

Kategorie: ‘Pharmaceutical Company News’

Smart supervision platform for medical treatment goes online – violations will be automatically given an alarm

January 20th, 2018 | by

Health and Family Planning Commission in Hubei has recently launched the smart supervision platform for medical treatment services. When doctors prescribe drugs, the related data will be uploaded to the platform for synchronization. If there is any violation, the platform will give an alarm automatically.  The platform is known to be on trial in provincial-governed hospitals and will be promoted to all hospitals in Hubei Province in 2018. (Source: Chutian City News)

医疗智能监管平台上线 遇违规行为将自动警报

来源:楚天都市报 2017-12-11

核心提示:湖北省卫生计生委近日已启动医疗服务智能监管平台。 医生在开具处方时,相关数据会同步上传到平台。如有违反规则的行为,平台将自动弹出警报提醒。据了解,该平台目前正在部省属医院试用,2018年将在全省各医院推开。

Separating “drugs” from hospitals will spread to all public hospitals in Beijing

November 7th, 2017 | by

On 8th April, the health reform in Beijing started, which covers more than 3600 public medicine institutions in Beijing. The health reform mainly covers three aspects. Firstly, the sale of all drugs are without mark-up. A medical service fee is set instead. Secondly, the standard of medical service terms will be set to realize adjustments. Thirdly, the “Sunny” group purchase will be organized for drug purchase. (Source: Workers Daily)


来源:工人日报 2017-04-11


The qualifications of six national medical sentinel hospitals are cancelled

March 21st, 2017 | by

Some national medical sentinel institutions are found with illegal behaviors. Beijing medical insurance center said that the basic health insurance service agreements between them and some hospitals, including Beijing Xiangyun Skin Care Clinic and other five hospitals will be cancelled on 13th March. The illegal behaviors of those six hospitals are: some examinations, diagnoses and bills were fake; some regulations related to the real-name system were not followed; CT staffs did not have correct qualifications; drug managements were disordered. (Source: Beijing Daily)


来源:北京日报 2017-02-23


New national reimbursement drug list comes out – changes in 376 varieties

March 21st, 2017 | by

On 23rd February, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security published the new national reimbursement drug list (Version 2017) for the national basis health insurance, occupational insurance and maternity insurance. (Source: Chinamsr)


来源:中国医药联盟 2017-02-24


Paying by insurance card is suspended at 19 pharmacies in Xi’an due to the fraud

February 22nd, 2017 | by

Recently, the social security center of the Xi’an Human Resources and Social Security Bureau carried out the inspection at health-insurance-designated retail pharmacies. In the inspection, it has been found out that in some pharmacies, it was possible to buy household items paying by health insurance cards. According to relevant rules, 19 pharmacies with the fraud are punished with suspension of their businesses. (Source:


来源:西部网 2017-02-16


New policies for vaccine come again

February 22nd, 2017 | by

On 7th February, the State Council announced to further strengthen the management work of vaccine distribution and vaccination. 6 aspects are carried out to keep the focus on vaccine quality and security of vaccination: 1. improving the management mechanism of vaccine; 2. accelerating the self-research of vaccine and the improvement of the quality; 3. strengthening the whole-process management of the vaccine distribution; 4. regulating the vaccination management; 5. Carrying out the safeguard measures; 6. Strengthening the supervision and inspection. (Source: Menet)


来源:米内网 2017-02-09


New phase of development – the healthcare industry might be restructured

February 22nd, 2017 | by

On 9th February, the State Council published an announcement stating several opinions about the further reform and improvement of the policy of drug manufacturing, distribution and utility. The announcement illustrates the top-down design in the reform directions of drug production, distribution and utility. The implementation of the announcement might restructure the layout of the industry. The healthcare industry might develop into a new phase. (Source:

发展进入新周期 医药行业或将重构格局

来源:大洋网 2017-02-15


Wang Jianlin spending 15 billion to build up Wanda chain hospitals

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 18th January at the annual meeting of “2017 Winter Davos” the chairman of the board of Wanda Group, Wang Jianlin said that he was considering starting chain hospitals. It is reported that on 6th January, 2016 Wanda Group signed the cooperation agreement with British International Hospitals Group Limited (IHG) in Beijing. According to the agreement, Wanda invests 15 billion for three comprehensive international hospitals in Shanghai, Chengdu and Qingdao. Three hospitals will be operated and managed by IHG with the brand of IHG. This has been the biggest investment in this field from Chinese enterprises. It is also the first implemented project for IHG to run hospitals in China. (Source: Chinamsr)

王健林出手 已花150亿建立万达连锁医院

来源:中国医药联盟 2017-01-19

核心提示:当地时间1月18日,万达集团董事长王健林在瑞士达沃斯召开的“2017冬季达沃斯”年会上公开表示,正在考虑做连锁医院。据悉,2016年1月6日,万达集团已经在北京完成了与英国国际医院集团(International HospitalsGroup Limited,简称IHG)的合作协议签订。根据双方协议,万达总投资150亿元,在上海、成都、青岛建设三座综合性国际医院,由IHG运营管理并使用IHG品牌。首次出手医疗领域的万达创造了中国企业在该领域最大的一笔投资,这一项目也成为IHG在中国运营管理医院的第一个落地项目。

Pilot project in Beijing: delivery from manufacturer to patients

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 13th January at a conference of the Beijing People’s Congress, an officer from Beijing Health and Family Planning Commission said there will be a pilot project about the delivery of drugs in Beijing. Drugs will be delivered to patients by manufacturers directly without pharmacies, so that the space and labor in medical institutions can be saved. However, the prescriptions from doctors are still needed for the delivery. (Source: CN-healthcare)

北京将进行试点 药企对患者送药上门

来源:健康界 2017-01-18


Charging according to diseases: the catalogue is extended to 320 diseases

February 10th, 2017 | by

On 16th January, the Health and Family Planning Commission and Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Development and Reform Commission published an announcement of promoting the charging system according to diseases. It is required to extend the range of charging according to diseases in all regions. A catalogue with 320 diseases was published for usage. In this charging system, every disease has a certain amount of fee. If the hospital doesn’t spend this much, it may keep the rest; otherwise the medical institution should pay the extra part. This is a pre-payment model, which is better for the health insurance to control the payment, comparing to the post-payment system according to items. (Source: National Business Daily)

按病种收费目录扩至320个 白血病糖尿病等可实现“一口价”

来源:每日经济新闻 2017-01-18
