

Kategorie: ‘Pharmaceutical Company News’

The 13th Five-Year Plan for the industry of pharmaceutical distribution came out

February 10th, 2017 | by

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce published the industrial development plan of pharmaceutical distribution (2016-2020). The plan cleared the overall goals for the industry of pharmaceutical distribution during the 13th Five-Year. There are five key tasks in the plan: 1. reasonable planning of the industrial layout and integrating the drug distribution network; 2. improving the level of distribution management and training modern pharmaceutical suppliers; 3. innovating the industrial business model, and expanding the service function of the industry; 4. combining import and export, improving the openness of the industry; 5. strengthening the infrastructure of the industry,  and improving the ability of industrial service. (Source: Shanghai Securities News)

药品流通业十三五规划出炉 药品零售企业将迎来利好

来源:上海证券报 2016-12-30


FDA and hospitals start to block medical representatives

February 10th, 2017 | by

After CCTV exposing that doctors accepted rake-off in Shanghai and Hunan, FDAs and hospitals in various regions started to take actions to block medical representatives. (Source: Saibailan)


来源:赛柏蓝器械 2016-12-28


Health authorities responded to the issue of doctors accepting rake-off

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 24th December, CCTV reported: “high drug price under the high rake-off”. After the report, CFDA immediately required the Health and Family Planning Administration Departments in Shanghai and Hunan to investigate the issue of high rake-off, publish the result in time and punish the people involved according to relative laws and regulations. Until 26th December, three doctors have been suspended. The involving drugs were stopped as well. Hunan FDA also suspended one involving doctor. (Source: Health News)


来源:健康报 2016-12-26


The Chinese Medicine law is finally issued after brewing for 30 years

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 25th December, the Chinese Medicine law was issued. It is the first national law which aims at promoting the traditional Chinese medicine. It offers powerful legal support to develop the healthcare of Chinese medicine. The Chinese Medicine law contains 9 chapters with 63 terms and will come into effect on 1st July, 2017. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)


来源:新华社 2016-12-26


A tracing system for the distribution of Chinese medicine went online in Hubei

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 28th December, a tracing system for the distribution of Chinese medicine went online at the modern logistics center of Dongxihu in Hubei. The tracing system relies on the information technology and the Internet of Things technology. Customers can use smartphones, internet or terminals and scan the electronic tag on the packages of Chinese medicine products, so that all the distribution information (planting, manufacturing and distributing) can be tracked. The establishment of this system can avoid fake products. (Source:


来源:荆楚网 2016-12-29


Smart pharmacy for Chinese medicines in Kunming – only 10 min for dispensing

January 31st, 2017 | by

The smart pharmacy for Chinese medicines came recently into use in the 2nd People’s Hospital in Kunming. The smart pharmacy uses the smart deploy system and connects to the information system of the hospital seamlessly. The prescriptions of Chinese medicines can be taken in real time and the dispensing will be conducted automatically to realize a precise weighing, reasonable dispensing and standard packaging. (Source: XinhuaNet)

昆明启用智能化中药房 看病取药仅需10分钟

来源:新华网云南频道 2016-12-24


Health reform in the next five years is set down by the State Council

January 31st, 2017 | by

On 21st December, Premier Li Keqiang chaired a State Council executive meeting. To deepen the health reform became the important topic again. Detailed deploy was decided at the meeting. The key task during the 13th five year plan is to reduce the drug price. Controlling the price and reimbursement of the health insurance will still be the key point of the reform in the next year. Besides, the process will be accelerated, so that patients at the outpatient service may buy drugs at retail pharmacies according to the prescriptions. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2016-12-22


Hospitals default in tens of billions – the department of commerce starts to intervene

January 31st, 2017 | by

A while ago, the department of Commerce in Hunan sent letters to the health reform office in Hunan and informed them that several hospitals in Hunan have stopped the payments for drugs for three months because “the drug operation cost and drug management fee were not embodied in hospitals”. Recently, the pharmaceutical distribution industry association Hunan showed that since the beginning of 2016, 20 public hospitals have defaulted on the drug payment in more than 10 billion yuan. To maintain the normal supply, some pharmaceutical manufacturers have to take out loans from non-government institutions with high interest rates. The loss from it can be 200 thousand yuan per month. (Source: Bioon)


来源:生物谷 2016-12-22


Three national standards for Chinese medicine codes were implemented in six pharmaceutical companies

January 31st, 2017 | by

On 21st December, a press conference was held in Shenzhen, Guangdong. The occasion was the one-year anniversary of three national standards, including “Chinese medicine coding regulations”. It is said that three national standards (“Chinese medicine formulae coding regulations”, “Chinese medicine regulations”, and “codes and indications of Chinese medicine in the supply chain management”) were already implemented in six Chinese medicine manufacturers in Shenzhen. Through the identification of Chinese medicine, a third-party platform and an evaluation system were created; QR codes were offered for scanning; a tracing system was being built up step by step; a safeguard mechanism of drug safety was built up. (Source: China News of Traditional Chinese Medicine)


来源:中国中医药报 2016-12-22


Adjusting the price management mode of low-price drugs in Hunan

December 16th, 2016 | by

Hunan Development and Reform Commission recently published an announcement concerning drug prices. The announcement clarifies related policies about drug prices in Hunan medical institutions. According to the announcement, since the publication date of the announcement, sales without added profit should be implemented basing on the actual purchase price, when public medical institutions sell drugs (including secondary vaccine, excluding traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces). For the sale of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces in public medical institutions, the added profit should not exceed 30 % on the basis of the cost price with tax (the wholesale price). The added profit of non-public medical institutions and social retail pharmacies can be formulated by institutions and pharmacies themselves. Drug prices should be shown to the public. (Source: Chinese Medicine News)


来源:中国医药报 2016-12-08
