

Kategorie: ‘Other Hot Topics’

Health authorities responded to the issue of doctors accepting rake-off

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 24th December, CCTV reported: “high drug price under the high rake-off”. After the report, CFDA immediately required the Health and Family Planning Administration Departments in Shanghai and Hunan to investigate the issue of high rake-off, publish the result in time and punish the people involved according to relative laws and regulations. Until 26th December, three doctors have been suspended. The involving drugs were stopped as well. Hunan FDA also suspended one involving doctor. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2016-12-26


A tracing system for the distribution of Chinese medicine went online in Hubei

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 28th December, a tracing system for the distribution of Chinese medicine went online at the modern logistics center of Dongxihu in Hubei. The tracing system relies on the information technology and the Internet of Things technology. Customers can use smartphones, internet or terminals and scan the electronic tag on the packages of Chinese medicine products, so that all the distribution information (planting, manufacturing and distributing) can be tracked. The establishment of this system can avoid fake products. (Source:


来源:荆楚网 2016-12-29


18 public hospitals stop drug mark-up in Jiangmen

December 16th, 2016 | by

The pilot implementation plan of the price adjustment of medical services in public hospitals in Jiangmen came recently into effect. According to the implementation plan, the 15% of drug mark-up is cancelled in 18 public hospitals in Jiangmen, to realize the drug sale without added profit (excluding traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces), i.e. the actual purchase price is the sale price. Except the adjustment of the drug price, the prices of more than 90 examination and therapy items and around 2145 inspection items are reduced by 5%-12%. At the same time, the prices of five kinds of medical services which reflect the technical service values are increased, including examination fee, nursing care fee, bed fee, operation fee and therapy fee. (Source: Guangzhou Daily)


来源:广州日报 2016-12-09

核心提示:《江门市城市公立医院医疗服务价格调整实施方案(试行)》近日正式实施。按照该实施方案,江门18所公立医院自此取消原不超过15%的药品加成率,实现药品零差率销售(中药饮片除外),即以实际购进价作为销售价格。除了药品价格的调整,90多项大型医用设备检查治疗项目和约2145项的检验项目收费标准分别下调5%- 12%。与此同时,5类体现医务人员技术劳务价值的医疗服务价格有所提高,其中包括诊查费、护理费、床位费、手术费和治疗费。

Adjusting the price management mode of low-price drugs in Hunan

December 16th, 2016 | by

Hunan Development and Reform Commission recently published an announcement concerning drug prices. The announcement clarifies related policies about drug prices in Hunan medical institutions. According to the announcement, since the publication date of the announcement, sales without added profit should be implemented basing on the actual purchase price, when public medical institutions sell drugs (including secondary vaccine, excluding traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces). For the sale of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces in public medical institutions, the added profit should not exceed 30 % on the basis of the cost price with tax (the wholesale price). The added profit of non-public medical institutions and social retail pharmacies can be formulated by institutions and pharmacies themselves. Drug prices should be shown to the public. (Source: Chinese Medicine News)


来源:中国医药报 2016-12-08


The joint reformation is the key of the health reform in the future

November 30th, 2016 | by

On 21st November, the opening ceremony of the 9th Global Conference on Health Promotion was held in Shanghai. The Premier of the State Council LI Keqiang said that the reform of public hospitals should be deepened; the system of basic health insurance should be improved and the security system of the drug supply should be reformed. Therefore, more focuses should be put on the joint reformation for public health services, medical insurance, and medical production-circulation. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-11-24


Average rate of profit: -5.5% – serious loss of pharmaceutical e-commerce

November 30th, 2016 | by

Recently, the director of the institute of southern pharmaceutical economics at CFDA met for their 28th conference of national pharmaceutical economic information. There it was stated that last year the estimated gross profit rate of the pharmaceutical e-commerce was 17.6%, while the average expense ratio was 23.1%. Thus, the average rate of profit is calculated to be -5.5%. Even though most of the e-commerce does not improve the profit, pharmaceutical enterprises still show much passion for online pharmacies. The latest data from the database of CFDA shows that there are 598 pharmaceutical enterprises have licenses for selling drugs online – 69 enterprises more than the end of last year. (Source: Chinamsr)

平均利润率-5.5% 医药电商亏损严重难以盈利

来源:中国医药联盟 2016-11-28


Beijing: hospital independent pricing is coming

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, new regulations were published in Beijing. From 1st January 2017, public medical institutions will implement independent pricing for special medical services, new medical services and parts of the current medical services. It is said to be the second step of the price reform of medical service in Beijing. Earlier the price of the first-aid service has been adjusted. The vice director of Beijing Health and Family Planning Commission – Zhong Dongbo said, according to the plan of Beijing Development and Reform Commission, the medical service price reform will be carried out in three steps. A dynamic adjustable, systematic manageable price system will be explored and set up in the end. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2016-11-22


The strictest rule against transfusion at outpatient service

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, Tianjin Health and Family Planning Commission published an announcement about regulating the management work of antibacterial agent transfusion. All medical institutions should carry out investigations about the current situation of antibacterial agent transfusion. After analyses, assessments, studies and judges, relevant measures should be planned to implement the “ten key information of rational drug use”, which was formulated by National Health and Family Planning Commission. Until the end of 2016, all antibacterial agent transfusion should stop at outpatient services (except pediatrics). For pediatrics, relevant diagnosis and treatment rules must be followed strictly. The indications of antibacterial agent transfusion must be accurately seized, to avoid any irrational drug use. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-11-16


All public hospitals will cancel the drug mark-up

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, the General Office of the Communist Party of China, and the General Office of the State Council forwarded instructions about the further promotion of the health reform. The instructions mention that new operation systems should be built up in public hospitals and the drug mark-up should be cancelled in all public hospitals. Modern hospital management systems should be set up with performance assessments. The assessment results should be connected to the financial aids of hospitals, health insurance payment, total merit pay, salary of hospital directors and etc., to set up incentive and constraint systems. (Source: Beijing Times)


来源:京华时报 2016-11-09


Pilot “electronic prescriptions” in retail pharmacies in Chengdu

November 23rd, 2016 | by

To solve the problems of the sale and supervision of prescription drugs, and to meet the demand of purchasing drugs, the pilot project of “electronic prescriptions” is being carried out in Chengdu. Until now, around 3000 pharmacies in Chengdu offer the consultation service, and 1800 pharmacies carry out the pilot project of electronic prescriptions, where people can get consultations, electronic prescriptions and review electronic prescriptions for free. (Source: Economic Information Daily)


来源:经济参考报 2016-11-11
