

Kategorie: ‘Other Hot Topics’

“Guideline” for “Internet+Health Care” in Shandong province released

July 15th, 2019 | by

On July 11th, the Shandong Provincial Government issued the “Notification on the Construction Plan for Promoting a Demonstration Province of ‘Internet+Health Care’ from 2019 to 2020.” The “Notification” stipulates that to achieve the real-time exchange and sharing of medical data, the construction of a “traceability system of drugs,” a “pre-warning and detecting system of medicines in short supply,” and a “prescription circulation platform” should be promoted. The “Notification” indicates that the construction of “Internet Hospitals” based on medical institutes is encouraged, and the “consulting or prescribing medicine over the internet” should be widely implemented in Shandong province from 2020.

山东“互联网+医疗健康”的路线图, 来了!

来源:医药网 2019.07.15


A unified national insurance standardized​ system will be established

June 28th, 2019 | by

On June 27th, the National Health Security Administration(NHSA) issued the “Guideline on the Standardisation of Medical Security.” The “Guideline” indicates that the exchange of medical security information in China has begun to use a common language——the “Coding Standard.” Now, the NHSA has completed four “Coding Standards”. Among them, the “Code and Classification of Medical Insurance Drugs” covers all drugs approved by the NMPA and realizes “one-code-for-one-drug”, which makes it easier for the public to inquire about drug information and provides resource sharing. The “Guideline” also indicates that the NHSA will focus on the standardization of medical insurance funds, medical price management, the medical security system and so on.


来源:医药网 2019.06.28


Major Tasks of Medical Reform in 2019

June 5th, 2019 | by

On June 4th, the General Office of the States Council officially issued the “Notification of Major Tasks of deepening the reform of the medical and health system in 2019.” The “Notification” clarifies that the National Health Commission should issue a list of drugs that are suggested to be imitated. The State Medical Insurance Bureau and other departments should promote the national organized centralized procurement and use of drugs, and strengthen the supervision of the quality of selected drugs, the priority use of selected drugs in public medical institutions of pilot areas, the payment settlement, and the production of both selected drugs and raw materials. Besides, these departments should also accelerate the reform of medical insurance payment methods and carry out the pilot program of DRGS payment.


来源:医药网 2019.06.05

核心提示:6月4日,国务院办公厅正式发布《深化医药卫生体制改革2019年重点工作任务的通知》。《通知》明确,国家卫生健康委应发布鼓励仿治药品目录; 国家医保局等部门推进国家组织药品集中采购和使用试点,加强对中标药品质量、试点地区公立医疗机构优先使用和药款结算、中标药品及原料药生产的检测等工作。另外,应加快推进医保支付方式改革,开展按疾病诊断相关分组付费试点。

Yinchuan implemented “prescription sharing”

June 3rd, 2019 | by

Recently, the Yinchuan Prescription Sharing Platform connected six municipal hospitals to realize prescription sharing. The platform unifies the prescriptions of all hospitals, communities, and internet hospitals throughout the city to ensure drug safety. At the same time, patients can choose pharmacies and purchase methods according to various selection modes such as the lowest price, nearest distance, self-service to get medicines, or third-party delivery. Mr. Ma Xiaofei, director of the Yinchuan Health Committee, stated that because the platform has reduced the number of prescriptions that licensed pharmacists should review, it will relieve the pressure of the shortage of licensed pharmacists and solve the problem of licensed pharmacist renting their licenses to others.


来源:医药网 2019.06.03


Pharmacists are allowed to practice medicine at more than one pharmacies

May 24th, 2019 | by

On May 24th, Shanxi Food and Drug Administration issued the “Notification on strengthening the management of licensed pharmacists in pharmacy chains,” which encourages licensed pharmacists to practice medicine at more than one branches during holidays and off-hours. The “Notification” indicates that licensed pharmacists in branches can check prescriptions as telework to serve patients during their off-hours. To solve the shortage of licensed pharmacists in towns and villages, pharmacists in the township can assume the responsibility of licensed pharmacists.


来源:制药网 2019.05.24


A list of pilot cities implementing DRG paying is released

May 21st, 2019 | by

On the morning of May 20th, the State Medical Insurance Bureau held a video conference of experimental work that implements DRG paying and announced the list of pilot cities. The list identified a total of 30 cities


来源:新浪医药新闻  2019.05.21


The State issued two construction standards of the information-based traceability system of drugs

May 6th, 2019 | by

Recently, the National Medical Products Administration issued the “Guideline on the construction of an information-based traceability system of drugs” and the „Requests for the coding of the drug traceability code,” which will be implemented since the release date. The “Guideline” indicates that the information-based traceability system should contain a drug traceability system, a collaborative service platform, and a regulatory system. Besides, it should also include the traceability information in the whole process of drug production, circulation, and use, and it fulfils the function of collecting, storing, and sharing the traceability information. The system can be divided into two categories: self-built traceability system of enterprises and traceability system provided by third-party institutions.


来源:制药网 2019.05.06


The Information Age for primary medical institutions is coming

April 29th, 2019 | by

Recently, the National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly issued the “Notification on publishing the Standard for informatization construction of nationwide primary medical institutions.” The “Standard” standardizes the main contents and requests of the informatization construction of primary medical institutions according to the convenience service for residents, service management, hardware and software development, and security.

国家发文 基层医疗机构信息化时代来了!

来源:新浪医药新闻 2019.04.29


Guangdong: Pharmacists are permitted not only to provide medical advice but also charge for prescription

November 20th, 2018 | by

Recently, Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association issued the “Tentative Standard of Pharmaceutical Outpatient Service”. The “Tentative Standard” proposes that pharmacists can serve patients directly through outpatient service. The “Tentative Standard” stipulates that a fixed consulting room should be set up in the outpatient building and a fixed pharmacist’s treatment time should be set every week. Medical institutions should be equipped with pharmacist workstation if possible in order to maintain patient records. Meanwhile, the “Tentative Standard” shows that it is recommended to grant partial prescription authority to pharmacy outpatient pharmacists, which must be approved and filed by the medical department.


来源:医药网 2018.11.20


New method for supervision and management of drug online sale – supervision for online sale should be in accordance with offline sales

May 4th, 2018 | by

On 9th February, the CFDA published the supervision and management method of drug online sale and asked for opinions. The method shows that drug online sales have developed very quickly. However, the supervision laws and regulations are relatively legging behind, so that there are new problems in the supervision link. The CFDA published this method to improve the supervision and ask for opinions. It is required in the method that drug online sales should be in accordance with offline sales; responsibilities should be clarified; based on internet technology of the third-party platform, using internet to supervise internet; “ordering online and delivered offline” is encouraged. (Source: VCBEAT)

总局发布药品网络销售监督管理办法 明确线上线下一致监管原则

来源:动脉网 2018-02-11
