

Kategorie: ‘Other Hot Topics’

The program of Healthcare 2030 in China is published – Internet + healthcare may bring trillions of business opportunities

November 23rd, 2016 | by

“Healthcare in China” has become the national strategy for the first time. The Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council recently published the layout plan of Healthcare 2030 in China. Until 2030, an integrated healthcare industrial system with an optimized structure will be established; large enterprises with strong innovative ability and international competitiveness will be formed; the total scale of healthcare service industry will reach 16 trillion. With the implementation of the plan of Healthcare in China, many industrial fields will encounter big development opportunities. (Source: The Communication Information News)

“健康中国2030”规划出台 互联网+医疗或释放万亿商机

来源:通信信息报 2016-11-03


2016 Chinese cross-border medicine trade development summit meeting wrapped up

November 23rd, 2016 | by

The 2016 Chinese cross-border medicine trade development summit meeting, i.e. the special discussion forum of the Indian market, was held on 24th -25th October in Shenzhen. This summit meeting was organized by Drugdu and China Healthcare Business Development (CHBD) and attracted more than 100 people to discuss the future development of the medicine cross-border industry together. Participants included leaders of excellent Chinese and Indian pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmaceutical researchers, Internet pioneers of vertical industry and financial investments elites. The discussion of the summit meeting focused on: (1) the basic rule and cooperation model of overseas market development; (2) registration regulation requirements and the characters of market channels in developing countries; (3) integration of platform sources and transboundary development. (Source: Bioon)


来源:生物谷 2016-10-26


The health insurances for urban and rural residents will be integrated comprehensively in 2017

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, the General Office of the government of Henan Province published the implementation opinions about the integration of basic health insurance systems for urban and rural residents. From next year, a unified health insurance system for urban and rural residents will be implemented in Henan Province. More than 80 million rural residents will have the same health insurance treatment as 11 million urban residents. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)


来源:新华社 2016-10-25


The outpatient clinic of medication consultation is under planning in Beijing

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals held the finals of the 2016 competition of pharmacists’ counselling skills. The deputy director of Beijing Municipal Administration said that they were actively planning to set up the outpatient clinic of medication consultation in municipal hospitals. The public Wechat account of “Beijing Pharmacists” will come out soon, to offer more individualized, continuously traceable consultation services with evident featured specialties. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2016-10-19


The schedule of the one-invoice system is published in Zhejiang

November 23rd, 2016 | by

On 17th October, Zhejiang FDA published the promoting work plan for the new drug procurement platform. All public medical institutions in Zhejiang are covered in the implementing scope of the new platform with three time nodes (31st October 2016, 31st December 2016 and 31st May 2017). The aim of the new drug procurement platform is to carry out the one-invoice system. Manufacturers make out an invoice directly to medical institutions, and with the help of the information platform, the flows of information, capital and logistics are joint together. After the delivery of drugs and the acceptance by medical institutions, medical institutions should finish the payment within 29 days. On the next day after manufacturers receiving the payment, medicine delivery enterprises should be paid. (Source: Menet)


来源:米内网 2016-10-20


Suning Pharmacy went online

November 23rd, 2016 | by

In the recent years, Suning has transformed their offline chain stores for household appliances to comprehensive e-commerce. Now it starts to step into the third-party platform of pharmaceutical e-commerce. Recently, Suning Pharmacy went online. At the moment some healthcare products, e.g. medical instruments and contact lenses, are already available online. However, OTC drugs are not covered yet. (Source:

苏宁易购医药馆上线 医药电商市场竞争激烈

来源:亿欧网 2016-10-14


New model of “Internet+” helps to solve drug sale problems

November 23rd, 2016 | by

On 13th October, Nanchong FDA said that a pilot management system of retail electronic records will be carried out in Gaoping District. This system is a positive exploration to solve supervision problems of the sale of prescription drugs. Furthermore it offers a solution to the problem of pharmacies that they are lack of sources of records. With the help of public medical institutions, the system offers free services to customers by Internet outpatient service. The free services include free health consulting, diagnosis of mild cases, electronic ordinary prescriptions and instructions of taking medicine. (Source: Nanchong News)

“互联网+”新模式 破解南充处方药销售难题

来源:南充新闻网 2016-10-14


Pharmacists in Beijing shall be dressed as required with badges

November 23rd, 2016 | by

On 18th October, Beijing FDA said that from October, licensed pharmacists at drug retail enterprises shall be dressed as required and wear dedicated badges (as shown below). This stipulation will be promoted in the practicing standards of licensed pharmacists in the future. (Source: Beijing Evening)

北京药师将按规定着装 统一佩戴专用徽章胸卡

来源:北京晚报 2016-10-19


New stipulation in Guangzhou: shampoo and washing powder are not available anymore with the health insurance card

November 23rd, 2016 | by

Recently, associated with Guangzhou GDA, Guangzhou Human Resources and Social Security Office published the management agreement of designed retail pharmacies for social health insurance. The agreement stipulates that the insurance personnel may use the fund in personal accounts to pay for drugs. However, the purchase of healthcare products and cosmetics is limited. If any pharmacy violates the agreement, it will be considered as illegal behaviors. (Source: Nanfang Daily)

广州出台新规 医保卡不能再买洗头水洗衣粉

来源:南方日报 2016-10-14


Two-invoice system in Anhui since 1st November

October 18th, 2016 | by

On 8th October, Anhui FDA published the announcement about the implementation of the two-invoice system for drug purchase in Anhui. The announcement says that the implementation will begin from 1st November. All drug purchases of medical institutions should obey the two-invoice rule, which means drug manufacturers invoice drug distributors once and drug distributors invoice once public medical institutions for drugs. (Source: Anhui FDA)

6部门发文 安徽省“两票制”11月1日起执行

来源:安徽省食品药品监督管理局官网 2016-10-10


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