

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, the General Office of the Communist Party of China, and the General Office of the State Council forwarded instructions about the further promotion of the health reform. The instructions mention that new operation systems should be built up in public hospitals and the drug mark-up should be cancelled in all public hospitals. Modern hospital management systems should be set up with performance assessments. The assessment results should be connected to the financial aids of hospitals, health insurance payment, total merit pay, salary of hospital directors and etc., to set up incentive and constraint systems. (Source: Beijing Times)


来源:京华时报 2016-11-09


875 smart electronic pill cases will be put in Wenzhou in the next year

November 23rd, 2016 | by

In the next year, 875 “smart electronic pill cases” will be distributed in seven districts in Wenzhou for the standard treatments of tuberculosis. Eligible patients may get the electronic pill cases from doctors at the outpatient service for free. The anti-tuberculosis drugs in the pill cases are also for free. Different times or time intervals can be set on the pill cases, and the cases will give alarms at the time when the medicine should be taken. The times when the medicine was taken will be recorded automatically. Doctors at the outpatient service can check the data of the electronic pill cases monthly to know the medication compliance of the patients, so that individualized medication instructions can be offered to patients to ensure the treatments with high quality. (Source: Wenzhou Daily)


来源:温州网–温州日报 2016-11-11
